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Thread: Controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions

  1. #181
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    Demon Seed is the greatest thing ever (at least that's my opinion after listening to The Slip twice through while drunk).
    Last edited by Ichiro; 08-24-2013 at 07:53 PM.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by nineismine View Post
    Head down is probably my favorite song on the slip and in my top ten... Love what he says in that song.
    Hell yes. In terms of lyrics, it felt like the most honest, personal thing on that album which, when I look back on it, felt like kind of a hodgepodge (not complaining, just saying he did kinda dash it off quickly comparatively speaking, and it shows a little).

  3. #183
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    @Transfixed no one cares about his sexuality. It's the way you talked about it, the fact you think being gay/"fruity" could be controversial and ... Trent has a wife? I mean, he might be bi/pan/queer/whatever, but he's not gay.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiskeyboy View Post
    4. ruiner, in terms of layering, production, and raw artistic talent, outpaces any nin song ever written

    I agree 100%.

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by dominik View Post
    Just chill.
    No thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Transfixed View Post
    I can appreciate that people are assuming that I'm joking or trolling, but I am (again) completely serious, and shouldn't have to stress that fact 4 friggin times. The fact that the mere mention of gayness makes you assume "homophobia" says more about your perspective on homosexuality than it does mine.

    ANYWAY - surely someone else see what I'm saying. The sudden obssessive love of the tambourine, the constant "HEY!" he does live, the uh, SYNTH-POP that he's become massively a fan of over the last 8 years? The really, really fruity songs like "All the Love in the world", much of "The Slip", and now with "CBH" and especially "Everything", it's just impossible to ignore.
    What you categorize, generalize and discriminate as sounding "gay" is ridiculous, not to mention that you're using a fucking derogatory term to describe said "gayness." THAT'S why people are calling you a homophobe. It's not ok to talk the way you talk. Grow the fuck up.

  6. #186
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    So much unfair hate for the magnificent tambourine...
    Trying to imagine Motown or The Beatles without it.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by howdidislipinto View Post
    No thanks.

    What you categorize, generalize and discriminate as sounding "gay" is ridiculous, not to mention that you're using a fucking derogatory term to describe said "gayness." THAT'S why people are calling you a homophobe. It's not ok to talk the way you talk. Grow the fuck up.
    I'm 31 years old and have several gay friends and am about as UNhomophobic as you can get, so you can get down off your high horse. I was trying to describe the intangible essence of Trent's possible gay layer, and I described it the best I could. No - using a tambourine doesn't make him gay, it's the WAY he uses it, and his seeming obssession out of nowhere. I don't know what the fuck else to call it other than fruity, and it's not meant to be derogatory. I'll talk any damn way I want to, but thanks for playing First Amendment Police Officer.
    I could have simply said "do you guys think Trent might be a little gay?" But would've been bombarded by "WHERES YOUR EVIDENCE"-type statements, so I tried to throw a few things out there that have always struck me as a little gay. I'm just trying to spark the goddamn question/discussion not dive deep into my supposed homophobia, which does not in fact exist.
    RELAX. If you don't wanna discuss it, then move on.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiempo View Post
    So much unfair hate for the magnificent tambourine...
    I love it! We need more tambourine action.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    @Transfixed no one cares about his sexuality. It's the way you talked about it, the fact you think being gay/"fruity" could be controversial and ... Trent has a wife? I mean, he might be bi/pan/queer/whatever, but he's not gay.
    Well if he's married with kids, then yes, being secretly homosexual qualifies as controversial. And clearly by the flaming treatment I've received for asking the question, I think that pretty well confirms it's "controversial" nature.

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transfixed View Post
    Well if he's married with kids, then yes, being secretly homosexual qualifies as controversial. And clearly by the flaming treatment I've received for asking the question, I think that pretty well confirms it's "controversial" nature.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transfixed View Post
    Well if he's married with kids, then yes, being secretly homosexual qualifies as controversial. And clearly by the flaming treatment I've received for asking the question, I think that pretty well confirms it's "controversial" nature.
    The HOMOPHOBIC BULLSHIT is why you got this response, not to mention NO ONE CARES WHAT HIS SEXUALITY IS. You think someone's music can define their sexuality? Are you really that fucking stupid?

  12. #192
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    I personally think the tambourine is badass, and I'm so glad he is obsessed with it.. There are parts of came back haunted that I expected him to play with the tambourine. He didn't D:

  13. #193
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    Controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions

    I had no idea that there is a het way and a gay way of playing the tambourine. And I was a percussionist in school. Tambourine is a serious percussion instrument.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiempo View Post
    So much unfair hate for the magnificent tambourine...
    Trying to imagine Motown or The Beatles without it.
    Jack Ashford!!!!

    Last edited by allegro; 08-24-2013 at 11:36 PM.

  14. #194
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  15. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transfixed View Post
    bigoted horseshit
    Trent could be gay, Mariqueen could be his willing beard, NIN could finally put out I Like Dudes with nothing but Rob's photography of a Pride parade as the artwork, and you'd still be a fucking idiot. I hope you hate yourself.

  16. #196
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    Seriously, can we drop this now?

    Is it worth arguing a whole page over?

  17. #197
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    Controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions

    [QUOTE=Transfixed;119890]I'm 31 years old and have several gay friends and am about as UNhomophobic as you can get, so you can get down off your high horse.... [\QUOTE]

    I hate opening statements like this. Paula Deen had plenty of African American friends and associates but it still turns out she was racist and used derogatory terminology.

