Quote Originally Posted by GulDukat View Post
The mixtape was so much fun to make back in the day. The CD mix just wasn't the same--with all the songs buring at once--the whole "labor of love" element is lost. You'd spend the whole friggin' day making those mixtapes, thinking what song to put next as you were playing the current one from CD (or radio) to tape.
Back in the 90s I made... oh... probably close to 50 tapes. Even hand-scanned (Logitech) (flat bed scanners cost real money back then) World of Darkness imagery from book to use as artwork (a precious few tapes got themselves reworked to be CD versions). CDs took a while longer for me to get into due to the prices of CD burners and blank media (and of course, using shitty quality MP3 wasn't ideal either)... but basically since 2005 I've formatted everything for either 70min or 80min depending on which I have to burn to. I make backups of my mixes and give a bunch away to local friends who aren't really into streaming (where I post everything nowadays).