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Thread: Haysey's Good & Bad Cinema Thread 2020!

  1. #1
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    Lightbulb Haysey's Good & Bad Cinema Thread 2020!

    Welcome to Haysey's Good & Bad Cinema Thread 2020/21!

    Here we go again...

    Every year i do a thread for my Reactions of films i aim to see to get me outta the house on a weekend (previous threads include 2017, 2018 and 2019)

    Last year's target was 26 films and i missed out by 1, so again i'll aim to beat 26 (i'd do more but i don't want to burn out again like on previous years)

    I'll post my reactions/mini reviews below and list each film in one of 4 easy category's like last year based on how i rated them, these are See It NOW, See It, Stream It/Rent It and Skip It. Feel free to agree/disagree/recommend films..

    Disclaimer : These are just my takes on the films i see. I am not a critic nor have studied films, this is just a hobby for me, these should only be viewed only as an opinion/something to read. Please do not take my word as a definitive take on whether a film is good or bad.

    Here is a list of films out this year i will be checking out (providing i can get to a cinema showing them all) Yellow being ones i'm most excited for (i'll cross them off as i see them) Expect this to expand as i hear about films (please feel free to recommend some!) (Also a couple i have question marks next too, this is because i'm not sure if they are musicals yet, and i HATE musicals so if they are i won't end up seeing them)...

    JoJo Rabbit, The Gentleman, 1917, Bad Boys For Life, BombShell, Weathering With You, The Personal History of David Copperfield, One Piece : Stampede, Birds of Prey (the the stupidly long title!), Parasight, Sonic The Hedgehog, My Hero Academia : Heroes Rising, A Quiet Place Part 2, Mulan, No Time To Die, The New Mutants (IT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING!?), Black Widow, Fast & Furious 9, The Spongebob Movie : Sponge on The Run, Wonder Women 1984, Soul, Ghostbusters : Afterlife, Tenet, Top Gun Maverick, Jungle Cruise, Bill and Ted Face The Music, The King's Man, GI Joe, The Eternals, Godzilla Vs Kong, Dune, Uncharted, Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0

    So far i have seen 26/ films this year...

    See It NOW!
    Evangelion: Thrice Upon A Time
    Weathering With You
    Demon Slayer Mugen Train
    The Suicide Squad

    See It
    No Time To Die

    Black Widow
    Godzilla Vs Kong
    JoJo Rabbit
    Free Guy
    A Quite Place Part 2
    The New Mutants
    Birds of Prey
    One Piece : Stampede
    My Hero Academia : Heroes Rising

    Stream it/Rent It
    Fast and Furious 9
    Bad Boys For Life

    The Gentlemen
    Venom Let There Be Carnage

    Skip it
    Sonic The Hedgehog

    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 11-10-2021 at 07:14 AM. Reason: Added 'Eternals'

  2. #2
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    The Gentlemen and JoJo Rabbit

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    The gentlemen ANNOYED me so much. As someone from Londer it was like watching what an american THINKS we sound like for 2 hours...which is even more annoying as the director is fucking english and made Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I dunno maybe my expectations were too high, but this just DIDN'T gel with me. I also had various issues with the plot and films choices (there's 3 uses of cockney rhyming slang, one of them is SO obscure it has text say what it means...and then ever uses it again. Don't include that if your not going to use it more then once! There's also a super car garage run by the main characters wife that feels like it was written for a Fast and Furious film....there's is NO WAY a super car shop would exist in London, they wouldn't get 50 yards down our streets without getting fucked by the roads here! And don't get me started on how absolutely stupid the attempted rape scene is...)
    What makes me really confused is how well received this has been...it's like i watched a different film!

    Wait for a DVD/Stream if you have to watch this!

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    JoJo Rabbit on the other hand was wonderful (and fucking dark at times!)
    I really enjoyed this one from start to finish, i loved the characters (and the acting was all fantasic) and it had me laughing ALOT.

    Definitely check this one out!

  3. #3
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    Cool 1917

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    I can definitely say you need to see this in a cinema, if not just for the score alone! But mainly for how excellently it's shot and directed, it's something you really don't see every year (and it's more then just another war film)The amount of work that's gone into making the film look and feel like it's just 2 very long single takes is insane, and the way the camera rotates around the main characters to show where they've been helps you feel like your on the trek with them.

    Also slightly spoliery, but the way the feel starts and ends with the same shot i thought was great and really brings the film to a great clouser.

    DEFINITELY check this out!

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    Thumbs up Bad Boy For Life

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    ...well that's 2 hits and 2 misses so far!

