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Thread: The guys from the Hotline forgot that they had a webpage?

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    The guys from the Hotline forgot that they had a webpage?

    Hello again people.

    Yeah, I'm making no mistake in posting this thread under that title, but seriously, the only way I can read news about NIN from reliable sources are either ETS or the hotline.

    I knew that the the tool page was not updated weekly or even monthly as the band is taking their time with the album, but again, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE PAGE?.

    P.S: I still miss meathead's page.

    Second P.S: Winamp is going to win the race of releasing a new version of the music player before Trent or Tool release new music.

    See ya!

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    OMG I laughed so hard! I never watched that episode LOL

  4. #4
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    I actually took the expression while playing Dragon Ball on the PS2 and everytime you change the menu Goku says "are you leaving? See ya!" but I'm trying no to use it.

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    leviathant told me the server is "borked" and he's super busy and hasn't had time to fix it. You can follow the NIN hotline twitter. Matt still posts to that.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by angry_sniper1990 View Post
    Hello again people.

    Yeah, I'm making no mistake in posting this thread under that title, but seriously, the only way I can read news about NIN from reliable sources are either ETS or the hotline.

    I knew that the the tool page was not updated weekly or even monthly as the band is taking their time with the album, but again, WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE PAGE?.

    P.S: I still miss meathead's page.

    Second P.S: Winamp is going to win the race of releasing a new version of the music player before Trent or Tool release new music.

    See ya!
    The internet has changed, the hotline doesn't work the way it used to (the twitter is far better for one). And the nature of NIN has changed too, we're not getting the same kinds of updates - should apple music updates go to the hotline? What about the scores, they're not NIN after all?
    Following the NIN spotting thread here, the hotline twitter and anywhere else you feel is reliable is the way to go.

  7. #7
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    Confession time: I still visit theninhotline at least once a day hoping it'll be updated.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    The internet has changed, the hotline doesn't work the way it used to (the twitter is far better for one).
    Following the NIN spotting thread here, the hotline twitter and anywhere else you feel is reliable is the way to go.
    Imo, this is very sad. I don't want to have to scour through posts about commuting to find the latest NIN news. Maybe I'm just old and irrelevant, but this method of breaking news just doesn't interest me. Guess I'll stick to NIN Spotting.

    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    And the nature of NIN has changed too, we're not getting the same kinds of updates - should apple music updates go to the hotline? What about the scores, they're not NIN after all?
    Since NIN is just another Reznor project among many at this point, the site could be divided into subsections for each project, with a main 'catch-all' page.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    leviathant told me the server is "borked" and he's super busy and hasn't had time to fix it. You can follow the NIN hotline twitter. Matt still posts to that.
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    The internet has changed, the hotline doesn't work the way it used to (the twitter is far better for one). And the nature of NIN has changed too, we're not getting the same kinds of updates - should apple music updates go to the hotline? What about the scores, they're not NIN after all?
    Following the NIN spotting thread here, the hotline twitter and anywhere else you feel is reliable is the way to go.
    Basically these two have everything covered.
    The person who runs The NIN Hotline (and ETS) is SUPER INSANE BUSY IRL right now. People who say they want to help ultimately drop out, apparently. There isn't a lot of NIN news right now. Trent's doing stuff, but it's not really NIN news. The Hotline's twitter covers everything and is much easier to keep updated. NIN spotting on the forums covers every little thing that's less "news" and more "a thing happened".

  9. #9
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    I was going to make a new thread for this but found this old one and the title is amazing.

    Anyway, as you may have heard, The NIN Hotline is back and updated and has a new mission statement. We also have a new kickass t-shirt that is a nice throwback and says "goddamn" on it a lot.

    Check it all out here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    I was going to make a new thread for this but found this old one and the title is amazing.

    Anyway, as you may have heard, The NIN Hotline is back and updated and has a new mission statement. We also have a new kickass t-shirt that is a nice throwback and says "goddamn" on it a lot.

    Check it all out here.
    Okay, NOW Trent can release the new album.

  11. #11
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    Fuck yes!

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    Today there's a 50% chance the home page will try to play a "100% Javascript" instance of The New Flesh that I coded if you go there, but it probably doesn't work on all browsers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Today there's a 50% chance the home page will try to play a "100% Javascript" instance of The New Flesh that I coded if you go there, but it probably doesn't work on all browsers.
    Just wanted to say again that it looks so rad. Really love the design and glad you are keeping it going. For sure there must be some stuff in the pipeline here very soon. I for one am sick of social media and I really have been going towards finding sites that will bring news etc instead of those cesspools.

    Seems very contradicting because the archive needs to be on those platforms in order to find new sources and recordings. But I like having the site totally separated and not integrated with "shares" and "likes" on the pages. Hopefully sometime down the road, the archive can get an overhaul like this one with a better mobile site too.

  14. #14
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    I'll share a funny story about the hotline for anyone that cares.
    For years, and I'm talking like 12-15 years, the website was my home page to when I opened a browser.
    That way, the first thing every day I would see was if there was any new NIN news.
    Well, fast forward to last month (or maybe rewind to last month, depends how you look at it), I got a new PC for my birthday.
    I had to transfer all my files and set everything back up to my liking.

