Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
I don't agree. That's how we've gotten into the mess we're in: passive neo-liberalism/centrism from Obama & Dem leadership overall since 1992, while the Republicans drifted farther and farther right. Now the "center" is what used to be the moderate right. How about we try some unabashed progressive, "far left" policies with no compromise, and see what happens? We never try that. Haven't imo since the New Deal. If progressive policies fail like the fearmongers on the right proclaim (they won't though), then our POV on proper governance can be jettisoned to the dustbins of time. But let's actually try some first....b/c we try far right policies all the time and they almost always fuck the country, but then they get to still come to the table with more of their bullshit.
I don't know, I feel like things such as "universal health care" and "free college tuition" are considered pretty "far left", and they haven't really done anything.