@allegro Ha, that Dickens movie looks really fun. That's such a cool concept for a movie. I'm surprised no one's ever done that before where they depict a writer's creative process like that. I actually don't know very much about Dickens' personal life, so it'll be interesting to see.

And actually, the 90s Sense and Sensibility is the only Austen adaptation I've ever seen, so no, I haven't seen that Pride and Prejudice adaptation yet, but I hear it's good. That said, is that scene in the book at all? I swear I don't remember anything like that. Not saying it doesn't look like a good movie, I'm just trying to figure out if it's completely added or if my memory is just totally shot. I re-read all of Austen's stuff almost two years ago, so I feel like it's pretty fresh in my memory. Have you seen the Kiera Knightly one? If so, do you have a preference between the two?