    Look dude, I'm going to go disagree with most folk here, and say you're not a homophobe, I think you have a little thing for Trent yourself go on admit it, you have a serious man crush on him. Nothing to be ashamed of, there are plenty of blokes who feel the same way but it takes a real man to admit it, I know them personally and live happy fulfilling lives. Rather than place this your dealing with on Trent and look for validation at his expense you just need to deal with it and accept it.

    And while you're at it, leave the bloody tambourine of if this, man! Not one person could shake a tambourine as badass as Trent Renzor! I know it and YOU know it! VIVA TAMBOURINE!

    Have a good day!

    J x
    Last edited by Scarlet Siren; 08-25-2013 at 01:35 AM.

  18. #198
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    The only thing that's more badass than Trent and his tambourine was Justin and his tiny cymbals.

  19. #199
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    Controversial Nine Inch Nails opinions

    Quote Originally Posted by Ponderance View Post
    jesus. that paula deen shit got brought into this. what a massive fucking piece of shit, worthless waste of anybody's time that tiny amount of totally unrelated to anything evidence besides, at best, some out of context bullshit that was. but, considering the ammo used against Transfixed so far... Fucking why not use such worthless tracers in a firefight? I mean what the fuck?
    Calm the hell down, dickhead. Seriously, calm down. That was unnecessary.

  20. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlet Siren View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Transfixed View Post
    I'm 31 years old and have several gay friends and am about as UNhomophobic as you can get, so you can get down off your high horse....
    I hate opening statements like this.
    Scarlet is absolutely right. Only a bigot ever needs to defend him or herself by saying, "But I have so many _______ friends..." because non-bigoted people prove it by just not saying bigoted things. Why is the Paula Deen comparison off base? She said some stupid bullshit and tried to justify it just as ridiculously as this @Transfixed clown. I'm surprised at how many people are leaping to his defense. NIN fans are a lot of things (obsessive, overeager, occasionally creepy) but one thing I'm proud of is that we're a pretty welcoming lot. I go to a concert and I feel like I see all types. Maybe primarily a little on the pale side, but still, all types. We don't need high school bully bullshit about "fruity beats" and "playing tambourine the gay way" being spouted off here. Don't brush it off or try and change the subject. Shut him the fuck down.

  21. #201
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    And this​ is why this kinda thread is always a bad idea

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    And this​ is why this kinda thread is always a bad idea
    Ha. I dunno, people still probably had a more extreme reaction to that one dude saying TDS sounded dated.

  23. #203
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    Today I learned the acceptable way to accept bringing yourself to being someone's first entry on their ignore list is going back and facepalming all of their posts. Sly.


    Guess the time he got ignored. You go boy.

  24. #204
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    ...yeah, I stand by it. His PMs were hysterical.

    Controversial NIN opinion: count me amongst the nearly 3s or 4s of people who like the Porter Ricks TDTWWA mix. I can't explain it. Definitely don't like the Me I'm Not remix, but... that Porter Ricks mix does it for me. Who the hell is Porter Ricks, anyway?

    (Josh Wink?)

  25. #205
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    If that's your definition of Hysterical..... Sheltered life. Barely even elevated. Bravo.

  26. #206
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    These are just some other opinions I've mentioned at I'm actually not sure how controversial they are, and they're probably not, unless it really depends on who you speak to.

    1. I think that first time buyers would be better off checking out the regular versions of Pretty Hate Machine and The Downward Spiral before even thinking about checking out the remastered versions, and I still find myself listening to the regular versions a lot more.

    2. I also like to think of Broken as the second album. (Not to say that it is.)

  27. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by howdidislipinto View Post
    Ha. I dunno, people still probably had a more extreme reaction to that one dude saying TDS sounded dated.
    saying dated about TDS* is like talking personal stuff with your best friend, with whom you are the most honest and aren't shy about discussing "uncomfortable" things. similar opinions from other people** may seem less acceptable, as in "what do they know?!"
    *disclaimer: i only comment on reaction, not on opinion itself
    **especially on the internet message board
    Last edited by BenAkenobi; 08-25-2013 at 04:26 AM.

  28. #208
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    I can't get into the Fixed and TPD Versions EPs, save for a couple of tracks on each one.
    I adore Ghosts I-IV and I hope to see a Ghosts V-VIII someday.
    I don't collect NIN stuff like a lot of fans do, though I used to be a lukewarm collector in the past.
    I think Things Falling Apart is overrated due to all the shitty "Starfuckers, Inc." mixes.
    I think there's some cool stuff on the domestic HLAH single.
    Last edited by piggy; 08-25-2013 at 05:58 AM.

  29. #209
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    Ohhh, I have a bad one....

    I never liked Closer that much imho. It is not bad, and I do like some things a lot, like the the arrangement, both on the studio version and the live versions I have seen, they were bloody awesome. But for me personally, the lyrics annoyed me quite a bit. I don't get the whole, I need this to survive thing that most people get, I get a more sadistic psycho thing. Its just not my cup of tea as far as I can see.

  30. #210
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    I prefer Aaron to Robin. He seems more reckless and less deconstructive on the live versions. He jumped around too, randomly, from out of frame, just 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's Aaron! *guitar solo*. Just miss it. ;-(

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