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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #931
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    It'll bum me out to no end if we never just get a great Spidey-Daredevil team up. They're such a classic team up and while I have no idea how I feel about Tom Holland yet, Charlie Cox is just killing it as Murdock right now. AND they have the perfect Kingpin. If Punisher could get tossed into that mix I'd never say a harsh word about Avengers 2 ever again.
    Hell my first exposure to both Daredevil AND The Punisher were from the 90s Spider-Man cartoon, i would go crazy for something like that.

  2. #932
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    It's really weird to have it be the elephant in both rooms and nobody really talks about it.

    I don't need daredevil to cruise around with starlord or fight the hulk. I don't need Jessica Jones to join the avengers... but like... something

  3. #933
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    It's a major problem for me too. Simply acknowledging that the events of The Avengers happened in Manhattan when we're watching DD & JJ and then moving on is not acceptable. We need more cameos and interactions. We need AoS to have a quick convo where they give their opinion of the masked vigilante in NYC, or the rumors of the girl with powers with a newspaper cover in someone's hand. Or vice versa...have SHIELD acknowledged in the Netflix shows with one of those characters showing up. This shit isn't complicated. Rework those contracts people.

  4. #934
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    I was really hoping for at least a reference to The Punisher during The winter Soldier with what happens to Nick Furry.
    At the very least in the DD show reference Castle and Nick Furry.

    They still have time to tie all the characters together in some sort of fashion that doesn't interfere with the established timelines.
    A one-shot short movie, just like what they've done for the home releases of the MCU movies is all it takes to fix it.

  5. #935
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    ...Nick Furry...

  6. #936
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    Doctor Strange's trailer drops tonight! Am I the only one doing the Snoopy dance over it?

  7. #937
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    Easy fix:

    A scene of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage or somebody together in some warehouse or random empty building investigating something only for Matt to stop, something blasting in his ears approaching in the distance before tackling Jessica to get out of the way when suddenly a huge blur of green CGI busts through the wall, exiting the same through the one opposite.

    Luke is left standing with splinters or concrete dusting off of him like it's nothing. Falcon flies through, his jetstream making Jessica's hair fly and everyone to stand back.

    Captain America comes running in behind them, pausing, looking at everyone and saying "Sorry, he does that. SHIELD should send you a check." and then sprint off in pursuit, leaving Luke to say "Were they the --" and Jessica to go, "Yeah." And Matt still seems stunned, saying, "But really, that was Captai --" Jessica interrupts with another "Yeah," everyone in disbelief, Jessica rolling her eyes at Matt's goofy smirk and the scene cuts.

    Suddenly it feels like they're all running around the same New York, we get a cool cameo from Cap and Falcon and Hulk can be moving so fast that the actors aren't even required, just smears of CGI and you only need, like, forty seconds to do it and do it well. Any simple variation of that type of scene. It wouldn't even interrupt or change the plot of an episode too much. It's really not asking for much. A web shooting through the hole and a blue and red blur pulling itself through would also be more than welcomed but who knows what kind of TV rights situation Sony has going on.

  8. #938
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Still bummed Netflix marvel won't Tangle with cinema marvel. Lame.
    I didn't know that was the case. Now I feel less inclined to finish watching Daredevil.

  9. #939
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    Well, that's just goofy..."Daredevil" is EASILY among the finest accomplishments of the MCU. Letting the scheduling/licensing/contractual difficulties which complicate Netflix/TV/movie crossovers get in the way of enjoying it would be a HUGE mistake.

    Personally, as much as I'd like the MCU to be more FULL-ON and ALL-OUT with the crossover elements, having the movies as the core around which the Netflix/MCU spin-offs dance is still great and LOTS of neat, interwoven fun, so I'm more than happy with what we've gotten to date.

    That said, hopefully they can work it out someday!

  10. #940
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    Consider how bloated and over-extended some of the comics crossover events can be, I'm thankful we haven't seen much yet beyond easter eggs.

