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Thread: Coronavirus - COVID-19

  1. #91
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    - Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology concludes that 'the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan'
    - It points to research on bats and respiratory diseases carried by the animals at the Wuhan Center for Disease Control and the Wuhan Institute of Virology
    - WCDC is just 300 yards from the seafood market and is adjacent to the hospital

    is the Daily Mail ok again, or is this just bunk?

  2. #92
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    I wouldn't trust anything coming from the Daily Mail ever.

  3. #93
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    thought so, it seemed a little wacky.

    Hospital director dies in Wuhan as China designates dead nurses and doctors as 'martyrs'

    that's a weird thing to designate someone, right?

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    thought so, it seemed a little wacky.

    Hospital director dies in Wuhan as China designates dead nurses and doctors as 'martyrs'

    that's a weird thing to designate someone, right?
    Seems weird. Something lost in translation, maybe?

  5. #95
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    Lots of major news about the virus in the last few days.

    Italy went from like 10 cases to 80 in a couple days
    Iran went from 0 to 28 almost over night.
    South Korea... good god, help them. They're doubling every day and in the mid 500 range now.

    Looks like it's finally happening. Here we go.

  6. #96
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    As someone with a compromised immune system (due to treatments for RA), this shit is making me nervous.

  7. #97
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    I feel for you. My dad had a compromised immune system, and I always worried about him.
    From what I've read, COVID-19 only has a 2% mortality rate, which is low when you compare it to SARS (10%) and MERS (34%). That said, COVID-19 seems way more contagious; I think I read it's a factor of 10 higher. So more people are getting infected, and 2% of 1000 is more than 10% of 100.

    I would highly advise using one of those face masks when you go out in public. Due to the COVID-19 panic, they may be hard to find. If you want, I can mail you 10 of mine, feel free to PM me.

    Washing hands goes a LONG way. When you buy items you get in a store that could be handled by the public, you can wash them off with soap and water - don't go the anti-bacterial route, you need friendly bacteria. And try not to touch your face, especially eyes/nose. (I have a background in microbiology.)

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I feel for you. My dad had a compromised immune system, and I always worried about him.
    From what I've read, COVID-19 only has a 2% mortality rate, which is low when you compare it to SARS (10%) and MERS (34%). That said, COVID-19 seems way more contagious; I think I read it's a factor of 10 higher. So more people are getting infected, and 2% of 1000 is more than 10% of 100.

    I would highly advise using one of those face masks when you go out in public. Due to the COVID-19 panic, they may be hard to find. If you want, I can mail you 10 of mine, feel free to PM me.

    Washing hands goes a LONG way. When you buy items you get in a store that could be handled by the public, you can wash them off with soap and water - don't go the anti-bacterial route, you need friendly bacteria. And try not to touch your face, especially eyes/nose. (I have a background in microbiology.)
    Thank you, that's very nice of you. I have some face masks & seriously limit my exposure to people for the time being, especially large crowds. I do my shopping early in the morning (I had to retire early due to the RA). I haven't been to the movies in ages & no music shows recently. I even missed the Star Wars film because it became obvious they guessed wrong on the flu vaccine. I can catch the Star Wars when it comes out on blu-ray. Nothing on the schedule until mid-March & I will probably be wearing a mask to those shows. I live in Seattle & between us & Vancouver there is a lot of interaction with China. Thanks for the info & advice!

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    . I live in Seattle & between us & Vancouver there is a lot of interaction with China.
    Yeah, Vancouver is already up to 6 cases now.
    However, it's not just China we have to worry about now.
    Our 6th case of the virus came from a woman who had no connection to China. She came back from Iran.
    They are saying Iran was false reporting their cases, because as soon as the news here broke about the woman from Iran had caught it, literally all of a sudden Iran reported 14 cases and 2 deaths. Then the number shot to 28 cases and 4 deaths in 2 days hmm. Fishy. Feel like a lot of these countries aren't being honest with their reporting.

    I'm not too too worried about catching it out and about in every day life, but I do have a huge international vacation coming up to Europe at the end of May, so that's where I am worried about catching it.
    Visiting airports and going on dirty airplanes for hours and sleeping in hotel rooms and riding trains... urgh. We spent too much money on the trip and most of it is non refundable and it's been something we've wanted to do for years now, going to a music festival in Germany then taking the train down to Switzerland for a few days. Just gonna suck it up and see what happens. I've already accepted my fate if I do catch it. I've been selling all my stuff to pay for this trip in the event I meet my demise anyway.

    EDIT: last night Italy had 80 and now they have 132 overnight. That escalated quickly.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 02-23-2020 at 02:20 PM.

  10. #100
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    I'm supposed to be going to South Korea. For three weeks. For events with 50,000+ attendees.

    I'm scared shitless. Not just about "OMG I might catch it and die" (although that is a concern). If I so much as develop a cough over there, I could end up getting quarantined, being unable to go to work, and being financially ruined by medical bills.

  11. #101
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    isn't that what gofundme campaigns are for?

    /s...but is it really?

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I'm supposed to be going to South Korea. For three weeks. For events with 50,000+ attendees.

    I'm scared shitless. Not just about "OMG I might catch it and die" (although that is a concern). If I so much as develop a cough over there, I could end up getting quarantined, being unable to go to work, and being financially ruined by medical bills.
    You make it sound like catching it and dying from it is the better option lol.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    You make it sound like catching it and dying from it is the better option lol.
    The less likely option. You're severely jet lagged, working seven days a week, 16+ hours a day, in the spring - you're bound to have a bit of a cough now and then. Nothing more than a little dust in your lungs or a seasonal cold. And that would be enough to keep me trapped in a foreign country and lose my job.

