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Thread: Destiny

  1. #631
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    So I redeemed my codes for the pre-order perks and neither the sparrow or the gjallarhorn showed up for me in game. is anyone else having this issue on PS4?

  2. #632
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    Everything was there with the postmaster when I logged in this morning. Seems like a lot of people are having issues though. Bad enough where they're giving it negative reviews on amazon (which is stupid). Only did two story missions. Anxious to play more.

  3. #633
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    Destiny is dead to me. Ever since that last update, they game wont let me connect to my friends and gives me a "beaver" error.

  4. #634
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    Had that issue alot when it first came out. Now it never happens.

  5. #635
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    I thought that the new gjallarhorn was rewarded through a quest? If not, then I don't have it either.

  6. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Destiny is dead to me. Ever since that last update, they game wont let me connect to my friends and gives me a "beaver" error.
    Delete and reinstall.

    I just got home so I'm about to boot up.

  7. #637
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    I thought that the new gjallarhorn was rewarded through a quest? If not, then I don't have it either.
    I think it is. I was wondering where my black gjallarhorn was. Told me I needed a year 3 one. I have a quest for it. Kind of a bummer. But whatever.

  8. #638
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    this is pretty barren for a destiny expansion...

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Everything was there with the postmaster when I logged in this morning. Seems like a lot of people are having issues though. Bad enough where they're giving it negative reviews on amazon (which is stupid). Only did two story missions. Anxious to play more.
    Same. Boy that horn for the sparrow sure is obnoxious huh? I've only unlocked the social space so far, gonna do some patrols tonight, and try to get into the archon forge. The spilcers are fucked! They move like taken, and shoot all janky. Fallen raid could be annoying haha.

    EDIT: The Kovostov is OP!! (calling the nerf right now)

  10. #640
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    Haven't heard the horn. Not sure what button it even is... Still doing story.

  11. #641
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    The spilcers are fucked! They move like taken, and shoot all janky. Fallen raid could be annoying haha.
    My exact thoughts when I was playing last night! I really like the expansion so far, and there are tons of things to do imo. I like the whole record book idea as well like they did for moments of triumph. Patiently awaiting the dam raid!!

  12. #642
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Haven't heard the horn. Not sure what button it even is... Still doing story.
    B button/O button when you're driving your sparrow.

    I'm 338. I feel lame compared to my friends list which range from high 340's to even mid 350's.

  13. #643
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    Finished the main story. Just hit 320. So much left to do.

  14. #644
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    Gotta be honest, not really into it as much as I thought I would be.

  15. #645
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    Heres a question Destiny peeps.
    My buddy just got a PS4 and we wanna find a good, easy co-op game. I played Destiny when it first came out, finished the 'story' got bored and traded it away. But That was 'year one'. If I pick up the 5 expansion pack (its like £40 which looks a bargain) and start over with him, are we jumping into something far to vast and complex, or are the missions any better?
    Also is Sparrow racing still there because would null and void anything else and I'll go get it right now.

  16. #646
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidcalm View Post
    Heres a question Destiny peeps.
    My buddy just got a PS4 and we wanna find a good, easy co-op game. I played Destiny when it first came out, finished the 'story' got bored and traded it away. But That was 'year one'. If I pick up the 5 expansion pack (its like £40 which looks a bargain) and start over with him, are we jumping into something far to vast and complex, or are the missions any better?
    Also is Sparrow racing still there because would null and void anything else and I'll go get it right now.
    The missions are better and the system for leveling and getting light has gotten more complex (and better). i recommend looking into it.

    Sparrow racing is gone but I'm sure it'll return eventually.

  17. #647
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    Sparrow racing coming back this fall. Wait, is it fall now? We don't have fall in AZ haha.

  18. #648
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    I am liking the fact there is at least some more things to do right now, but it just seems so flat compared to The Taken King. I really do not understand why it is so difficult to make a good story in this game. I loved the direction they went in with TKK, but everything here just seems like a watered down version of it. I know the live team pretty much did everything here for the most part, but it would have been nice to incorporate the characters we finally got to see a human (Or not) side of. The threat doesn't seem at all a threat to me like the Taken were. Hopefully they really put these problems into consideration for Destiny 2, and we don't just get a rehashed version of the first three years with prettier graphics.

