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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #3631
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    Mark Cuban does his own tweeting? Investigated?

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  2. #3632
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    dude, every politician has people running their social media.
    Cruz posts via the iOS app and its usually his staffers (or whatever they are called) that post via TweetDeck. That fact actually made it super suspicious that a staffer would be watching porn... but it seems the staffers were also using iOS. Seems some dude named Josh was the porn watcher. We dug pretty heavily into the API for any hints of Cruz being the one who did it though
    This post *seems* completely full of shit.

  3. #3633
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    Just a suggestion, maybe we should just embrace the echo chambers?

    I mean, I have an ad-blocker on my computer, can I just install a right-wing-horseshit blocker too? Have this crap filtered out so I don't have to read it, or deal with it.

    A lot of these right-wing people are just trolls looking for a reaction. If we had a right-wing-horseshit blocker that people could install on their computers, and the computers of their technologically, factually challenged racist grandparents, that might help solve the problem.

    I mean, I know I can unfollow people on my facebook, but some of these people are those who I interact with socially in real life, and as long as we don't talk politics everything is fine, and in real life they're much less trolly when it comes up in real life, less likely to accuse someone of being a "liberal snowflake" and more likely to try and engage in respectful debate, which they usually can't do because all they know how to do when it comes to politics is troll.

    And I'd actually like to see the posts of them out doing fun stuff with their families and friends, I just hate the right-wing lies that they believe and propagate on their feeds. If I had a horse-shit blocker, I could still follow these people on social media, and not have to be exposed to the lies and stupidity that they're spreading.

    Can someone invent a right-wing blocker? I would install that in a heartbeat.

  4. #3634
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Lots of the social media stuff is programmable too. No staff needed. You can automatically post certain content. Sometimes it's automated when an author posts a new blog update, for instance. Same with likes and follows. You can program conditions for them to occur. It's a great way to get a shitload of followers too. Ex: find someone who has a ton of followers you probably want as well. Program the app to follow 100 of them each day. You'll end up getting a certain percentage following you back. Then after X days you automatically unfollow people.
    Hence all the bot posts in the comments threads? People are getting smarter on Instagram and Twitter, now. "BOT BLOCKED!"

  5. #3635
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    I guess Schumer was caught on a hot mic saying "he likes us".

  6. #3636
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I guess Schumer was caught on a hot mic saying "he likes us".
    Yup, and it's AWESOME that this is happening, loving all this deal-making between Trump and the Dems, actually GETTING THINGS DONE vs. all that in-fighting over on the Repub side.

    “He likes us! He likes me, anyway,” said Schumer. “Here’s what I told him. I said, Mr. President, you’re much better off if you can sometimes step right, and sometimes step left. If you have to step just in one direction, you’re boxed. He gets that.”

  7. #3637
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    Oh, and I'm reading Hillary Clinton's "What Happened."

  8. #3638
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Hillary thinking Orwell's 1984 was about how we should be trusting leaders, experts, and the media.
    I dunno, that isn't the way I read it:

    I think that's just a fairly common and redirected interpretation of Newspeak and the thought police.

    Clinton is no dummy, she's really smart. Criticism of the above stuff is just nitpicking.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2017 at 03:48 PM.

  9. #3639
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    wait, so "Crying Chuck Schumer" thinks he's got the president's ear and respect? Does he have Stockholm syndrome?

  10. #3640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    wait, so "Crying Chuck Schumer" thinks he's got the president's ear and respect? Does he have Stockholm syndrome?
    No, it's politics, he's representing his constituents by trying to GET THINGS DONE. There's nothing wrong with this. Thinking there IS is just as bad as Ryan thinking that Trump's dealing with the Dems shows Trump's a "traitor." It's a bunch of shit. A bipartisan Congress has been negotiation for many many years, even their beloved REAGAN did it and encouraged it. BILL CLINTON did it. It wasn't until Obama and then the hugely conservative Tea Party Republicans did we start seeing such staunch obstructionists.

  11. #3641
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    No, it's politics, he's representing his constituents by trying to GET THINGS DONE. There's nothing wrong with this. Thinking there IS is just as bad as Ryan thinking Trump dealing with the Dems shows Trump's a "traitor." It's a bunch of shit. bipartisan Congress has been negotiation for many many years, even their beloved REAGAN did it.
    There's nothing wrong with compromise, but even if you feel you are able to present a common sense angle to the president, it's the "he likes me!" thing that just sounded.... I dunno.

  12. #3642
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    There's nothing wrong with compromise, but even if you feel you are able to present a common sense angle to the president, it's the "he likes me!" thing that just sounded.... I dunno.
    That wasn't the whole quote, it was a bullshit small part from the whole context. Please, use your head and realize that what you see is usually only part of the story no matter from where it comes.

    See the above whole quote that I posted.

    A Republican President liking the minority Democrat speakers of the House and Senate is actually pretty beneficial; like, now, when they are negotiating codifying DACA.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2017 at 03:55 PM.

  13. #3643
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    I think he's already looking at being a one-term President and will pull out of the next election, like LBJ.

