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Thread: 2016 Presidential Election

  1. #3271
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    Johnson, if endorsed by Romney, could very easily win in Utah. He has no real shot at actually winning the election and more than anything is a way to siphon votes off from one of the main two candidates. Judging by his recent article he wrote that fixated entirely on Trump and didn't even mention Clinton, it's safe to say he'll be doing more to appeal to NeverTrumpers than those who loathe Hillary.

    All I want is for Donald Trump to not win. That's it. I support Hillary heavily but at the end of the day literally anyone but Donald would be someone I'd prefer to him. He is an authoritarian who Putin supports who has regularly spoke against freedom of press, openly denies climate change at every opportunity he is given, revels in his own hypocrisy, gives zero clear policy or plans but hawks insane and radical ideas to people 24/7, cites imaginary and insane statistics to fuel his police state rhetoric, who has actually said that a woman getting a career is "a dangerous thing," has consistently advocated for torture and violations of human rights, who would appoint Supreme Court Justices that would keep people like me from getting married and would help tear down any social progress we've made during the Obama administration. He has awakened a large amount of dormant racism and xenophobia that has previously not had anyone quite as clear of a supporter as he is and it is absolutely disturbing. It's genuinely terrifying seeing the support he has and the movement he is giving legitimacy to. Chris Christie's RNC speech and the audience's reaction bordered on a motherfucking lynching.

    People who vote third party or don't vote at all are only hoping Trump this election. Anyone who wants to simplify and reduce this to the childish, 15 year old anarchist speech of "THEY'RE BASICALLY THE SAME!" is just ignoring reality and supporting the rise of someone who will fuck things up worse than we've seen in any of our lifetimes. The basic level of discourse and intellect in this nation is at stake with this guy. We can elect somebody who actually talks about policy and behaves and speaks like a rational, intelligent adult or we can go with someone who says things like "I'd consult with myself first of all, because I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things." I went to a Hillary rally recently and the stark fucking difference in tone, discourse and general demeanor was night and day. It's not even just politics or left or right, it's downright decency vs. insanity.

    Donald Trump doesn't represent fiscal responsibility, or small government, or any value conservatism is "supposed" to be about. He doesn't represent respect of the constitution and he doesn't represent "law and order." He's an authoritarian, plain and simple, strictly interested in holding as much power as possible and filling the hole in his heart that will never be full for long enough, because his entire value system is built around a Bret Easton Ellis, American Psycho-style set of capitalistic morality. The guy seriously feels straight off the page of one of that guy's novels. If you can look at that and really tell me that it's just not even close to bad enough to go Democrat even if the Democratic ticket isn't everything you'd want, then I don't know what to tell you.

    The GOP is now calling coal "clean energy" and Trump's going on and on about mining for more of it. He flat-out does not care about anything at all besides himself and doesn't have any remote concern for democracy, our government, our environment, the lives of minorities or even majorities, our allies or our agreements. He wouldn't defend NATO nations unless they were "giving us enough." That's flat-out extortion of foreign nations. He's as dangerous as anyone who has ever run for the presidency, and he could absolutely win it. Republicans aren't going to be so wishy-washy in voting for him. "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" seems awfully true right about now.

    It's sickening and it's maddening watching people still cling to this dangerous idealism that will lead us right into a Trump/Pence administration. Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich DO NOT need to have any major power in this nation, and they absolutely will if he wins. Newt Gingrich has flat out said in direct terms that he wants the House of Un-American Activities brought back, and there are people who can look at that possible future and then at Hillary and actually say "$hillary won't be any better!!! Can't wait for President Stein!"? Really?

    I outright have nightmares about watching CNN on November 8th and seeing them call it for Trump. It's horrifying. Everyone who refuses to vote Democrat or refuses to vote at all will be directly responsible for it if it happens. This election isn't a lock and it never was going to be no matter who the Democratic nominee was. Donald Trump is utterly terrifying and the idea that people who are privileged enough to have nothing visibly at stake right now might cause us all to have him as our president because they just couldn't get over themselves is infuriating to me.

  2. #3272
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    A fucking men to that.

  3. #3273
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    So Donnie T. thinks we should join Somalia and North Korea and leave the World Trade Organization! I'm sure that would really make America great again

  4. #3274
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    Gary Johnson is apparently polling at 12% at the moment, gaining an additional 3%, given the current candidates is a very reasonable possibility, if he would make into the debates i wouldn't be at all surprised if he became a legitimate contender, coupled with the fact that both the other candidates have a huge disapproval rating.
    I'm willing to bet whatever odds you want that Gary Johnson does not become the 45th president of the United States.

  5. #3275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm willing to bet whatever odds you want that Gary Johnson does not become the 45th president of the United States.
    If he makes into the debates, which he'd most likely win and even if he didn't his unfavorable numbers would never compare to the others, he'd just might be able to split enough of the electoral college votes and make the House of Representatives select the next president, which i assume is how it works, if none the candidates have more than 50% of the electoral college. Once in the House, controlled by republicans, most of which do not want Trump, including the speaker, would pick Gary Johnson, they'd get a libertarian leading republican and democrats would also win by preventing a Trump presidency.