    When I opened an internet browser, it went to a generic "most frequently visited sites" page. I thought for a second, this isn't right... I need to get the hotline back...
    Then I stopped myself and said "fuck it. That site has been dead for years, no sense putting it back" and I never did.... until now.
    I had no idea that the hotline was secretly being re-invented. Had I known, I would have just kept it. I think it would have been a better surprise if I never got a new PC and then one day, I loaded up a browser, and the hotline would have been updated with a new look, I would have been blown away.

    I was probably single-handedly keeping the traffic numbers up myself all these years, lol.

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    Very cool! Glad to see it back, and without all the social integration crap.

    HTML was flexible and fucking worked well. We don't need to gum it up with tracking cookies that help companies sell us shit without actually making our news experience better.

    I remember the old seems like salvation news, which still seems to be dead, and how awesome it was to be able to get updates regularly without needing social media.

    I'm glad to see the hotline coming back to fill that void.

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    I'm also glad to see that it's back. I suppose I just need to remind myself to type .com instead of .net, which is more than fine, since I type .com so much more. And well, there's just so much win all around with the NIN Wiki, NIN Catalog and NIN Live on it. And as always, I'll make sure to promote it to any other NIN fans I might meet.

    It would just seem to right to also make flyers of the ETS and The NIN Hotline URLs yet again due to this. (Not to speak for others, but I sometimes get reminded/interested in doing so, sometimes even just as simple as giant NIN logo with the URLs, and brief description identifying both sites.)

  17. #17
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    Just noticed that I've somehow earned a mention on the hotline news update... for the most random thing ever! I mean, how many NIN covers are being spotted on Youtube every week? I love you guys.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
    I suppose I just need to remind myself to type .com instead of .net, which is more than fine
    Both work and will continue to work, and .net will auto-forward to .com. I was using .com to test the new site while .net held the line, and decided it was easier to just make everything that's new ".com" to help keep me focused.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathant View Post
    Both work and will continue to work, and .net will auto-forward to .com. I was using .com to test the new site while .net held the line, and decided it was easier to just make everything that's new ".com" to help keep me focused.

  20. #20
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    Wow, thank you Levianthant for the interview. It was really cool to just stare at my ceiling and listen to that last night. It was like being 13 all over again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    by your command

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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    Wow, thank you Levianthant for the interview. It was really cool to just stare at my ceiling and listen to that last night. It was like being 13 all over again.
    Fantastic interview, especially the snippet about abortion rights, given today’s announcement. Thanks @Leviathant .

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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I'll share a funny story about the hotline for anyone that cares.
    For years, and I'm talking like 12-15 years, the website was my home page to when I opened a browser.
    That way, the first thing every day I would see was if there was any new NIN news.
    Ha ha, I had theninhotline as my home page too! My old boss used to walk by my computer at lunch and say, is there really that much going on with Nine Inch Nails that you have to check their website everyday?!

    Great choice on the shirt! A couple months ago I was playing around with this old design to get a t shirt version made - the design on the original longsleeve was too big and those 90's shirts were huge for a slim guy like me. This new one is perfect and I didn't think to put a Nothing logo on it - I was trying to add a NIN logo somewhere and it didn't look right. I couldn't decide on a final updated design and scrapped the idea I ordered yours yesterday and love that the site is back - I used to check it everyday for my NIN News back in the day!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Anyway, as you may have heard, The NIN Hotline is back and updated and has a new mission statement. We also have a new kickass t-shirt that is a nice throwback and says "goddamn" on it a lot.

    Check it all out here.
    Oh no for some reason I thought this was available through the end of the month. Went to go buy one today and gone. I suck.

    Edit - I wasn't imagining that I read that somewhere. I feel better now.
    Last edited by Sarah K; 08-31-2019 at 10:02 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Oh no for some reason I thought this was available through the end of the month. Went to go buy one today and gone. I suck.

    Edit - I wasn't imagining that I read that somewhere. I feel better now.
    Bah! I'm sorry I wasn't clearer on the front page post

  27. #27
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    My fault for taking it literally and not actually reading the details. Lol. I put a reminder in my calendar for today because I have an unrelenting need to procrastinate everything for no reason at all.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Fantastic interview, especially the snippet about abortion rights, given today’s announcement. Thanks @Leviathant .
    I always loved how he says the words "disgusted" and "unlistenable" with such dripping disdain.

  29. #29
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    Just in the last couple of weeks, I've really been thinking about how much I hate the modern internet, how its turned into something that's just distasteful on almost every level, and how much I miss the old amateur internet. And I, too, had stopped checking the NIN Hotline a few years ago. I used to check it every day (remember how Meathead kept us all going through those long, silent years between TF and WT, when we were all semi-convinced that Trent was never going to make any more music?), then every week, then every month...

    I just checked it for the first time in...a good while...and seeing that leviathant has come to basically the same conclusion about the modern internet made me feel great.

    (I actually checked it because I was looking for that sister-site that had all the old promotional flash doohickeys from the TF era, like one.swf and the sound-grid thing from TDTWWA. Is that site still around and part of the NIN Hotline web ring?)

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by slopesandsam View Post
    (I actually checked it because I was looking for that sister-site that had all the old promotional flash doohickeys from the TF era, like one.swf and the sound-grid thing from TDTWWA. Is that site still around and part of the NIN Hotline web ring?)
    The original archive was called Portrait of Decay. I don't know where it currently resides, but in the meantime here is my archive:

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