Quote Originally Posted by Toadflax View Post
Are you sure it was TR? I remember listening for it at the LA show and thinking it was just one of her musicians singing backup.

On another note, I enjoyed her show at the Hollywood Bowl, but I kind of groaned every time she went into one of her monologues. She somehow has the ability to make even the humblest statement feel a little arrogant. "You guys have no idea how much it means to me that you're here. Your love and support over the years is the reason I HAVE THE BEST FUCKING JOB IN THE WORLD." Almost everything she said had this formula of: humble thing -> humble thing -> BUT LOOK WHERE I AM NOW MOTHERFUCKER. But to be fair, watching footage of Trent in his 20s can have that same eye-rolly effect on 40 year-old me, lol.

considering the health issues theyre currently dealing with its not surprising. Might also be feeling it could be the last major tour for a while til thats sorted out. And Halsey has always been pigeonholed as the not popular/weird one in the pop sphere so just doing all this is a big middle finger to any haters pretty much.