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Thread: Red Dead Redemption

  1. #91
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    Oh i'm definitely happy with the game, it's still very very good. My complaints aren't stopping me enjoying it, i'm just a bit miffed with the story and clunky mechanics, if they been better this would have been one of the best games this generation! As it stands it's just a very good 8/10 game and one of the better ones this year, which isn't all that bad.

  2. #92
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    Gaz Williams (musician) on Sonicstate podcast was talking about how amazing the music is in this:

  3. #93
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    Man these graphics are way better than any other game I’ve played on a console . The game it self I’m not sold yet, we’ll see.

  4. #94
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    Game is brilliant in a whole lot of ways but Rockstar, as usual, keeps getting in its own way.

    Firstly, I'll say that the gameplay teasers really overstayed how interactive the game's NPCs are. I don't really blame them for this, because there's a ton of NPCs in this game, but the vast majority of NPCs I've encountered have been called "Stranger" with no indication that they've got their own story or even names I could learn, just a small amount of canned greeting dialogue. It's not comparable at all to a game like Bully or even Skyrim in terms of making every NPC feel like a potentially meaningful character.

    And Skyrim brings me to the rest of my main issue--this game should be more of an RPG. Not necessarily in the sense that I want leveling up and any of that stuff, but there's a distinct lack of freedom when you're in any kind of mission that contrasts so starkly with the open world gameplay, it makes most of your hijinks feel completely noncanon. The best example would be a game like Fallout New Vegas. I remember fairly early into that game, some dude starts causing trouble in a saloon. Game logic told me I could talk to the bar keep after he left and learn about who he was, and it'd somehow lead to a questline.

    So instead of doing that, I walk up behind him and shoot him in the head, and... the game just continues. The other characters comment on the trouble I've just brought my way taking out a gang member, and the story goes down this path rather than the one it could have if I'd dealt with it differently. That freedom to control the narrative and who my character was, reacting to situations in different ways, is intoxicating.

    Here, early on, me and my pal happen across a bear during a hunting mission. Arthur comments on all the meat on him, but the other guy warns off it. So naturally, I get off my horse and put several bullets in the bear's head before it mauls me to death while the other guy reacts in bewildered shock at my stupidity. That's all good and fine, that's hilarious. But... to reward me for my experimentation, I get to spend another five minutes walking back to that spot with the bear listening to the same dialogue. And this is true throughout the game. Any time you're in a mission, your agency largely goes out the window as Rockstar worked hard on this story and you have to play it exactly how they intended it. If one of your buddies dies, it's game over. Do anything to blow the mission, game over, try again. I'd be so much more interested in being able to be unsuccessful in a mission and deal with the fallout (no pun intended) instead of returning to checkpoints that are altogether too far apart.

    And another gripe, piggybacking off of that: like every recent R* game, there is TOO MUCH fuckin' time spent walking and listening to dialogue. I don't mind the lack of fast travel, that's to be expected, but for fuck's sake, let me make my own way to the mission area and THEN start the mission. I almost dread doing any mission because I know it's going to start with several minutes of holding X while looking at my phone and listening to Rockstar's usually mediocre dialogue, and God forbid I do anything fun in that time because if I do anything that upsets the mission parameters I have to start over. This has been a problem all the way back to GTAIV and unfortunately there's zero incentive for them to ever change it because they're still making a ton of money and almost no critics are willing to actually be critical of their games. I am grateful that at least you can autopilot these parts, so I'm not accidentally getting into a car accident and spooking my date.

    All that said, the game is really really good when you're finally on your own. The shooting still sucks but it's well established that R* has no clue how to do shooting, and it's not that big of a deal. The world is vast and there's a ton to do, and dynamic enough gameplay that there's a ton of room for experimentation.

  5. #95
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    Right i'm through to the post game content so here are my final thoughts on it (i'll spoiler what needs to be spoiler)

    Firstly, if your still playing the game DO NOT TO THE TREASURE HUNTS/WORRY ABOUT GETTING CASH UNTIL YOUR REACH THE EPILOGUE CHAPTERS, trust me. Also you don't really need to worry about the side missions either as they continue as well.

    Right onto the meat, the game...the game is good, but far from great. For as much fun i have in the wild doing my own i'm also constantly being pissed off by the games unnecessary mechanics! I do not want to have to keep cleaning my guns and brushing my fucking horse every 5 mins. I was hoping you'd be able to unlock some skills so you wouldn't have to worry about this but nope, your stuck with them. Also the clunky nature of the player character when just trying to pick up stuff was realistic at first but is FRUSTRATING hours into the game. Also back to guns for a second...fuck off R*! I get you wanted some realism by having your guns on your horse, but having your side arms reset when you do anything is A FUCKING PAIN! Let me choose a default side weapon at least and stop giving me side weapons i don't use/none at all. Lastly we need to go into spoilers...

