Quote Originally Posted by Max View Post
I am 100% in support of this post. Furthermore, even though I’m a dude, I think it’s weird that a shirt that is explicitly associated with a female hero is listed only in men’s sizes. I’m sure that’s not a Trent Reznor executive decision. But whoever made that call missed the mark. I’m not full of rage about it, just disappointed. We all have our biases and someone should learn from this.

I’m sure not all women want a fitted shirt and there is room for debate about all of that. But missed opportunity here no doubt.

And Poro765, nobody is here for your political correctness complaints. Language matters. If you are tired of people policing your language, imagine how it must feel to be systematically marginalized your entire life, to the point that the language itself has been constructed to exclude you. Quit arguing with people and listen and grow.
See, I know where you are coming from but I just don't share your view. I do not agree with your opinion. So don't tell me to listen and grow as if your view is correct and mine is wrong.
Language matters, but not this much. Men, in general, means humankind as a whole now. It originally meant "male human beings", but no more.
Systematically marginalized your entire life to the point that the language is constructed to exclude you? Please.