  11. #941
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Consider how bloated and over-extended some of the comics crossover events can be, I'm thankful we haven't seen much yet beyond easter eggs.
    I just wish even one cameo would happen, maybe catch a street-level view of what it feels like to see an Avenger. Have Hulk's mayhem cause Matt's senses to blow up like Facebook after a wedding announcement, a big mess of green trashing a car in the distance. Have Foggy look up one day while getting coffee and trying to smooth-talk that cop that hates him and see Thor zipping through the sky, red cape trailing in the air. Have Jessica hear a thwipping sound and see leftover web fluid clinging to a brick wall while tracking somebody for a case.

    Honestly if they just had in the background a shot of Avengers Tower with Iron Man and Falcon and War Machine or Thor flying to the rooftop entrance in the distance, it would be enough for a lot of people. Have Luke point and say "You think we ever gonna get up there?" half-smiling only for Daredevil to laugh it off. Show us how they are a different tier. Make them feel like something that even our blind badass and bullet-shrugging hunk of muscle regard in a higher light. Show us that these people are all in the same New York, where there's only so much room for people to be flying around in metal suits and punching Gods out in the streets.

    None of those would require serious cameos or money or time and they'd feel a lot more "Holy shit they did it!" than just some newspaper prop about the Hulk movie or some guy mentioning Mjolnir or having everyone mention "what happened to New York" despite us never ever seeing any actual aftermath. Those references feel more obligatory to me and less authentic at building a believably intersected world.

  12. #942
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  13. #943
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    OMFG, I am LOVING the hints at Feige's "psychedelia," the adherence to his origin story, and the general awesomeness of it all.

    First question, has the Eye of Agamotto ALWAYS been tied to Dr. Strange's window or is that a NEW thing from the movie? Because it's definitely visible in the design from Cumberbatch's wardrobe. Intriguing!

    LOVE the whole trailer, btw!

    Oh, and core, movie-established MCU events are already ALL OVER the Netflix/TV corners of the MCU, fyi.


  14. #944
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    @Hazekiah none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series unless you count newspaper props which just feel more like "technically" it's the same universe but in function it's really not. It's increasingly hard to buy especially by the time you hit the end of Daredevil where there's literally hundreds of supernatural ninjas running around New York and yet absolutely no one but Matt is present for that. It's the same dillema the movies have where they keep needing to regularly explain why no one is appearing in other people's movies. It's just weird. They're getting better about it, but the Netflix shows haven't done it. They really feel like they may as well be in a different city from The Avengers to me.

    And I do not watch nor do I have any shred of interest in their network TV shows, so I don't know what they put in there but my point still stands since I'm not talking about them.

    I'm going to reserve my judgments on Strange but that trailer left me pretty underwhelmed.

  15. #945
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    Tilda Swinton FTW!!!!!

  16. #946
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @Hazekiah none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series unless you count newspaper props which just feel more like "technically" it's the same universe but in function it's really not. It's increasingly hard to buy especially by the time you hit the end of Daredevil where there's literally hundreds of supernatural ninjas running around New York and yet absolutely no one but Matt is present for that. It's the same dillema the movies have where they keep needing to regularly explain why no one is appearing in other people's movies. It's just weird. They're getting better about it, but the Netflix shows haven't done it. They really feel like they may as well be in a different city from The Avengers to me.

    And I do not watch nor do I have any shred of interest in their network TV shows, so I don't know what they put in there but my point still stands since I'm not talking about them.
    I mean, I like you and I get your overall point...but by "none of these things have actually been shown in any of the Netflix series," etc., are you talking about the ENTIRE property damage to NYC plot thread following The Avengers? Because that was kind of a MAJOR plot point of both the Netflix and ABC runs of the MCU, to say the least.

    It isn't "Hell's Kitchen" anymore, it's "Clinton." But, just like the Carnahan Daredevil proof-of-concept footage had to explain why such a yuppie-ass neighborhood would turn into such a den of sin and organized crime, re-developing it makes PERFECT sense!

