Quote Originally Posted by Triggermine View Post
A good way to ruin an otherwise fantastic, intimate show: stand up and cause everyone else to do the same, ultimately obstructing everybody's​ view of the stage. I was so pissed off by the end of the show. I had a better time at the first show in nosebleed seats. /rant
This seems to be a big debate among the fans. I know they've (the band) been telling people to stand up during the shows, but people don't seem to like standing for very long. During the show I went to on the '09 tour, there were only two very drunk people standing and dancing in the entire venue. And they were in the seats directly in front of my girlfriend and I, so I was forced to stand up and block the view of the people behind me. I felt like a total dick, but I wasn't going to miss the show because of two drunk douchebags, even if it made me the douchebag in turn. I think it should be an all or none situation. If tons of people start to stand, then everyone else should stand up. If everyone in the venue, but you, is seated, then sit the fuck down!