  14. #104
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    The idea of being in an airport just scares me.

  15. #105
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    guys, it's all good. it's no longer an issue.

  16. #106
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    Last edited by richardp; 02-26-2020 at 08:00 AM.

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The less likely option. You're severely jet lagged, working seven days a week, 16+ hours a day, in the spring - you're bound to have a bit of a cough now and then. Nothing more than a little dust in your lungs or a seasonal cold. And that would be enough to keep me trapped in a foreign country and lose my job.
    That sucks, and I'm sorry. I have a friend currently in South Korea who has one of those big black face masks. I'd highly recommend investing in one. Never touch your face and wash your hands constantly. I wish you good luck.

  18. #108
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    I'm remaining pretty optimistic about the situation. I'm not saying there is no reason to be concerned but im not panicking since i dont think doing that is going to help out anything at all. The mortality rate is still extremely low as some have pointed out, and the fact that most of the people have died from it had something else wrong with them such as diabetes and the fact they are elderly.

    so far, im treating this more as "Oh, it's just something i have to watch out for, like a new type of flu". That being said, i don't know what's going to happen but i am still remaining calm and logical about everything that happens and i feel like most of us will be alright in the long run. That's just my take. I wish all of you the best of luck though.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dryalex12 View Post
    I'm remaining pretty optimistic about the situation. I'm not saying there is no reason to be concerned but im not panicking since i dont think doing that is going to help out anything at all. The mortality rate is still extremely low as some have pointed out, and the fact that most of the people have died from it had something else wrong with them such as diabetes and the fact they are elderly.

    so far, im treating this more as "Oh, it's just something i have to watch out for, like a new type of flu". That being said, i don't know what's going to happen but i am still remaining calm and logical about everything that happens and i feel like most of us will be alright in the long run. That's just my take. I wish all of you the best of luck though.
    Yeah - if you're not traveling, it's nothing to freak out about at all. If you ARE traveling, it depends on where. I'm pretty anxious about this due primarily to *where* I'm supposed to be going.

    Random tidbit for everyone who keeps comparing it to the flu though: this year's flu mortality rate in this country is 0.05%. A recent study puts the rate for this virus at 2.3%. Meaning you've got a 1 in 50 chance of dying if you get this. I'd be lying if I said that didn't kind of get under my skin. And god knows if I do start coughing while I'm over there, my general anxiety is going straight into overdrive (which, fun fact, feels just like the symptoms of this virus, which then makes the anxiety worse, which...fuck anxiety.)

  20. #110
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    How have they not cancelled these events that you're booked for? @theimage13

  21. #111
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    Having trump in charge during the outbreak is fucking terrifying. On twitter he’s touting no cases in the US, like he’s personally responsible for that. Humble yourself, dude. It’s on its way.

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Having trump in charge during the outbreak is fucking terrifying. On twitter he’s touting no cases in the US, like he’s personally responsible for that. Humble yourself, dude. It’s on its way.
    This is the real downside of the whole fake news thing because he's touting it as such. Sen. Brian Schatz being worried shitless really worries me about the scope of this thing.

  23. #113
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    so this is looking grimmer by the minute. you guys know that i can be a bit of an alarmist, and i try to temper that, but goddamn.

    could this become the new flu, but with a much higher mortality rate?

    by that same token, we've had SARS and West Nile, etc, that were going to kill everyone. and, they didn't.

    BTW, @theimage13 , tell your employer that you're way too sick to go to SK, because you've already caught Bird Flew.
    No SK for you.
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-26-2020 at 08:46 AM.

  24. #114
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    And for all you conspiracy theorists out there:

  25. #115
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    Chinese Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    The idea of being in an airport just scares me.
    As someone who just came home from Japan a week and half ago, it wasn't bad at all. Granted, the number of cases has grown since I came back, but the airports operated smoothly. Get a mask and wear glasses/sunglasses. I also recommend carrying some hand sanitizer

    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Having trump in charge during the outbreak is fucking terrifying. On twitter he’s touting no cases in the US, like he’s personally responsible for that. Humble yourself, dude. It’s on its way.

    But San Diego has two cases....
    Last edited by NotoriousTIMP; 02-26-2020 at 01:49 PM.

  26. #116
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    Some of the alternative facts.

  27. #117
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    Chinese Coronavirus

    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Having trump in charge during the outbreak is fucking terrifying.

    I mean look at this stupid shit...

  28. #118
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    Delta has suspended service to SK until the end of April.

    So great, now if I'm still going, I don't even get a shot at an upgrade. First world problems.

    But seriously, if they've suspended service, I have to imagine that other airlines might be behind. We'll definitely charter if needed, but this could be the first indication of the time frame that major businesses are placing their bets on. Maybe there's hope yet that we'll postpone.

    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    How have they not cancelled these events that you're booked for? @theimage13
    There's probably a couple hundred million reasons, if you catch my drift.
    Last edited by theimage13; 02-26-2020 at 04:37 PM.

  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post

    I mean look at this stupid shit...

    He's the most solipsistic piece of shit on earth; everything is about him and his approval. Yeah Trump (and Rush, I guess), this is all a grand conspiracy to make you look bad. Starbucks is totally shutting down their stores because they wanna hurt the stock market... just to make you look like an asshole.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    He's the most solipsistic piece of shit on earth; everything is about him and his approval. Yeah Trump (and Rush, I guess), this is all a grand conspiracy to make you look bad. Starbucks is totally shutting down their stores because they wanna hurt the stock market... just to make you look like an asshole.
    Hey, if there's anyone who knows about being a manipulative sack of shit in order to get the markets to do his bidding, it's Trump. This is sorta his area, actually.

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