    And, fanfic notwithstanding, all they REALLY need to do to cross things over is illustrate the importance of MAJOR plot points across one another, but that's mostly what they've already done anyway! I get that you're not a network TV guy, and it's generally a one way street from the movies to the expanded MCU shows...but that's EXACTLY what "Marvel's Agents of Shield" sought to remedy with their episodes dealing with the set-up to and ramifications of Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World, Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, and I don't even know, probably more.

    And, I'm sorry but the whole "Where was everyone else?" argument seems increasingly baffling, too. You mentioned they "got better at it," but if you watched closely enough all of Phase One was spread out over only a few days. And how hard is it to assume that multiple global threats might overtake one another? Granted, IM3 could've done a WAY better job at that considering the overwhelming GLUT of days involved...but otherwise there's generally PLENTY of room to explain why SHEILD, etc was otherwise occupied. If for no other reason than Hydra interference!



  17. #947
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    What can I say, I'm used to a lifetime of comics and cartoons as a kid in which everyone pops up in each other's stories and know each other. I grew up seeing Spider-Man pop in on the Fantastic Four building and it didn't take something like Galactus invading to prompt that, it just happened at times. Daredevil knows Spidey. Spidey knows the Punisher. These characters interact and meet each other. The Hulk shows up in people's issues out of nowhere and exits not long after. People team up. Sure it can get excessive but in my opinion this is the extreme opposite. One of my favorite aspects of DD S02 was seeing Frank actually be a part of things. There's not enough of that casual interaction, and even then, like with Luke in JJ, it's really just set-up.

    I like it when these characters are established and do things. I just hate how numbingly long it takes for them to get to that at times. The only time you see any big-scale team-ups in their movies seems to be for their film equivalents to "big events" and it's a bummer because that isn't what it takes to get characters interacting elsewhere. I really just don't care for the MCU much at all which is why I often don't talk about it. But I do like DD a lot so I talk about that more often because I just hate to be that person who is always known for bitching, no one cares for that and no one benefits from it. I just don't see why it is any of the number of small cameos or appearances I just mentioned are asking for all that much and I also don't see why you don't get how it's irritating to some people, because I can get that you're cool with it, but some people dislike it and nobody is exactly right or wrong about it.

    It's like they have a toy box full of action figures that they segregate all the time and only let them play together under very specific and very exact circumstances. I get that contracts and actors and production costs, etc. all are part of why -- but what is wrong at all with literally any of the things I said I'd like to see? How would those really cut into those things much in the least? Would you really not think it would be cool to see Iron Man jet-palming around NYC's skyline from time to time in the background? It's just weird to me that these people are all on the same island and never so much as catch a glimpse of each other doing shit is all. I'm not saying that plot points don't intersect, characters don't. Major ones don't. That's just disappointing to me because it's a big part of the fun of the sandbox that is a comic book universe to me. But we can agree to disagree I guess.

  18. #948
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    Totally get what you're saying! Except I already addressed way over half of it, lol.

    Sure, they're all on the same island...except when they're not! The climax full of ninjas which was the end of DDS2 lasted, what? An hour? Likely far less. Even if the Avengers WEREN'T preoccupied with more pressing, global matters, that's still not much time to assemble the team, form a plan, and hit 'em hard. For something WAY below their radar that they had almost no way of knowing about till it was underway and already dealt with, no less.

    See? For every "What if...?" about the Avengers chipping in there are a million reasons they'd be busy instead or else not even know bout it till it was done. The Avengers are there for GLOBAL threats, not clandestine ninja affairs dealt with by relatively unpowered peeps on the street overnight.

    Speaking of which, it's NOT like they have a whole toy box to play with, either. It's more like some kid went bankrupt, and now he has to play with certain toys, except when he's allowed to play with others, has to beg permission for certain toys from the brats he sold them to when he needed lunch money, and can still only play with certain figures in certain playgrounds and is still figuring out how to navigate that shit, lol. WAAAAY more complicated, to say the least.

