I'm a sucker for Nintendo, always have been. Even though I find I usually play Xbox 360 more, there is just something magical about a new Nintendo system.
With that being said, i'm gonna pick one up for sure. So far the lineup has a couple decent games up my alley, New Super Mario Bros. U and Scribblenauts Unlimited and those are reasons enough for me to dish out the dough.

Stuff like 3rd party games like Bayonetta 2 and COD games do not intice me in the slightest. Everyone knows you buy a Nintendo consol for it's first party games - Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, Starfox, Fzero, Kirby Etc...

I'm more of a "download" games guy anyway. With my xbox 360 95% of the games I play are XBL Arcade games anyway. I very, very rarely purchase a retail 360 game. i think I have 4 retail games in total and about 40 XBLA games, haha.