  19. #649
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    The story is more light than Taken King but still enjoyable. I can't wait to raid but I'm too low in light.

  20. #650
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    I am liking the fact there is at least some more things to do right now, but it just seems so flat compared to The Taken King. I really do not understand why it is so difficult to make a good story in this game. I loved the direction they went in with TKK, but everything here just seems like a watered down version of it. I know the live team pretty much did everything here for the most part, but it would have been nice to incorporate the characters we finally got to see a human (Or not) side of. The threat doesn't seem at all a threat to me like the Taken were. Hopefully they really put these problems into consideration for Destiny 2, and we don't just get a rehashed version of the first three years with prettier graphics.
    Don't jinx it haha. Smh

  21. #651
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    Brick walled at 355 and since this job I have makes me have basically no time I look like a piece of shit compared to my roster of friends and clan mates. Everyone is 365+ and has done the Raid and I'm just standing here stuck at 355 due to shitty RNG and no artifact boosts. I'm getting EXTREMELY irritated with this game right now. I haven't went up one light point since Monday.

  22. #652
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    I haven't been playing much. But when I do, my light barely goes up. Think i'm around the 330 mark. Archon's Keep is pretty rewarding though. Gotta A LOT from it the last time I played.

  23. #653
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Brick walled at 355 and since this job I have makes me have basically no time I look like a piece of shit compared to my roster of friends and clan mates. Everyone is 365+ and has done the Raid and I'm just standing here stuck at 355 due to shitty RNG and no artifact boosts. I'm getting EXTREMELY irritated with this game right now. I haven't went up one light point since Monday.
    they make it really tough for people with no time. but gaining light is about coming up with an organized strategy, identifying where you are weakest, and tackling that. where you are at popping 3oC and running heroic strikes is definitely the best thing, and then when you are 365-ish you'll be raid ready.

    also crucible is a very efficient way to do it as well.

    I hit 384 today! pretty much good to go for heroic wrath of the machine.

  24. #654
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    they make it really tough for people with no time. but gaining light is about coming up with an organized strategy, identifying where you are weakest, and tackling that. where you are at popping 3oC and running heroic strikes is definitely the best thing, and then when you are 365-ish you'll be raid ready.

    also crucible is a very efficient way to do it as well.

    I hit 384 today! pretty much good to go for heroic wrath of the machine.
    I just hate the mentality on LfG where if you're low light = you're atomically shit. I figured I'd try and do the first Raid boss. I got one invite and it was from a disorganized clusterfuck team which I left after 15 minutes of pure failure. I was in the middle of the pack light wise and never died once. After I left, I have received no invites since. I may be lower light than most but when I tried Trials this weekend I was the last one alive most of the time and I had a 372 on my team. Light doesn't mean dick if the person playing is pretty decent.

    Basically have been running strikes all week. Popped around 14 3 of Coins and didn't get a single exotic engram drop. The skeleton keys I have used have fucked me over repeatedly from getting the piece of armor I want (Ogre Gauntlets for my Hunter from old Phogoth Strike). I got lucky this afternoon and got a 355 artifact. I finally hit 356 and easily got to 357 within the next half hour.

    I just hate that everyone acts like they need to beat every inch of this DLC within the first week. When I installed it on launch day I had like 3 friends that were already 360. WTF.

  25. #655
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I just hate the mentality on LfG where if you're low light = you're atomically shit. I figured I'd try and do the first Raid boss. I got one invite and it was from a disorganized clusterfuck team which I left after 15 minutes of pure failure. I was in the middle of the pack light wise and never died once. After I left, I have received no invites since. I may be lower light than most but when I tried Trials this weekend I was the last one alive most of the time and I had a 372 on my team. Light doesn't mean dick if the person playing is pretty decent.