    So, with that, he doesn't spend the entire time worrying about making decisions that will fuck him out of the next election but, instead, worries about his "legacy" and how he will go down in history as President.

    And I doubt he'd want "fucked up health care" and "kick out a bunch of kids" as his legacy. Especially with his ego.

    And, he's realizing that the "Wall" probably won't get built without costing him a shitload, including a negative impact on his legacy due to cost to taxpayers that could have been used for something else. So, he has to try to get the funds for it, first, which isn't coming from the revised HC plan which included a bunch of money for the wall via tax kickbacks.

    I just got an EMAIL FROM HIM asking me to take a survey about tax reform. I filled it in and submitted it.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2017 at 05:25 PM.

  14. #3644
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    On many levels it's hard for me to imagine that he's pragmatically concerned with legacy. He has done so many insane things already... I'm sure that in his mind, building the wall is essential to his legacy. He seems to think we don't have enough nuclear weapons... I think we're just hoping against hope that he has a sensible side that is attuned to how bad all these "campaign promises" look in the light of day.

  15. #3645
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  16. #3646
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    On many levels it's hard for me to imagine that he's pragmatically concerned with legacy. He has done so many insane things already... I'm sure that in his mind, building the wall is essential to his legacy. He seems to think we don't have enough nuclear weapons... I think we're just hoping against hope that he has a sensible side that is attuned to how bad all these "campaign promises" look in the light of day.
    He isn't the only one who thinks we aren't on par with active and modern nuclear warheads. President Barack Obama thought the same thing and pushed through a HUGE nuclear modernization project. A "Wall" can also be defined in many ways. The Wall that was funded prior to now was an "electronic" wall of surveillance cameras and police, etc., not a "Wall of China" kind of brick-and-mortar wall. It had already been determined that the rough terrain at our southern borders, as well as the process of having to annex all private properties along the southern border (taking away people's private property) is costly and a VERY VERY VERY long process. People fight that shit in court. And courts take forever. So, he made those promises when it sounded good but he wasn't aware of the problems (he wasn't aware of much, really, he just shot from the lip). But, it's obvious that turning on the Democrats gives him a giant level of satisfaction. Since the Republicans keep letting him down (Trump's prior Presidential run in 2000 was with the Reform Party) [note who he wanted as Vice President], he's gonna go with whatever deal that he can say is successful. He doesn't care who it's with, even if it's with Russians. One of his biggest campaign claims was that he's a superior deal maker, and would be happy to work with the Democrats. He's finally trying to prove that claim.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2017 at 05:29 PM.

  17. #3647
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    Oprah? Holy cow.

  18. #3648
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Oprah? Holy cow.
    yeah, isn't that hilarious!?!?! That woulda been awesome!

    There's one important thing we have to remember with DJ Trump: He went to Military school. He is appointing all of these Generals for a reason: they're the only ones he trusts besides his best "inner circle" which, surprisingly, is primarily FEMALE.

    Hope Hicks, for instance. Trump calls her "The Hopester." She is, reportedly, his actual most trusted assistant. He just made her the official Communications Director. The Press Secretary is Sarah Sanders. The top press secretary positions at the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon, and the Justice Department are all held by women.

    And Gen. Kelly, I think, is really improving things, it appears.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-14-2017 at 07:12 PM.

  19. #3649
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I thought it was funny how nobody talked about all the women. It goes against the narrative of Trump being a horrible misogynist bigot. If a Dem were president we would hear about it nonstop because *progress*
    Still, this is the guy who bragged about being able to grab them by the you-know-where because he was famous. If anything, it supports the narrative in my head that he wants to be all things to all people.

  20. #3650
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    "35 is check out time"
    "grab em by the pussy"
    "she was bleeding from her... wherever..."
    "I don't want to sound like too much of a chauvinist, but when I come home and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof."
    "Y'know, it doesn't really matter what they write, as long as you've got a young and beautiful piece of ass"
    "you have to treat em like shit."
    "she could only be described as attractive if you like a woman with bad complexion who is built like a linebacker"
    "all of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me... that's to be expected."
    "I think putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing... Unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's a creation process,. It's almost like creating a building. It's pretty sad."
    When Howard Stern asked if he could have 'nailed' Princess Di, "I think I could have." 3 years after her death, he ranked her number 3 on the list of women he'd have liked to have sex with.
    "I think Gloria [Allred] would be very impressed [with my penis]"

    Alt-feminist, yeah...

  21. #3651
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Still, this is the guy who bragged about being able to grab them by the you-know-where because he was famous. If anything, it supports the narrative in my head that he wants to be all things to all people.
    It was Rock Star locker talk. Have you read MARILYN MANSON'S book? About how he and TR's camp covered some deaf girl with lunchmeat? Or the "Kelly's Cornhole" story? Or how about Rock Stars like David Bowie and Jimmy Page and Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop fucked 14-year-olds BECAUSE THEY COULD?

    To me, Trump was bragging about what he COULD do. Because (he said) women who want his money let him. Which is just as much an awful statement about women's priorities as it was about guys like him. But, he was obviously bragging to Billy Bush, one-upping him on "what he could do." The guy is no more a Pig than most of our idols. I'm not defending the behavior but at least I'm not a hypocrite about it on a fucking ROCK BAND board.

