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Thread: Tool

  1. #151
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    Meshuggah was so fucking good when i saw them open for Tool in LI. everyone around me except for a hew headbanging metalheads were so bummed. idiots. YOB will destroy like you said.

  2. #152
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    My friend is saying that on Feb.6 Tool will be down in my area of Ft. Lauderdale, but ticketmaster is only showing Orlando on the 8th. Can anyone confirm this or am I having to take a trip to Orlando?

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    My friend is saying that on Feb.6 Tool will be down in my area of Ft. Lauderdale, but ticketmaster is only showing Orlando on the 8th. Can anyone confirm this or am I having to take a trip to Orlando?
    Yes they will be in Ft Lauderdale on Feb 6th

  4. #154
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  5. #155
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    It takes a lot of meditation to hold that still for 14 minutes, 33 seconds.

  6. #156
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    I wouldn't mind seeing Isis open for Tool again like back in 06' at Nassau. So good.

  7. #157
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    I wish Isis would come out of retirement. They didn't need to do that, Wavering Radiant was amazing.

  8. #158
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    Last edited by Harry Seaward; 01-04-2012 at 05:36 PM.

  9. #159
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    Anyone have a ticket for the Reno show this saturday? All sold out on TM, and my weekend just cleared up.

  10. #160
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    I suggest looking around Fourtheye and ToolNavy, if you haven't already.

    Someone was selling 2 awesome floor seats yesterday, but they're gone already.

  11. #161
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    So...there was a puzzle after all?!

    Check out the article and then hear it for yourself here.

    I have to say, it's an interesting theory, but after hearing it I'm still not completely convinced (though it is possible).

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Watching (more like listening) to this video gave me two thoughts:

    -I'll likely not go out of my way to see Tool live in concert again,

    -I really, really miss having a bomb car stereo with ribcage-rattling subs. I miss it dearly.

  13. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottness View Post
    Watching (more like listening) to this video gave me two thoughts:

    -I'll likely not go out of my way to see Tool live in concert again,
    How did that video bring you to this conclusion?

  14. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    So...there was a puzzle after all?!

    Check out the article and then hear it for yourself here.

    I have to say, it's an interesting theory, but after hearing it I'm still not completely convinced (though it is possible).
    Like I've said before:

    It sounds rad, sure. but it's nothing more than fans over-thinking and over-analyzing the music.

  15. #165
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    wait, wasn't the puzzle in finding 10000 differences between stereo pictures? combined songs don't sound fascinating to me

  16. #166
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    @Harry Seaward: I guess it would be more accurate to say that I won't go out of my way to see them in concert in general, independent of watching the video. I like their music. I've seen them a couple of times live and they do not tickle me.

  17. #167
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    Hooker With A Penis
    Ticks & Leeches
    Pushit (album version)
    Forty-Six & 2
    The Pot
    that was tonight's setlist from the Reno show, first one of the tour. Obviously Hooker, Ticks & Pushit are really cool additions, but otherwise it's the same old, same old. Still refuse to dumb Schism, Aenema, Lateralus and 46 & 2. screw the casual fans, those songs need a rest in some way, shape or form. maybe dont dump all 4, but certainly Schism, right? I dont know...I still stick by my opinion that these shows aren't worth the obscene amounts they're charging based on seeing that setlist. 11 songs, four of which have been played to death? I dont think Hooker, Pushit & Ticks is enough of a wow factor for me. Unless my contact comes through with a free ticket, I'm gonna pass. YOB opening my show at the Meadowlands is very intriguing though.

    here's the poster for the Reno show:

    i like's different for them.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 01-15-2012 at 06:10 AM.

  18. #168
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    So...Spoiler: "Hooker With a Penis" (ok, but nothing to get excited about), Spoiler: "Ticks and Leeches" (bleh), Spoiler: "Jambi" is still on there (snore) and Spoiler: "The Pot" (awful song). Alright. I don't feel too bad about missing this tour any more.