    Honestly i could go on about how uneven the film felt, how modern R rated action movies like John Wick and Atomic Blonde should be what this was aiming for and not just re-hashing the past...badly, the eye rolling Micheal Bay cameo, how Martin Lawrence went from being an actual Bad Boy with some comic relief in the previous films to just a bumbling comic relief character in this, or how almost all the jokes from anyone but Martin or Will just DO NOT LAND...but honestly, the film is mostly just forgettable

    It's a shame as i was looking forward to this, but wait for a stream, this isn't worth a cinema ticket.

    Now we're hitting the busy season though, I've already got tickets lined up for Weathering With You and One Piece Stampede this week, Birds of Pray next week and Sonic the week after, and i have to hit Parasite somewhere in-between the latter...

  5. #5
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    1917 was some seriously excellent filmmaking. Echo your sentiments on the flare scene at night. I really loved one of the simpler shots earlier in the film too...the slow tracking shot across the water inside the crater as the two of them walked across the edge.

    And one of the leads was Tommen! Crazy!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    I've already got tickets lined up for Birds of Pray next week and Sonic the week after...
    Ouch. We'll be thinking of you in this difficult time.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    Ouch. We'll be thinking of you in this difficult time.
    Birds of Prey i'm looking forward to, i'm at least hoping it's entertaining, Sonic on the other hand...

  8. #8
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    Cool Weathering With You and One Piece : Stampede

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    I'd been looking forward to this for months and it really didn't disappoint! The weather animation was just SOOOOOOO pretty. It's a much different film to Your Name and all the better for it, fucking ADORED this!

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    Another anime but this time less story and more ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Despite not having been up to date on the story since...2011 i think, this made perfect sense, plus the animation was just SO fucking good!

    I enjoyed both of these immensely!

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    Cool Birds of Prey and Parasite

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    This was exactly what i wanted from it, a fun action film about Suicide Squad's best character (and one good thing)...and more MEW...i really wish she was in more! Perfect popcorn movie or date night movie! Worth Checking Out. This next film though...

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    HOLY SHIT, THIS WAS INCREDIBLE from start to finish! Weathering with you just comes above it due to me just being a little biased toward animation, but this was an absolutely incredible movie! A must see!

    A pretty good day of movies, that will be followed up by nexts weeks Sonic movie...yikes!

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    Angry Sonic The Hedgehog

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    I really, REALLY wanted to like this, but the longer it went on the more bored i got. Everyone is different, and i don't expect anyone to read these reviews and use them as a sole opinion on whether you should see something, this is just my take on the films i see...but i have to be honest, and as a massive Sonic fan...i HATED this. I don't blame them for making the film for kids, i expected them too and they should have, i blame them for making a really forgettable bland kids film!

    Something i kept coming back to was Detective Pikachu. I probably love Pokemon as much as Sonic, and that film managed to nail Pokemon, for both fans and kids and general audiences, and made a fun film everyone could enjoy...this didn't care about Sonic outside of the redesign, it was just a brand to use on a really dull and generic children's film. What made it worse was there was about 25 people in the cinema with me, and nobody was reacting to anything, nobody was laughing at any of the jokes, not even the kids. When i started looking around i found out why...almost everyone was on their phones, and i clocked an 8ish year old playing Mario Kart...THAT'S HOW BAD THIS WAS, not even the kids watching it WANTED TO WATCH IT!

    I honestly wished i'd just walked out, it didn't get any better, and i left the cinema feeling so depressed and down about the whole experience. If anyone can watch this and enjoy it, fair play, i'm honestly glad there are people out there that are enjoying this...i just didn't, at all. I might load up Sonic and all stars racing and see if that can cheer me up a bit, i'm feeling very down about this whole experience

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    My Hero Academia Heroes Rising

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    Trying to get back to some sense of normality after the events of last week, so this was a nice film to ease myself back into. The animation was fucking solid, but you do need to at least be into MHA to really get the film (though it is mostly explained for any new fans...but it does kinda spoil the first few seasons)

    If your into MHA definitely give this a watch, it won't effect the ongoing series, but it will entertain you!

    Next i have a choice of either Invisible man or Onward, and i'm hearing good things from both...

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    Well this thread has all but been put on hold...and we were SOOO close to New Mutants.

    I fully intend to go back to the cinema once they are re-opened (with sensible soical distancing measures) so expect this to be revived soon, in the mean-time i've kind of re-branded my Insta with drawing, so be sure to check it out if your into anime nonsense!