    I don't know. Maybe I just grew up waiting my entire life for this stuff so I appreciate all the awesome shit we're finally getting more than people who just expect it to fall into their laps immediately. Would I love to see Berthal's Punisher take a crack at what's-his-face's Spider-Man? Or The X-Men vs. The Avengers? Or EVERYONE vs. Galactus?

    Sure. But I've also been paying attention and realize it's more complicated than that,

    Not to mention the fact that paying some starving comic artists to cross-pollinate in-house pulp fiction comics cranked out on a monthly basis is VASTLY simpler than merging the divvied-up rights to a bunch of characters spread across multi-million dollar venues and years worth of planning.

    I mean...c'mon, lol.

    Marvel already revolutionized comics AND movies, ffs!

    They're still getting there with everything else.

    Give 'em a break! They've certainly earned it and it's not like their Distinguished Competition is catching up anytime soon, right?


  19. #949
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    Why does Steven Strange sound like House?

  20. #950
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    Dr. Strange looks like it could be neat, I know nothing about the character, though.

  21. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    Tilda Swinton FTW!!!!!
    Heck yeah! I have a feeling she's going to steal the show. But when doesn't she? She's always fabulous. It's lurrrrrv!

    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Why does Steven Strange sound like House?
    Both are Brits speaking with an American accent? But where you heard House, I heard Smaug. It's the deep throat Rrrrrs...

    But back to Tilda! :P

  22. #952
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    on the last episode of Daredevil season 2. holy shit. this show is so good. but i really need to stop trying to watch it while i'm eating, because :: barf ::

  23. #953
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    I think the most we'll ever get in terms of crossover between the Netflix series and the movies - at least until Infinity War, potentially - is a minor glimpse, probably by a stand-in, of one of the big guys. Thor streaking across the sky, Cap running down the street, something like that. I can't imagine that the Netflix shows have the budgets to handle more beyond that.

    Now, Spider-Man? I think that's a little different. They could potentially get Tom Holland to do something longer than a cameo, so long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of any of the shows. It's not like Agents of SHIELD where you can drop a big name into a random episode and build around them - though I don't even know if you can do that with SHIELD any more, it's been years since I watched any of it - there's a central plotline for each series and every episode has to contribute to that.

    I don't really see the need to make an explicit connection between the two halves, anyway. I think it's important for the shows to stand on their own merits (which they very much have), not on "Iron Man was in an episode once so this is essential MCU viewing."

  24. #954
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    Quote Originally Posted by Final Destiny View Post
    I think the most we'll ever get in terms of crossover between the Netflix series and the movies - at least until Infinity War, potentially - is a minor glimpse, probably by a stand-in, of one of the big guys. Thor streaking across the sky, Cap running down the street, something like that. I can't imagine that the Netflix shows have the budgets to handle more beyond that.
    That's literally all I'm asking for


    Empire mag and Gamesradar both gave five stars to Civil War. I've been lukewarm in terms of interest but if it ends up being so well-reviewed from other places, I'll definitely have to check it out opening weekend:

    This one is a bit more spoiler-y so if you're sensitive that don't read it:
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 04-14-2016 at 08:20 AM.

  25. #955
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  26. #956
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    Not really a shocker, but Deadpool 2 was just officially greenlit.

  27. #957
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Not really a shocker, but Deadpool 2 was just officially greenlit.
    NO WAYS! :P

    Meanwhile: extended fight scene between Bucky and half of Team Stark (I'm not posting the actual video because there are those who don't like spoilers)

    Dear Tony: being a genius, you should know that trying hand to hand combat with a 99 year old guy with a metal arm who doesn't look a day older than 30 is going to end badly for you.

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  30. #960
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    If anyone in the NYC area wants to hang, I'm about to head downtown and check out the first day of filming for "Iron Fist" w00t. Probably not much happening by now but I found a list of shooting locations for today and I'm close so I figure I might as well take a look.

    I'll be the guy milling around in pigtails and a Decepticon shirt with a camcorder in one hand and a water bottle of vodka in the other, lol.

    Don't be shy!

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