    Edit: For the record, though, I actually think they did change it up enough. Tool only play ten or eleven songs a night, and you have to figure that some songs are staples and are going to be on every set list, just like any other band. I think it sticks out a bit more because they play such few songs. But to me, changing out three or four songs in a ten or eleven song set list is more than enough. I just happen not to like the songs they chose to bring in this time around, so I'm not too bummed I'm missing this particular tour. Hopefully the next time they come around it'll be on the heels of a new album and we'll get something a bit different.
    Last edited by theruiner; 01-16-2012 at 12:03 AM.

  19. #169
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    I thought that setlist was bad ass. Hooker and Ticks were serious surprises. Can't wait to hear Maynard belt those out. All indications were his voice was sounding great and that he looked refreshed and enjoyed. Playing with Puscifer seems like its doing the trick.

    Intension wasn't exactly common either, and Pushit was supposedly epic.

    The real surprise will be when if learn that the setlists won't be the same every night. If the tour is 18 dates, and they play some of these new additions only 5-7 times, how would you feel then? I mean it will probably be close to the same most nights, but I expect there are still some nuggets that will be dropped along the way.

    I get the feeling that some people have just moved on from the band and the complaints aren't so much about the setlist as they are about the falling out from a band they once loved? I think Tool could play Lateralus in full and some people still wouldn't be happy.

  20. #170
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    doing a few diff. songs on only select nights would be cool.

    Lateralus in full would be fun for alot of fans, but not me. I'm in the seeming minority of big Tool fans who absolutely hates the Reflection/Disposition/Triad thing....way too boring for me. Plus, the they'd still be playing Schism haha.

  21. #171
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    I don't understand how anyone could possibly get excited over this band anymore.

  22. #172
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    I do. And if they come anywhere within 500km from me I'll sell my kindey and go. Though considering where I live, that won't happen sooner than the tour for the new album and I will still have to cross a border or two.

  23. #173
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    Ticks and Leaches eh? Wow, that's a shocker! I didn't think Maynard had it in him anymore to scream like that. Thought that was the original reason why they barely ever played that song live back in the day, as it erally did a number on his throat... we'll see how long that stays in the set before he loses his voice.
    But, that song alone is worth the price of admission!

  24. #174
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    I won't be surprised if he sings Spoiler: Ticks through vocoder, like Rosetta

    edit: spoiler'd
    Last edited by fillow; 01-16-2012 at 02:21 AM.

  25. #175
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    Wow. That show was fucking awesome.

    Yes, he used the megaphone for Spoiler: Hooker and Ticks. And yes, it sounded unbearably good. He was spot on for every single note I heard. Opening with Spoiler: Hooker and you guys are fucking complaining? Get out of the thread then, you ungrateful pricks.

    The lyrics changed were hilarious, some have been mentioned already. I especially loved Spoiler: 'sold my soul to fuck your mother' and Spoiler: 'dope Slipknot tee'. He threw a Schleyer in as well, but I can't remember which song. There were a few minor screw ups, but nothing near messing up the show. All the guys seemed to be in a great mood. Maynard was pretty talkative, as was already mentioned. As someone who hates the city of Reno, I appreciated the 'Welcome to Hell.'

    But that is just the beginning...

    As the show was over and they were taking their bows, I ran up to the closest I could get to the stage. Keep in mind, I was fairly close already, Section 102, directly next to the stage. Well I ran up as soon as Danny was tossing out drumsticks and belt out a nice "FUCK YEAH!" and lo and behold, motherfucker tosses a drumstick directly into my hand. (I may be exaggerating, I doubt he tossed it to me on purpose, but you bet your ass I caught that shit.) Awesome. Awesome, awesome. People all around were telling me how rad that was. I proceeded to put it in my coat and hide it all night.

    Well the crowd filed out and I made a beeline to the tour buses. Me and some other guy were there for a while, when we saw a door on the side of the venue swing open. We decided to just nonchalantly walk in. We walked past the catering tables where some people were chilling and eating food, and stopped by some guys drinking beer. Then we were politely escorted out by Justin's friend/manager/agent/something... Drats.

    We decided to hang around at the tour buses anyway. Eventually three other people showed up, one of which was a Fourtheye lurker (what's up bro!) and we shat the shit for a while. Then two other dudes came across the street from their hotel to chill, too. And I say chill, because it wasn't warm in that motherfucker.

