back in the day Phantsmagoria really freaked me out... that game is still really over the top disturbing in parts. Alien Isolation actually freaked me out in some parts, and Resident Evil 7 with VR is nerve-shattering. I hear Soma is good. Amnesia is cool. Outlast seemed neat but I didn't dive in deep enough to really give my two cents. I didn't get to finish Alan Wake but what I played was really cool. People keep telling me The Evil Within is really underrated, but I had a hard time getting into it. Fatal Frame games are good but overrated. Siren is a cool under-the-radar J-horror game. I consider the Bioshock games to be horror... at least as much as Resident Evil 4 and 5 were.

There's also campy horror comedy games, like Dead Rising, Lollipop Chainsaw, and Shadows of the Damned.

Also check out Until Dawn if you have PS4.

The one I'm really interested in (and hoping it turns out right) is We Happy Few... a game where you live in a dystopian land where everyone is on super-happy pills, and you're trying to unbrainwash yourself or something, but if you slip up and the other citizens find you looking down in the dumps they turn on you and gleefully kill you or something? Sounds super interesting... Too bad it's going to be a timed Xbox exclusive, so who knows, maybe it'll be like Tomb Raider and we have to wait a year to get it, and by the time it releases (like Tomb Raider) I'm over it.