    Basically have been running strikes all week. Popped around 14 3 of Coins and didn't get a single exotic engram drop. The skeleton keys I have used have fucked me over repeatedly from getting the piece of armor I want (Ogre Gauntlets for my Hunter from old Phogoth Strike). I got lucky this afternoon and got a 355 artifact. I finally hit 356 and easily got to 357 within the next half hour.

    I just hate that everyone acts like they need to beat every inch of this DLC within the first week. When I installed it on launch day I had like 3 friends that were already 360. WTF.
    light does have a very big impact on difficulty. my first attempt at the final raid boss I was 369, and he was an unmanageable nightmare.

    I went back in the next day, at 375, enemy health was in white font instead of orange, and I could sustain a lot more hits, and kill the enemies with fewer shots. EVEN STILL the rest of my party was below 370, and the damage on the boss made clear we could not defeat him, that was simple math.

    tried later on with a group where about half the team was in the 370s, and we managed him quite easily.

    it's worth noting that, until yesterday, there was a simple cheese for obtaining gear up to 365 (the game deliberately slows you between 355 and 365), but they nerfed it.

    Here are you options:
    Blue and purple drops from crucible
    faction packages.
    exotic engrave (pop one every other crucible match or every other strike, every 5 3oC ish is one engram)
    legendary engram from any where.
    purchase vendor gear in weak slots (ghost, for indtance)

    grinding light is also a lot about gear management. you always want to be the highest achievable light, and, at yoUR level, that means wearing a lot of blue armor instead of infusing it. only infuse on items that you can't live without, otherwise, equip the item until something better comes around. most of the raid is manageable once you touch 361, and you can hope for some gear in there.

  26. #656
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    light does have a very big impact on difficulty. my first attempt at the final raid boss I was 369, and he was an unmanageable nightmare.

    I went back in the next day, at 375, enemy health was in white font instead of orange, and I could sustain a lot more hits, and kill the enemies with fewer shots. EVEN STILL the rest of my party was below 370, and the damage on the boss made clear we could not defeat him, that was simple math.

    tried later on with a group where about half the team was in the 370s, and we managed him quite easily.

    it's worth noting that, until yesterday, there was a simple cheese for obtaining gear up to 365 (the game deliberately slows you between 355 and 365), but they nerfed it.

    Here are you options:
    Blue and purple drops from crucible
    faction packages.
    exotic engrave (pop one every other crucible match or every other strike, every 5 3oC ish is one engram)
    legendary engram from any where.
    purchase vendor gear in weak slots (ghost, for indtance)

    grinding light is also a lot about gear management. you always want to be the highest achievable light, and, at yoUR level, that means wearing a lot of blue armor instead of infusing it. only infuse on items that you can't live without, otherwise, equip the item until something better comes around. most of the raid is manageable once you touch 361, and you can hope for some gear in there.
    I found a nice and informative sherpa team that taught me every step. We demolished the Raid pretty quickly (I wasn't even a burden to them). I am now 363 with the scout rifle, helmet, chest, legs and ghost from the Raid. Going well so far. Today was a good day because someone took a chance on me.

  27. #657
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    I faced off against a guy named Jehuty in Iron Banner a day or two ago; is that the same one from here? I don't know how common the name is. It would be the first time ive encountered someone from ETS outside of the forums.

  28. #658
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    Iron Banner was the shit this time around. All of my characters got about a 5-7 light bump. I think they have a good leveling system right now, and should keep it. Supremacy is fun as hell too.

  29. #659
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    Man, we have Rift for banner this time. I am definitely in the minority that enjoys the hell out of rift, and do not mind it at all in Iron Banner this time around. Nice to see we are also getting some new exotics and armor and not just SRL. They better not have hid all of the new cosmetics and masks behind eververse this time, even though I am highly expecting this to happen all over again.

  30. #660
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    Quick question: if I buy Destiny: The Collection, will it maintain my current character/progress from my copy of Destiny: The Taken King? I really wanna play the new DLC, but it's cheaper to buy a new physical copy of the game on Amazon than to buy the DLC individually. So silly.

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