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Thread: 10 Cloverfield Lane a.k.a. The Sequel To Cloverfield

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I definitely wonder how a WW2 movie is going to end up fitting in to all of this.
    I wondered that. And its a simple answer. In the Cloverfield Paradox, it states that the particle accelerator can rip holes in our dimension, other dimensions, and ultimately bring monsters, beasts, and creatures not just to our time, but to events in the past, AND the future. SO basically its like this:

    Cloverfield Paradox happens. This causes Monster to crap all over NY in Cloverfield 1, also causes monsters/aliens to appear in 10 Cloverfield Lane. They picked a super easy thing to capitalize on. Those two movies happened 8 years apart from each other, and in the universe, so WWII era could easily have monsters inserted into it as a reaction to the particle accelerator in Paradox.

  2. #62
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    One thing I liked about the first Cloverfield is that it didn't bother to explain itself, after a 20 minute introduction you are just in for a wild ride. Watched the new one I feel I need to watch it again. The goat head on my bedpost wouldn't stop talking to me, during the movie.

    Always a bridesmaid, never a corpse.
    Last edited by Sister Midnight; 02-06-2018 at 03:01 PM.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    I wondered that. And its a simple answer. In the Cloverfield Paradox, it states that the particle accelerator can rip holes in our dimension, other dimensions, and ultimately bring monsters, beasts, and creatures not just to our time, but to events in the past, AND the future. SO basically its like this:

    Cloverfield Paradox happens. This causes Monster to crap all over NY in Cloverfield 1, also causes monsters/aliens to appear in 10 Cloverfield Lane. They picked a super easy thing to capitalize on. Those two movies happened 8 years apart from each other, and in the universe, so WWII era could easily have monsters inserted into it as a reaction to the particle accelerator in Paradox.
    That was based on info from what that author guy was talking about right? Hmmm well i certainly hope we get to see some new kind of creatures or something.

  4. #64
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    Some really cool stuff in here for those who may have missed some Easter eggs.

  5. #65
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    Definitely a small pet peeve, but why not title the video "may" have missed? Because there are a lot of these videos where they give an example and I just wonder, "are you making this for the brain dead? How could anyone miss that?"

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Would have been a lot cooler if the shelter that he found was the same shelter from 10CL or something. Eh... 5/10 for me.
    I thought it was but i guess it's just the same set? i forgot where 10CL took place but realized they're in Louisiana and probably a different reality or something.

    Was it made clear exactly where Ava and Michael lived though? obviously a city somewhere in the U.S. but are people just assuming it's in NYC because of the 2008 movie?

  7. #67
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  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    That was based on info from what that author guy was talking about right? Hmmm well i certainly hope we get to see some new kind of creatures or something.
    Yup, you are correct. That has pretty much got to be the only way they can justify a WWII movie. I agree! I am sure we will see some interesting things. I thought Paradox was just OKAY. Nothing to drive home about. Not god awful either. But hoping the next movie will be way better.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    Spoiler: Even being 2000 years old, the creators still consider him an infant in Cloverfield.

    Found this online...
    "The monster is a deep-sea creature with an unknown evolutionary history. The species apparently has a very long life-span, as the creature is still an infant during the events of the film, regardless of being alive for thousands of years. It grew to its massive size through consuming large amounts of Seabed's Nectar, a natural steroid-like substance which is very addictive and causes increased cell division and growth, and is used by Tagruato's subsidiary company, "Slusho!", for use as their secret ingredient in their frozen drink of the same name. At some point afterward, the monster went into a sort of hibernation."

    So being only an infant, he hasn't fully grown yet. Probably raided a Slusho factory or two or three in the decades that past since the events in NYC thus his size in Paradox.
    (If any of this comes off purposefully argumentative or asshole-ish, that wasn't my intent. I'm loving debating this stuff and wish I could do so with Godzilla...)

    Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if you were aware/cared about the ARG elements of Cloverfield, so I didn't bring those up. Also, there's question whether Cloverfield/Kishin is canon (it should be).

    Spoiler: My point was, if the timeline is being altered and this creature has been around for thousands of years, why would you assume it was only awake for 20 years now? There's really no way to rectify the size if it is the same creature over that time period. Unless this thing is "eating" nuclear energy, seriously.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    (If any of this comes off purposefully argumentative or asshole-ish, that wasn't my intent. I'm loving debating this stuff and wish I could do so with Godzilla...)

