Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
I cannot fathom the irresponsibility from Tucker Carlson. This is just astonishing. At least when he sported a bow tie he looked like a snake oil salesman trying to get you to buy microwaveable popcorn or fried chicken

Now he’s just got this perpetually confused look on his face while he gives millions of people terrible advice and panders to their xenophobic ignorance
Dude, I actually LIKED tucker carlson as a foil to James Carville on CNN's Crossfire, twenty years ago. He was HIMSELF: a regular elitist neocon. That was twenty years ago.

When he, Tucker SWANSON (yes that swanson) Carlson emerged again as some sort of working class hero for the proletariat, I was utterly baffled.

He REALLY exposed himself on a radio show in between the two gigs, though. He calls himself an "out of the closet elitist," talks about how rich he is, and says that Glenn Beck, (I think,).that his fake "working class" facade was disingenuous and would crumble under scrutiny. He said a bunch of other grim stuff, too. I wish that all of his fans would watch this video.