    Eventually, someone recognizes Adam Jones lurking in the shadows by one of the buses, so we scream out, "Yo Adam!" and he proceeded to ignore us and enter the bus with his friends. A few minutes later, he got off and when back in the venue. Damn. So we're still being patient and waiting it out, when I see a guy with a shaved head and a big beard talking to a chick. Justin. "Hey, Justin! Thanks man!" He waves and returns to the venue. Fuck.

    THEN, a bit later, Justin returns to the bitter, cold air of Reno. We yell out his name some more, and...he decides to walk over. Fuck yeah. He was hanging out with that same dude who escorted out of the catering area a bit earlier. Justin is wasted and nice as shit. Super personable. He took pictures with everyone who asked, signed shit, shook hands, and chatted a bit. Second time meeting Justin and he was just as cool. (By the way, the dude who said he'd send me an email with the pics didn't sent it yet. =/)

    A few minutes later, we see Adam return with Korrin and a TOOL's big, black bodyguard. He kisses her as she returns to the bus, and... Adam fucking Jones walks over to talk with us fans. He seemed understandably reserved, but had no problem shaking hands and signing tickets. He was much nicer than I imagined him to be. The bodyguard wouldn't let you near him if you were smoking though lol.

    As people were getting things signed by, I glance over by the tour buses to see the one and only Danny Carrey waltzing on over to us. No way this is happening. He whipped out his purple Sharpie and also had no problem signing things and shaking hands. He seemed a bit more reserved than I was expecting, but it was still super rad for him to talk to us. After a few minutes, they departed and we all stood around with the same 'holy shit, no way did that just happen' expressions on our faces.

    I got all of their signatures on my ticket page, because I was too shocked to think about whipping out my poster or my drumstick. Either way, unbelievable night. That's my story, sorry for the dramatization.
    Last edited by Harry Seaward; 01-15-2012 at 06:58 PM.

  26. #176
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    And Maynard was no where to be found. Asshole.

  27. #177
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    I peeked at the setlist (to those who bothered: thanks for the spoiler tags) and I'm pretty stoked for the Toronto show now. Not going to look at any video/photos until after I've seen for myself...

  28. #178
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    ^^Crap! I forgot all about the spoiler tags. Sorry, man. *goes back to edit previous post*

    Quote Originally Posted by AgentofChaos View Post
    The real surprise will be when if learn that the setlists won't be the same every night. If the tour is 18 dates, and they play some of these new additions only 5-7 times, how would you feel then? I mean it will probably be close to the same most nights, but I expect there are still some nuggets that will be dropped along the way.
    I wouldn't feel differently at all. I don't care if they play the same set list every night, as most people only see them once during a tour. It would bother me if they came back to the same exact cities in two years and did the exact same show.

    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward
    Yes, he used the megaphone for Spoiler: Hooker and Ticks. And yes, it sounded unbearably good. He was spot on for every single note I heard. Opening with Spoiler: Hooker and you guys are fucking complaining? Get out of the thread then, you ungrateful pricks.
    Right away, sir! Sorry for disturbing you with a different opinion!
    Last edited by theruiner; 01-16-2012 at 12:08 AM.

  29. #179
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    Having a different opinion is fine, it's just having a shitty attitude about it that's not cool (EDIT: lookin' at you, bobbie solo).
    Last edited by botley; 01-16-2012 at 12:57 AM.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    I started the Tool Hotline because of 10,000 days, and it gets next to no traffic. The Tool fan machine ain't what it used to be.
    I've noticed this too. It is certainly not a function of the fine work you've done on the Hotline over the years.

    My theory is that we've become too jaded as an online music culture for bands like Tool. When everything in the world is a file on a computer it is just too hard to get into a long contemplative track or (God forbid) a whole album.

    Not saying that this in and of itself is good or bad. It is just a shame because so many of us were introduced to new concepts and ways of looking at the world through this band.
    Last edited by botley; 01-16-2012 at 04:28 AM.

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