    I could fill a PAGE about the bad shit Trump has said about men.

    But, I have to give credit to the FEMALES in powerful positions in his cabinet. Discounting that ("but he said that pussy thing") discounts THEM and the fact that THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED IN HISTORY; ignoring that is being more sexist than him. I've worked my ass off in this female form my whole fucking life and I am just gonna go ahead and revel in the historic accomplishment of these women and you guys can just keep whining about shit that doesn't affect you.

    I'm not saying Trump is a feminist. I don't care about labels. I only care about jobs. For women.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-15-2017 at 10:51 AM.

  22. #3652
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    So how does your view deal with the fact that he surrounds himself with women who he has doing extremely powerful work?
    Are you serious?

  23. #3653
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Are you serious?


    It's like saying "Barack Obama was the first black President but ... well, was he even really BLACK? He's half white, right? Really, who cares?"


  24. #3654
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    We have some misogynistic as fuck verified statements up there, but let's go back to another one, where Trump supposedly said "I don't want black people counting my money, I want short guys with Yarmulkes."

    Now, if he really did say that, could we presume he's not anti-semitic because he hires Jewish people to count his money?
    Look at what he said about women over and over again. How do you reconcile that w/ regards to his personal beliefs?

  25. #3655
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    We have some misogynistic as fuck verified statements up there, but let's go back to another one, where Trump supposedly said "I don't want black people counting my money, I want short guys with Yarmulkes."

    Now, if he really did say that, could we presume he's not anti-semitic because he hires Jewish people to count his money?
    Look at what he said about women over and over again. How do you reconcile that w/ regards to his personal beliefs?
    We don't know that he said that.

    But, let us review the above conversation wherein we started (well, I DID, anyway) discussing Trump's recent flop in approaches.

    I mention that his most trusted advisers are now female.

    So how do we respond? Hooray for those women? Wow, historic, that's awesome? No, they must only be there because HE WANTS TO FUCK THEM. HE IS A MISOGYNISTIC POON HOUND. SO BY DEFAULT, LET US IGNORE THEIR HISTORY-MAKING ACCOMPLISHMENTS. THEY ARE WHORES.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-15-2017 at 10:54 AM.

  26. #3656
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    We don't know that he said that.

    But, let us review the above conversation wherein we started (well, I DID, anyway) discussing Trump's recent flop in approaches.

    I mention that his most trusted advisers are now female.

    So how do we respond? Hooray for those women? Wow, historic, that's awesome? No, they must only be there because HE WANTS TO FUCK THEM. THEY ARE WHORES.
    Oh come on. You know misogyny and sexism are not one-faceted aspects. This is like saying "well he married a woman, he must love women." He says he loves female beauty and hosts beauty pageants, he must truly celebrate women.

    He hires women and gives them high powered work in a supportive role to his administration, totally ground-breaking feminist. Really?

    And I addressed earlier that the Yarmulke quote is unverified. This was a hypothetical, in contrast to what isn't a hypothetical.

  27. #3657
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh come on. You know misogyny and sexism are not one-faceted aspects. This is like saying "well he married a woman, he must love women." He says he loves female beauty and hosts beauty pageants, he must truly celebrate women.

    He hires women and gives them high powered work in a supportive role to his administration, totally ground-breaking feminist. Really?

    And I addressed earlier that the Yarmulke quote is unverified. This was a hypothetical, in contrast to what isn't a hypothetical.

    Easy for you to say, vanilla white guy. I don't see why everything has to be one way or the other, no in the middle, so negative.
    Last edited by allegro; 09-15-2017 at 10:53 AM.

  28. #3658
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Easy for you to say, vanilla white guy.
    I'm honestly weirded out by this...

  29. #3659
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    I'm a bit flummoxed by this whole exchange. Each side has valid points as far as I'm concerned. Yes, Trump has a history of surrounding himself with women in positions of power going back to his real estate mogul days (even wrote a book about it). But the quotes exist, and how they stand in light of that history is just as perplexing too. It could just boil down to what I said earlier, about his wanting to be all things to all people and be the ultimate negotiator. It's the "both sides" statement, in treating two obviously opposing sides almost as if they were the same. He somehow (I'm just riffing here) wants everyone on his side to be both subservient and successful in what they do.

  30. #3660
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    This is dumb. Just learn to self-filter. The majority of the fake shit doesnt even leave the existing bubbles anyway. They are designed to play off this divide and make it stronger. Guess what happens when you "embrace" the bubble?

    And those blockers absolutely exist already. I'm not linking because its dumb.
    Do you have any reason for this? Or just because you say so?

    The crap they spread online is meant to be incendiary. Offline the people tend to be more reasonable.

    I think that if we block the online right-wing horseshit, we'll actually help to heal the divide, because people are far less trolly in real life.

    But please, feel free to just declare my ideas dumb without any kind of supporting argument far it. Kind of seems like you might be being kind of trolly with that reaction too.

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