    Spoiler: Some of you will remember i was moaning about not being able to play as a more interesting character and this gets sorted in the post game by playing as John Fucking Marston! FUCK YEAH! But it also makes the whole 6 chapters i just played through pointless!
    Authur Morgan was a dull character i just never was able to get invested into, especially once you realise he is dying at the end of chapter 3 (at this point i didn't bother giving him any experience toxins or hair cuts/new clothes because what was the point?) The story missions are also so fucking restrictive and just story dumps mostly, i can honestly say i didn't enjoy ANY of the main story missions (the side missions however are a fucking riot!) and what was the point of the camps? We knew most of the characters were either going to die or not be around anymore but why make the upgrading the camps a big deal only to then completely remove them post game? Why did i bother upgrading them...to waste game time i guess?

    All in all i'm enjoying the post game more then the actual game...well the story at least. The side missions are just freaking great, would i reply it?...no. I have no intention of ever replaying this story, ever! If it does come to PC i'll mod the game so it starts from the Epilogue and do all the fun side missions and activities (and remove the horse brushing!) but i don't want to reply this story, it just wasn't very good and the missions weren't very fun to play.

    It's a good game, with excellent graphics, voice acting and some fun gameplay, held back from being truly great by a weak story we already knew the ending to and clunky, unnecessary mechanics. 7/10.

  6. #96
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    I honestly love this game and don't have an issue with some the mechanics like some people in this thread. My one issue is the bounty system is a bit ridiculous considering you can be defending yourself in a gun fight that you didn't initiate, which leads to you being reported for murder. Even if it's realistic that an NPC can misconstrue the situation, it's still unfair. But I love the shooting in this game, better than GTA 5. I don't think they'll ever top the gunplay in Max Payne 3 though, which was the best part of that game.

  7. #97
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    I finished the story over the weekend and I'm pretty meh about the whole thing. I didn't like Arthur at all until the last few hours of the story, made it kind of hard to give a shit about what was happening. In general I thought the game was way too long, Spoiler: especially when it turns out none of it really mattered anyway. They could've seriously trimmed some fat from the story missions.

    The game world itself is incredible, the amount of different animals is overwhelming. No way I'm gonna spend the time to study and skin them all. I'm gonna finish up what stranger missions I have left and then trade this in.
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 11-19-2018 at 07:21 AM.

  8. #98
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    Right so i'm getting all i can from the post game as my internet will be out for god knows how long (finding all the collectables like dino bones and what have you) and i've noticed some...creepy things.

    First i went back to one of the old camps and some ominous music started playing, and then i started hearing whispers and i freaked out for a second before i realised it was dialog from the old crew (which is why it was playing at the old camp). Then when i was in the Heartlands i camped and slept til midday in my dino bone hunt, and when i'd taken down the camp i noticed something on one of the clifs looking down on me...a guy on a horse. This was a fair distance away and i'd just about got my binoculars out just as they turned around a rode off. By the time i got up there they were gone. Now this was creepy for a few reasons. First it was far enough away that i doubt the game would have bothered spawning in a random NPC, second was there was no track or camp at the top of this cliff (every NPC i have seen has either followed the roads on horse back unless provoked or sat at a camp, so there was no reason for an NPC TO BE AT THIS CLIFF EDGE!) And third, it seemed like they were looking down AT ME! Then rode off as i tried to look at them. I know there are some spooky easter eggs in this game but this was real creepy! And i can't find ANYTHING online of others having had it happen!

  9. #99
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    Whoa that's crazy. You'd have to think that they have so much hidden shit in this game that they're just waiting for people to find...while I wait for Red Dead Online I've been going around as well doing the same, from Bigfoot to the serial killer, there's a ton of shit to keep us all busy lol.

  10. #100
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    There's a small collection of some spooky stuff here...


    Most of which i haven't even found! I have found those pale bastards though, freaked me the fuck out! And a 'wolfman'.

  11. #101
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    Wow that's actually really awesome.

  12. #102
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    Holy shit there's a ton! Fuckin' ghost train, are you kidding me?

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Holy shit there's a ton! Fuckin' ghost train, are you kidding me?
    My co-worker found it on accident weeks ago and showed me. It's so cool.

  14. #104
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    This game is good and the whole is better than the sum of it's parts.

