The "live" "stream" was a lot of fun. The new songs sound amazing and the band is top notch -- they just keep getting better and better as they go. A couple goosebump/tears in eyes moments but to no surprise as their music always hits me.

Luckily, I was able to grab a download of the show since they put it on YouTube. Funny thing is, all of the info leading up to this has sounded very strict (ie. can only rewind an hour after stream starts, no plans for a DVD, ticket purchase deadline, breaking it up into 3 different "premiere" times although all are viewable etc...)

But... its just an unlisted video on YouTube :shrug:

I paid the $15 and do not regret but shocked they didn't go a better route to ensure it wasn't sharable. Or maybe it was all just a troll to see who would pay for something readily available.