So we can't have a shitlist, we can't have a misogyny thread, even the fuckin jokes thread gets locked. What is ETS coming to these days? Is the only thing acceptable here now being sad and depressed? What about the laughter, people!

You might think this doesn't effect you. But where does it end, man? WHERE DOES IT END?

What's next? Soon Eleveno won't be able to post about his complex relationship? Hazekiah about his love for Transformers and Manson? Cashpiles about his love for... asian stuff? Kris will get post capped and only be able to start like two or three new threads a day?

I sincerely implore you to think about the dangerous direction this website is headed in and it's imperial and tyrannical regime. Do you really want to live in that kind of ETS? I think not good sirs.