I don't think I knew NIN when it was released. My first real memory was Into The Void video. Ashamed to say I didn't care for it. Years later, AATCHB was released and I was about to seek it out to see what this band was, but realized it was "just a live compilation". It wasn't a year later in college where a friend of mine lend me Downward Spiral and The Fragile. It was half good. I had a hard time appreciating NIN. But it grew on me. They felt "important". I was listening to Deftones, Korn, Linkin Park and Tool, and NIN somehow felt like it had to be part of my library. So I eventually bought a used copy of The Fragile. Maybe in 2004. That's when all the news started coming in about Bleedthrough. What a year. Bought the reissue of Downward Spiral, and AATCHB dvd. I was now a fan.