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    Finally i'm back to the movies!

    Did a bit of housekeepin on the thread, i've highlighted in red all the film delayed of moved to streaming that i don't have so i can't watch.

    Tenet was really very good, but very VERY confusing at points. Mainly due to a lot of the dialogue being really difficult to hear, i don't know if that was intentional or just the sound mixing at my screening was a bit fudged (and i'm not talking about the bit spoken backwards, i know i shouldn't understand those). I did really dig the premise though, it was really fun to think about, and was filmed in a very watchable way. All in all i might go back and see this to try and pick up on the stuff i missed, i had a good time and would defiantly check this out if it is safe for you to do so.

    New Mutants tomorrow...finally!

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    The New Mutants

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    ...I'VE FINALLY SEEN IT! And i really liked what i saw!

    But at the same time i'm really sad we won't see more of this, or the villians they were teasing But i am happy it at least exists!

    Worth checking out!

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    Decided to make this now a 20/21 thread as the cinemas were mostly closed and probably will be for most of 2021 as well, so the chances of adding more to this for the foreseeable is low Not sure how to change the title name...

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    UPDATE. Cinemas in the UK will FINALLY be re-opening next week, so i might just be able to watch Godzilla Vs Kong.

    Also as my drawing has somewhat improved over the last year i might start doing full re-draws of the movie posters with me in them. Insta defiantly doesn't like it when i just post with a poster...

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    Back to cinemas!

    Sorry i haven't updated this in a bit, my schedule has gotten pretty busy with drawing...

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    I did see Godzilla Vs Kong (it was my first film back at cinemas!) but just never got around to doing a drawing for it. I did really enjoy the film...but just not as much as the others, it just felt like it was missing that extra something special the other films had and had for me the weakest of the human stories (yes even worse then the first film!) and it focused so much on Kong (i honestly don't really rate Kong all that much) but it had Mecha Godzilla so whatever!

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    Unhappy Fast and Furious 9

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    Yeah, i went in to this thinking it was be good fun and left kinda deflated. It's not a bad film, but it really feels like they've lost something that made the others such a good time...

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    Ray Winston played IMO the definitive Will Scarlett in ITVs Robin of Sherwood in the late 80s, he was amazing in that. Glad he’s in Black Widow. We’re trying to find an autism friendly screening of this so we can take our kids

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    Ray Winston played IMO the definitive Will Scarlett in ITVs Robin of Sherwood in the late 80s, he was amazing in that. Glad he’s in Black Widow. We’re trying to find an autism friendly screening of this so we can take our kids
    I spent a good 10mintures of the film thinking "...that's ray winstone isn't it?!" because i had honestly thought he'd retired!

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    @Haysey_Draws ,this is the first time I've seen your art. I fucking love it.

    Do you sell prints? And, how much would it cost for you to turn me into one of your characters?

    I don't have the money right NOW, but, it might be something I could afford for.Xmas or. a birthday.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Haysey_Draws ,this is the first time I've seen your art. I fucking love it.

    Do you sell prints? And, how much would it cost for you to turn me into one of your characters?

    I don't have the money right NOW, but, it might be something I could afford for.Xmas or. a birthday.
    Thank you very much it has been massively improving over the course of the lockdown (and partly why i'm not on here as much) i'm planning on doing commissions next month for the first time, which will be between $10-15 for a sketch (i'm starting with sketch's as i only really know how to draw female characters and my own silly avartar...thing, so it'll be good practice) i don't unfortunately do any prints as it's mostly copyrighted stuff and i don't want to anger the powers that be, but i will do prints at some point of my OC's when i start getting into the swing of things

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    Honestly i'm as shocked as anyone that Polka-dot Man was as good as he was!

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    Talking Free Guy and Evangelion

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    I mean it was pretty obvious that unless Anno absolutely fudged the ending, Thrice was always going to be my absolute fav movie in recent years...hell i've been waiting for this the last movie in 2014! I just cannot get over how much a adored the ending! It's perfect!

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    This was a really good time!

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    Unhappy Venom Let There Be Carnage

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    The more i think about the less i have to say about the film and the more i wanna talk about the 4DX seats which...is pretty telling on what i thought of the movie. I only ever saw Rampage years ago in 4DX and remember it really taking me out of the film, but here it felt like it was made to work with the film, the mist when it was raining, all the action stuff with carnage popping out of the screen, really made it fun.

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    This was VERY much my kind of movie!

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    Huh, so i set my Insta to over 18's can view only and now none of my posts can be embedded so...that sucks

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