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Thread: The Actual Violence: Twin Peaks Witch Events

  1. #1
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    The Actual Violence: Twin Peaks Witch Events

    A couple months ago, I fell in love with Twin Peaks. A friend of mine, Tiger Bryan, got me hooked on the show and I was entranced. I watched the first season and while watching the second season, my friend mailed me a copy of the book, "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer." After season two and the diary, I watched the film "Fire Walk With Me," and then watched the third season which was released 25 years after the second season. I soon plan to read "Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier."

    I am also a long-time Nine Inch Nails fan since the release of The Downward Spiral. Recently, Nine Inch Nails has released three EPs meant as a three-part album: Not the Actual Events, Add Violence and Bad Witch. I have adored these EPs as I have adored the entire NIN discography. However, it wasn't until the third EP, Bad Witch, was released when it all struck a powerful chord within me.

    At the time, I was finishing up Fire Walk With Me. I couldn't help but notice a strong influence and correlation between the messages in the three NIN EPs and the Twin Peaks mythology. This observation was made stronger by Nine Inch Nails actually being featured in an episode of Twin Peaks during season three. In the episode, NIN performs "She's Gone Away." Trent mentions in interviews that the song was written specifically for Twin Peaks.

    The recent NIN trilogy of EPs has been my musical soundtrack for the past months while Twin Peaks has been my visual soundtrack. Both have permeated by subconscious and my dreams and have influenced new observations of the human condition and life around me.

    I then came across an interview with Trent Reznor by David Marchese for Vulture. In the interview, Trent is quoted as saying:

    "With the new EPs, I liked world-building, and writing music that can sit in that world. I was always the guy who desperately wanted the Dark Side of the Moon to line up with The Wizard of Oz. I wanted to believe somebody was so far out of their mind that they figured that out. Fuck, I got goose bumps just thinking about that possibility right now — the idea that someone could be thinking so hard about an album."

    On a whim, I wondered what it would be like to listen to the new Nine Inch Nails trilogy while watching the first episode of Twin Peaks. Lo' and behold, something marvelous proceeded. You can witness this yourself in this video I have edited and posted online.

    For those of you who aren't privy to Nine Inch Nails, the EPs have a mystery surrounding them. The album titles, the song titles, and much of the lyrics have common threads and concepts that are difficult to piece together. Trent has offered up some explanation if you wish you dig further online. However, the entire picture is difficult to grasp. Which, like many correlations, is a common thread with Twin Peaks.

    I want to leave most of this open to individual interpretation and group discussions here and elsewhere. I will say this much from my own perception. My observation is that Trent has taken some great inspiration from the Twin Peaks mythology and has applied that to himself in a variety of ways in order to tell this story.

    Trent has explained in interviews that part of this experience is the question of what would have happened had he gone down the path he was heading when writing The Downward Spiral. In that way, the content and perhaps, the character, of the new EPs is another version of Trent Reznor. One that could have been, has been or is being right now in another plane of existence.

    Without spoiling too much, the notions of separate paths, different versions of the self, different planes of existence and converging timelines is a significant part of the Twin Peaks mythology.

    I should add that if you have never seen Twin Peaks, the only synchronicity you will likely find is correlation between the audio and the visual elements. For those of you who have seen Twin Peaks, you will find a much richer experience with correlations between the mood of the music, the lyrics, what is going on in the scenes and the entire mythology of Twin Peaks as whole.

    If you have not seen Twin Peaks, I highly suggest that you go into the show as blind as possible. The mystery and discovery of Twin Peaks is an important part of the experience. The order that I experienced the story (posted at the top) is suggested, but not necessarily the only or best way to experience the story. Keep in mind that any comments posted here or elsewhere to this video will most likely contain spoilers.

    Rather than spend hours writing out all of my observations here for you, I want this to be something that we can all pick apart. Feel free to post any observations you find in the comments below. I'll post some of my own at a later time.


    I claim no ownership of the visual or audio content in this video. I simply combined the first episode of Twin Peaks with the three Nine Inch Nails EPs played back to back.

    I've done this out of passion as a fan for both Twin Peaks and Nine Inch Nails. As an artist myself, I have a great appreciation and respect for all who were involved in the productions of both the show and the music presented here. And please, if this video inspires interest in either Twin Peaks or Nine Inch Nails, please show your support and purchase the art created by everyone involved.


    EDIT: Download link:

    Last edited by RevolvingSheep; 09-07-2018 at 10:00 PM. Reason: Included download link.

  2. #2
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    The video was taken down by liveleak. For those who weren't able to get in, I am uploading this to a google drive and will post a link when it is done.

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    I'll post a couple links I found... among a long list of them that I won't write out just yet. I won't post the correlations I found that contains spoilers to the story... to which there are many. Feel free to message me privately if you've seen the show and want to discuss spoiler specific observations.

    When Sherrif Truman leaves the station and gets in his truck, you can hear what sounds like a vehicle starting up right when he turns the key. When he drives off in a hurry, you can hear the sound of tires screeching.

    Also, in the station before he leaves, Trent mentions, "pictures and faces on display." It was then that I noticed not only can you see the receptionist, Lucy, in the window reflection, but you can also see the reflection of a crewman with headphones in the reflection covering the couch. Also on display, is a picture on the wall. It's interesting because before listening to the song synced to the show, I never noticed the face of the crewman in the reflection. It wasn't until I started really studying this that I noticed it. I can't find any mention of it online.

    The scene where Pete, the fisherman, goes out to fish... as he is walking towards the screen, Trent says, "It's coming, you didn't even notice." It's interesting because at first, Pete doesn't notice the body. As soon as he turns and notices, the music stops and then resumes as he walks towards the body. Soon after, "She's Gone Away" starts right as everyone is discovering that Laura Palmer is missing... as well as when the police arrive to inspect the body.

    Last edited by RevolvingSheep; 09-07-2018 at 11:59 PM. Reason: Formatting

  5. #5
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    Also, in Burning Bright (Field of Fire), almost every time Trent says the word "fire" there is a significant visual reference. When the father inspects the body, the word fire is said right as the light is turned on. The second time it is said, the camera sweeps back to the light again. In the car, the girl takes a drink from the flask when Trent says fire. She then offers it to the boy and as he drinks it, Trent says fire again. There is a shot of the woods, which is significantly related to fire in the Twin Peaks mythology. And finally, two separate times you see Audrey's red shoes.

  6. #6
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    @RevolvingSheep , i, too, have noticed correlations between twin peaks and the trilogy.

    I don't think it was the WHOLE inspiration, but I think it's definitely part of it.

    Also, did you know that David Lynch directed Came Back Haunted video?

    Watch it and think about the words.

    I'm pretty sure that song is about Twin Peaks, AND, there is a creature in that video that looks JUST like the "mother" thing from The Return (the one that vomits up BOB.) AND, T-Rez is dressed similar to Coop in that vid.

    But yeah, watch vid and think of the lyrics with Twin Peaks in mind and tell me if you see/hear it.

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