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Thread: The Brett Kavanaugh shitshow - ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 6TH

  1. #61
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    I'm not too shocked that almost all of them are this craven and opportunistic, but I am a little shocked that all of them are this way. Not a single one has any sense of ethics? There's not one person in the GOP that is torn or feeling doubt or shame about any of this?

  2. #62
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    I've been giving this thought, obviously. I really think this is a display of Republican contempt about where they are as a party and that they're ramming this through because they know how fucked they are, both now and potentially for the foreseeable future. They're being hammered for trying to take healthcare away, they can't campaign on their tax bill because it's so unpopular, they have to dance around the tariff and family separation policies and all they can show from their majority control of everything is that they got Neil Gorsuch confirmed without much hassle.

    They have a list from the Federalist Society of 20 or so judges for the Supreme Court and at any time they could have dropped this guy and replaced him with one of them. McConnell told Trump that he had concerns about Kavanaugh, and it was ignored. It's 100% a given that they will get a conservative justice on the court who will probably overturn Roe v. Wade, and they have all of these other judges who could sail like Gorsuch, so why stick with Kavanaugh?

    It's gotta be pride. They're a group of contemptible old men who want their guy to win no matter what the cost; they're raiding the place before they get kicked out and they couldn't care less.

  3. #63
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    A really depressing couple of days...

    It was clear from her testimony that she's credible, she says it's 100% him and he was terrible in his defense. He has lied before under oath, and lied again today. His behavior was also indicative of how partisan he really is, and he doesn't have the temperament to be on the Supreme Fucking Court. I wish we had higher standards for people and the country, but we don't. BTW I'm a conservative, these low standards are absolutely killing the country.

  4. #64
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    Graham's sad attempt at looking outraged on behalf of Kavanaugh is the new cringiest moment in petty American political theater. GTFO of here, you spineless shill fuck.

  5. #65
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  6. #66
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    Yeah, I always knew they were gonna confirm him. They made up their minds before this whole performance even started.

    People keep saying they can't believe the Republicans are doing this when they know it will only fire up all the Dem voters against them this November. But the thing is, they were already gonna get slaughtered in November anyway, and they know this. That's why they're pushing forward no matter what. Midterms are less than 6 weeks away. Their window of opportunity is closing, so they need to get their boy confirmed before they lose big.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Patrick Leahy is my new favorite senator.
    He was one of my favorites after he stood up to The Joker in The Dark Knight.

  8. #68
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    I still want to believe that this could turn out another way. Surely, they can stop it. It’s rather disheartening to think they would even vote after yesterday. His nomination should be withdrawn. He could’ve killed a puppy during his testimony and the republicans would all still vote yes tho.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I've been giving this thought, obviously. I really think this is a display of Republican contempt about where they are as a party and that they're ramming this through because they know how fucked they are, both now and potentially for the foreseeable future. They're being hammered for trying to take healthcare away, they can't campaign on their tax bill because it's so unpopular, they have to dance around the tariff and family separation policies and all they can show from their majority control of everything is that they got Neil Gorsuch confirmed without much hassle.

    They have a list from the Federalist Society of 20 or so judges for the Supreme Court and at any time they could have dropped this guy and replaced him with one of them. McConnell told Trump that he had concerns about Kavanaugh, and it was ignored. It's 100% a given that they will get a conservative justice on the court who will probably overturn Roe v. Wade, and they have all of these other judges who could sail like Gorsuch, so why stick with Kavanaugh?

    It's gotta be pride. They're a group of contemptible old men who want their guy to win no matter what the cost; they're raiding the place before they get kicked out and they couldn't care less.
    That's just it, all these accusations of grandstanding and conspiracies are nothing more than GOP bullshit. Dems did not obstruct Gorsuch upon committee. Sure, they may not have voted for him on the Senate floor due to his leaning conservative on viewpoints, but he's an honest and professional judge without accusations hanging over him and he got through committee with little issue. He also knows how to be civil in the face of controversy.

    Kavanaugh is a belligerent and arrogant asshole. I would never want him ruling on shit. He doesn't deserve to hold his DC appeals appointment, much less be on the SCOTUS.

    Given the multiple allegations and his behavior, that he is not being investigated by the FBI is a colossal failure of American government.

    Edit: Fixed bold font and a comment.
    Last edited by pulse; 09-28-2018 at 10:44 AM.

  10. #70
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    This country is fucked.

  11. #71
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    was a partisan shit show don't think it cleared anything up he will probably get through but always be stained with this i found his ability to lie with ease unnerving the whole yearbook thing out outrageous 15 guy all mention this girl and call them alums, but there is nothing sexual nothing at all, look i know all you guys, which they are all guys, can't remember being 15, but i can!