    Unlikely? Very much, but this year has been full of surprises so one can dream.

  6. #3276
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    that's not how it works... but I would love to see people get really excited about Gary Johnson and I will be delighted to be his cheerleader. Go Gary! You can do it!

  7. #3277
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sallos View Post
    controlled by republicans, most of which do not want Trump,
    The RNC sure proved that that's not how they intend to operate, whether it's their first choice or not. They're going with Trump as far as they can.

  8. #3278
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    I'd be excited about Wasserman-Schultz resigning except the damage was already done. Now the plan is stopping Trump. @Jinsai nailed it in saying this is about SCOTUS seats. And also, civil rights, of course.
    Last edited by Swykk; 07-24-2016 at 04:12 PM.

  9. #3279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I'd be excited about Wasserman-Schultz resigning except the damage was already done. Now the plan is stopping Trump. @Jinsai nailed it in saying this is about SCOTUS seats. And also, civil rights, of course.
    SCOTUS and not wrecking the economy by leaving the WTO and destroying our status as allies with members of NATO, encouraging racism and xenophobia and trying to treat all members of a religion of over 1.6 billion people as criminals until proven innocent and acting as if unlawful police shootings never happen, among many, many other things.

    Trump is seriously a colossal disaster waiting to happen in every single way possible, just about, and you have people like him and the NRA just full-on imagining wild and unfounded claims like "Hillary wants to abolish the 2nd Amendment!" and "50% more cops were shot this year!" He's a modern-day Nixon and that's an insult to Nixon, even. It's horrifying.

  10. #3280
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    I totally understand why Hillary chose a centrist with some right wing tendencies for VP: progressives are stuck with voting for her, and I think most Sanders supporters will do the right thing and vote for her; it's moderate Republicans who hate Trump who she wants to woo.

    That said, I think Michael Moore is kind of on the money about Trump winning:
    Last edited by aggroculture; 07-24-2016 at 05:53 PM.

  11. #3281
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    I think most Sanders supporters will do the right thing and vote for her/
    You must be joking, right? Not many Sanders supporters are going to want to vote for her since it's confirmed the primary was rigged by these email leaks. All that money raised by them was wasted and essentially pointless.

  12. #3282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    You must be joking, right? Not many Sanders supporters are going to want to vote for her since it's confirmed the primary was rigged by these email leaks. All that money raised by them was wasted and essentially pointless.
    The idea that because some members of the DNC were annoyed with Bernie's campaign and acted in ways they shouldn't have, that the majority of people who supported him would rather have Donald Trump as president is utterly bonkers if not frightening.

  13. #3283
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    The idea that because some members of the DNC were annoyed with Bernie's campaign and acted in ways they shouldn't have, that the majority of people who supported him would rather have Donald Trump as president is utterly bonkers if not frightening.
    And the idea that people think his supporters are going to support the candidate the primaries were rigged for is absurd. The DNC essentially spat in these people's faces. I think the reality is a majority of these people are going to vote for 3rd party candidates or not vote at all, and yeah, I know 3rd party candidates have no chance. My point is: this election is fucked and our country is fucked. Now, I'm gonna get drunk and prepare for the worst.

    Also, word on the internet is that wikileaks is going to leak documents that guarantee Hillary Clinton will be indicted.

  14. #3284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    And the idea that people think his supporters are going to support the candidate the primaries were rigged for is absurd. The DNC essentially spat in these people's faces. I think the reality is a majority of these people are going to vote for 3rd party candidates or not vote at all, and yeah, I know 3rd party candidates have no chance. My point is: this election is fucked and our country is fucked. Now, I'm gonna get drunk and prepare for the worst.

    Also, word on the internet is that wikileaks is going to leak documents that guarantee Hillary Clinton will be indicted.
    Here's some worthwhile data:

    Also, IIRC, Hillary's supporters were more rabidly against Obama for a time than Sanders' supporters are, and even then, they rallied around him when it came down to election day. And that was against John McCain, who looks so acceptable next to Donald Trump.

    And anyone still holding out on the belief that Hillary will be indicted probably also thinks Sanders endorsed her because she's threatening his grandkids and that any day now we'll finally learned what really happened on 9/11.

  15. #3285
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    And anyone still holding out on the belief that Hillary will be indicted probably also thinks Sanders endorsed her because she's threatening his grandkids and that any day now we'll finally learned what really happened on 9/11.
    People mocked Sanders fans when they thought the primary was rigged. And as for whether Hillary would be indicted, it depends on the information.
    Last edited by Frozen Beach; 07-24-2016 at 06:22 PM.

  16. #3286
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    2016 Presidential Election

    Vast right wing conspiracy = concerted effort
    Last edited by Dra508; 07-24-2016 at 06:48 PM.

  17. #3287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And this is the problem. People need to remember that supreme court seats are at stake here! This isn't a time to "protest vote!"
    Jill Stein is playing (the shittiest sounding) violin while America burns.

    Right now things are dangerous. If you're voting third-party in this election, you're an asshole...
    Now that's some top notch fiery rhetoric.
    slightly offensive but highly effective.