    Ah, cool. I wasn't sure if you were aware/cared about the ARG elements of Cloverfield, so I didn't bring those up. Also, there's question whether Cloverfield/Kishin is canon (it should be).

    Spoiler: My point was, if the timeline is being altered and this creature has been around for thousands of years, why would you assume it was only awake for 20 years now? There's really no way to rectify the size if it is the same creature over that time period. Unless this thing is "eating" nuclear energy, seriously.
    Spoiler: i'm guessing it's a different creature and that when they opened the rift, the creatures were scattered through the timeline simultaneously, thus also creating alternate timelines

  11. #71
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    This multiverse shit, I get it, but this is exactly why I nearly always think "WHOA RIPPING OPEN THE DIMENSIONAL WHATEVER" is always such a cop out.

    Thing doesn't make sense to half of your demographic? Doesn't matter, alternate timelines. Plot holes? Alternate timelines. And when your original timelines effect other timelines in a way that makes almost no sense without retconning half your story to hell and back? You guessed it, alternate timelines. Wanna make a movie in set in WW2? Or on Jupiter? Or in an alternate reality where humans have always lived on Jupiter and have their own WW2? Hey man, fuck it, just make it a new timeline.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 02-07-2018 at 07:06 PM.

  12. #72
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    Overlord (aka the 4th Cloverfield movie) coming to theaters October 26th, 2018...


  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I thought it was but i guess it's just the same set? i forgot where 10CL took place but realized they're in Louisiana and probably a different reality or something.

    Was it made clear exactly where Ava and Michael lived though? obviously a city somewhere in the U.S. but are people just assuming it's in NYC because of the 2008 movie?
    When they first go into the shelter, the entrance looks just like the one Stambler was holding. But after going back, they do not look the same. Unless this is a different entrance to the bunker, the main door had a huge staircase going to the door. Now, I thought this was interesting that the news anchor talking to the other Stambler is the same woman who is banging on the door to let her in the shelter in 10. I cannot see them using the same actress for no reason. Maybe she spoke to him in a someway after and caught wind of the shelter? Nonetheless, I love the speculation.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    This multiverse shit, I get it, but this is exactly why I always see "WHOA RIPPING OPEN THE DIMENSIONAL WHATEVER" is always such a cop out.
    It is a cop out most of the time; I'm reserving judgment in this case for the fourth movie.

    It's not only a multiverse problem, but something that happens when you really try to "broaden" an established mythos. Lost, The Matrix, The X-Files are prime examples (in my mind).

  15. #75
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    This movie was far from the greatest movie ever, but it certainly wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of folks made it out to be. Was it cliche at times? Sure. But I can say I was never really bored and I found it overall well done. Might be one of those flicks I watch a second time and realize how much of a piece of shit it is (Prometheus), but as of right now I thought it was fine and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one.

  16. #76
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    I LOVED 10 Cloverfield Lane.

    The Cloverfield Paradox? Not so much. I mean, it's..fine. It wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, but I also have no real desire to ever see it again. It just seemed a little rushed, half-assed, and a mash-up of sci-fi cliches. I liked some of the cast, though.

    Hopefully the fourth is better.

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  19. #79
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    I quite enjoyed 10 Cloverfield Lane. I'm curious to see what a direct sequel will be like. Cloverfield Paradox was forgettable.

  20. #80
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    10CL was fantastic and one of my favorite movies. So it is considered the second installment in the franchise and not a sequel like I was led to believe. Paradox is just whatever for me; it was pretty bad but at least we got the answer to the satellite fiasco from the first one, right?

    So I'm wondering now with a direct sequel, where 10CL fits in with all of this. I need a brush up.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    10CL was fantastic and one of my favorite movies. So it is considered the second installment in the franchise and not a sequel like I was led to believe. Paradox is just whatever for me; it was pretty bad but at least we got the answer to the satellite fiasco from the first one, right?

    So I'm wondering now with a direct sequel, where 10CL fits in with all of this. I need a brush up.
    I want a sequel to 10 Cloverfield Lane.

  22. #82
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    This may help?

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