  12. #72
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    Joe Donnelly of Indiana, one of the red state senate dems, is voting NO on Kavanaugh. And now, something to make your butthole clench -

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Joe Donnelly of Indiana, one of the red state senate dems, is voting NO on Kavanaugh. And now, something to make your butthole clench -
    Please please please be no.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Please please please be no.
    Here's what could cause a full on fissure - Heidi Heitkamp hasn't announced her position yet and could still end up being a Yes even if Collins and Murkowski vote No, thus giving Pence the tiebreaker.

  15. #75
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  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    Hopefully that shows up in the media, but it won't stop the republicans.

  17. #77
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    Kavanaugh passes committee 11-10 on partyline vote - Flake wants a one-week FBI investigation into current allegations and implies his final vote is conditional with the Senate passing the measure. Grassley says he'd support it on the floor, this is totally up to McConnell.

    Also, whoever made this is my hero.

  18. #78
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  19. #79
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    Looks like the FBI will get a week to do their thing...though the few (Flake, Murkowski, etc.) that have asked for it...will still almost certainly vote yes when it's over.

    Now the shitbag's friend Mark Judge says he'll, and get this...cooperate with the FBI, as long as it's 'confidentially'. So yeah, apparently people can make demands of the FBI, so that's new.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Now the shitbag's friend Mark Judge says he'll, and get this...cooperate with the FBI, as long as it's 'confidentially'. So yeah, apparently people can make demands of the FBI, so that's new.
    Wow, first I've heard about this.

    So to me that basically translates as: "okay fine, I'll tell the truth about him, but only if I can do it behind closed doors and keep my own reputation clean"

  21. #81
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    But is he guaranteed that just because he’s demanded it? I don’t see how he’s granted confidentiality just because he says he wants it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  22. #82
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    Color me skeptical of all of this until I see a 51-49 vote that defeats this nominee or sees him withdraw. Right now, this is nothing more than cover fire for Flake, Collins & Murkowski that will let them vote Yes for this assclown next week.

    And keep hammering away at those fucking phones for all of them.

  23. #83
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    my posts tend to be gobbled up but there were several remarks in his opening statement that were not true, 1) a right wingthe judicail something put more than 15 million into add telling people to call there congress person to confirm kav, this guy is very partisan and not to be believed

  24. #84
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    Here's a sampling of Mark Judge's dazzling, brilliant ideas on gender, sex, rape, etc....

    Not sure how much faith I have in this idiot's testimony.

  25. #85
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    The FBI investigation is a brilliant move by someone in Trump's office (there's no way he was smart enough to come up with this). Give them a week, they'll find zero forensic evidence to move forward with any sort of criminal prosecution, then the GOP can say "see? We gave it due diligence and there wasn't enough evidence to charge him". The entire party can then say that Brett has been vindicated and vote him in while going "what more do you want from us?".

    Watch this post. Guarantee you that this is exactly how it pans out.

  26. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Here's a sampling of Mark Judge's dazzling, brilliant ideas on gender, sex, rape, etc....

    Not sure how much faith I have in this idiot's testimony.
    I don't agree with his piece. On one hand, he is saying the stereotypes of damsel in distress and authentic male passion/masculinity from 30s 40s and 50s serial film/pop culture still have their place in our society. Well, okay, yes they do and still do. But then starts bashing modern pop culture that incorporates a more modern archetype because they've been forced to so by "social justice warriors." What? You lost me there. We have freedom of speech in this country, for now at least. Social justice warriors aren't the folks you need to worry about. It's censorship of any type of media literature/art/film/music/game and suppression of a free press. Nobody has killed male passion. Women are just held to a higher standard than the objective portrayals of weak helpless sexxy creatures that can cook and need protecting and rescued all the time.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The FBI investigation is a brilliant move by someone in Trump's office (there's no way he was smart enough to come up with this). Give them a week, they'll find zero forensic evidence to move forward with any sort of criminal prosecution, then the GOP can say "see? We gave it due diligence and there wasn't enough evidence to charge him". The entire party can then say that Brett has been vindicated and vote him in while going "what more do you want from us?".

    Watch this post. Guarantee you that this is exactly how it pans out.
    On a more cynical take, it could also be a test for Rosentein. If he cleares Kavanaugh, he keeps his job. If he messes it up, Trump gets his "justification" to fire him by saying he's politically motivated.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    Is the board doing something weird to twitter URLs? Because all that shows is that long-ass number.


  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Is the board doing something weird to twitter URLs? Because all that shows is that long-ass number.


    Is the tweet you posted deleted because it's not loading.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    The FBI investigation is a brilliant move by someone in Trump's office (there's no way he was smart enough to come up with this). Give them a week, they'll find zero forensic evidence to move forward with any sort of criminal prosecution, then the GOP can say "see? We gave it due diligence and there wasn't enough evidence to charge him". The entire party can then say that Brett has been vindicated and vote him in while going "what more do you want from us?".

    Watch this post. Guarantee you that this is exactly how it pans out.
    Or maybe, just maybe, the three Republican senators will do the right thing. Flake seemed genuinely pained and conflicted.

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