  18. #3288
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    As for my thoughts of late...
    God forbid trump becomes president, but maybe it won't be as bad as we think.
    The reason i think this is that i don't think trump understands shit about policy or politics and won't be running anything.
    I believe he will have the most powerful cabinet in history.
    And i imagine he will be surrounded and advised by fairly moderate people.
    I think the hardcore right wing shit he is spouting is just to get ignorant rednecks in his corner. I doubt his administration would REALLY do ninety percent of the batshit crazy things he is proposing.

    Have you guys heard the rumor that trump offered kasich the chance to be the most powerful vp in history?

    Seriously, if this fucker bumbles his way into the white house, i feel certain that the people around him will keep him from falling into anything he could actually fuck up.
    This is why i'm not that scared anymore.

    also, @allegro , i think i have learned what you told me a few months ago, that elections are not as scripted as i thought they were. "conspiracy theories are for hippies :P"

  19. #3289
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Have you guys heard the rumor that trump offered kasich the chance to be the most powerful vp in history?

    Seriously, if this fucker bumbles his way into the white house, i feel certain that the people around him will keep him from falling into anything he could actually fuck up.
    This is why i'm not that scared anymore.
    Yeah but Mike Pence is a royal fuck-up and is now potentially being groomed to be the most powerful VP in history.

  20. #3290
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    Seriously, if this fucker bumbles his way into the white house, i feel certain that the people around him will keep him from falling into anything he could actually fuck up.
    This is why i'm not that scared anymore.
    And you just crushed the biggest selling points of both candidates. It's sad how many buy into it.

    We need to vote for Trump because we should fear Hillary.

    We need to vote for Hillary because we should fear Trump.

    I'm not scared that our country can't survive 4 years of either of them. I think they'll both be bad. I'll be voting for who I think is actually good. I'll be voting for hope for the future, not fear.

  21. #3291
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    Debbie Wasserman Schultz steps down from DNC shortly after the DNC email leak that shows how fucked things are. Sanders people cheer. Moments later Hillary announces that she is hiring Schultz with loads of praise and no mention of the wrongdoing. Sanders people flip out.

  22. #3292
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    Goddamn it Hillary, it's like you're trying to lose this

  23. #3293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Goddamn it Hillary, it's like you're trying to lose this
    The hiring of DWS shocked me. I figured HRC would appoint her somewhere after she is inaugurated. But to give her a job mere hours after the DNC email shitstorm and immediate resignation. I just don't get why.

    You have a lot of the usuals, like Krugman, praising the DWS resignation. But there is silence on HRC giving her a job. I have seen no attempt to justify it yet. I really would be curious to see someone justify it. I'm betting it gets buried in the next wave of leaks that Assange has.

  24. #3294
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    Maybe she's banking on people not paying attention, which is a shit strategy in this age

  25. #3295
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    He's a modern-day Nixon and that's an insult to Nixon, even. It's horrifying.
    Nixon was actually a big civil rights proponent, contrary to what people assume. Under Nixon, we had integration, busing, and he endorsed the ERA.

    Re DWS, I assume it's because a shitload of Dems really like DWS and are willing to forgive her and just say she was a shitty DNC chair but it shouldn't wreck her entire career. Ultimately, little to none of it affected how we voted. The DNC can't manipulate voters. The "system" isn't rigged to hypnotize us. The alleged rigging that Sanders voters are bitching about would have fucked Clinton voters, too. But, for ALL KINDS OF REASONS, mostly for not filing enough suits in states where the VRA needs to be reinstated, she needed to resign. And "Honorary Chair" doesn't sound like a real job to me. But to be surprised that Brad Marshall or the DNC would dislike and look to undermine a lifelong non-Democrat running under the Democratic ticket? People are fucking SURPRISED by this? Give me a fucking break. It didn't WORK, as Sanders received MILLIONS of dollars and votes. But it's not some big fucking revelation that they were pissed at the Party Crasher.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-24-2016 at 10:48 PM.

  26. #3296
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    goddamn, i need to catch up on news. i've actually taken a break from this circus here lately.

  27. #3297
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    We covered this on Page 108 and laughed about it, not a rumor, it was in the NY Times.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-24-2016 at 10:30 PM.

  28. #3298
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    @allegro he also if I remember right was cool about the environment, too. More than anything I compare them due to being corrupt and fixated on personal gain, as well as Trump's whole "law and order candidate" charade.

  29. #3299
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @allegro he also if I remember right was cool about the environment, too.
    He was responsible for the EPA and NOAA. He got a bad rap. Go watch his famous "Checkers" speech from 1952 (his wife Pat had a nice cloth Republican coat, not a fur coat). He was not Trump. He deserves a better history than he got. When MLK was jailed, he and MLK were friends and Nixon nearly made a phone call to get King out of jail but thought it would come across as "grandstanding." JFK, meanwhile, had the FBI trailing King as a "troublemaker." Nixon tried to maintain order to control the rioting that was happening across the country, but he wasn't a tyrant. See this.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-24-2016 at 11:08 PM.

  30. #3300
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    I liked Richard Nixon. I thought he had personality and was fun to watch.

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