    The combat and controls sucks and, no, this does not facilitate any sense of realism
    As someone mentioned earlier the story needed a lot of the fat trimmed, it's a lot more Zack Snyder than Sergio Leone. Especially egregious is a section in the begining of chapter 5, an absolutely ridiculous point in the story that escalates way beyond co trols and undermines any sense of immersion the story has cultivated.

    Buried beneath all of the padding and shoddily written, stupid distracting side quests and tutorial mission is an excellent story that, much like the Last Jedi, is really about watching and escalating series of terrible mistakes and how things fall apart, it's about fate and hubris and it's excellent. This story is additionally wounded by bizarre pacing and the way that a lot it's best most dramatic moments undercut each other. For a game with a lot of space and long transportation sections, somehow a lot of the drama doesn't have room to breathe. All of the quiet that makes westerns like "Once Upon a Time in the West" great, is instead filled with noise. Constant, bullshit noise.

    For all of the apparently hundred hour work weeks, there is time that could have been saved in a game where less would have been a hell of a lot more. They could have spent less time on horse testicles and more time making more engaging combat with responsive controls. They could have cut out that whole Spoiler: Cuba section and someone could have had more time with their family.

    Sadie, by the way, would have made a very compelling protagonist. She has a much more interesting arc than arthur, and one that even better parallels Dutch's arc, which is super well written btw. We're left with another male led rockstar game instead, even the option would have at least felt a little modern. They missed a huge opportunity with her.

    Like I said, whole is better than the sum of it's parts, but we are left with a much above average open world adventure game mired in the sensibilities and gameplay of ten years past.

  15. #105
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    I never want this game to end. I can't tell what is more fun, the actual story, or going on week long camping expeditions in the insanely enormous map. What an incredible game.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    This game is good and the whole is better than the sum of it's parts.

    The combat and controls sucks and, no, this does not facilitate any sense of realism
    As someone mentioned earlier the story needed a lot of the fat trimmed, it's a lot more Zack Snyder than Sergio Leone. Especially egregious is a section in the begining of chapter 5, an absolutely ridiculous point in the story that escalates way beyond co trols and undermines any sense of immersion the story has cultivated.

    Buried beneath all of the padding and shoddily written, stupid distracting side quests and tutorial mission is an excellent story that, much like the Last Jedi, is really about watching and escalating series of terrible mistakes and how things fall apart, it's about fate and hubris and it's excellent. This story is additionally wounded by bizarre pacing and the way that a lot it's best most dramatic moments undercut each other. For a game with a lot of space and long transportation sections, somehow a lot of the drama doesn't have room to breathe. All of the quiet that makes westerns like "Once Upon a Time in the West" great, is instead filled with noise. Constant, bullshit noise.

    For all of the apparently hundred hour work weeks, there is time that could have been saved in a game where less would have been a hell of a lot more. They could have spent less time on horse testicles and more time making more engaging combat with responsive controls. They could have cut out that whole Spoiler: Cuba section and someone could have had more time with their family.

    Sadie, by the way, would have made a very compelling protagonist. She has a much more interesting arc than arthur, and one that even better parallels Dutch's arc, which is super well written btw. We're left with another male led rockstar game instead, even the option would have at least felt a little modern. They missed a huge opportunity with her.

    Like I said, whole is better than the sum of it's parts, but we are left with a much above average open world adventure game mired in the sensibilities and gameplay of ten years past.
    I have to agree, i would have much preferred Sadie to Arthur! She was probably my fav character in the whole game. I expect she, along with Charles and a few other characters still around at the end will be in the online mode to hand out missions much like GTA 5 had characters from the story to give us things to do.

    At least the fucking around looking for Easter eggs in the open world makes up for the meh story for me. And yes that WHOLE chapter 5 didn't need to happen!
    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 11-20-2018 at 02:26 AM.

  17. #107
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    You guys take any bad ass pics? Here's one of mine.

    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 11-20-2018 at 02:35 AM.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    You guys take any bad ass pics? Here's one of mine.

    Funny story, i didn't notice you had a camera until an early mission in Valentine. When you take the girls from camp in town and someone recognises you from Blakcwater, you then chase him and he falls from a cliff but is hanging on. When i got off my horse, with the guy hanging on for dear life, i noticed "wow, this is a nice view, wish i could take a picture" then remembered there was a camera feature.
    I went through the scroll wheel and got out the camera...then noticed it had a selfie mode. So i start taking poses whilst this guy is still screaming for help, i was laughing so hard i took too long and he fell to his death...which was even funnier given the circumstances. And i still passed the mission!
    Can't share any pictures though, i still have no internet

  19. #109
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    Does it bug anyone else he only takes one drag? Lol I'm so picky

  20. #110
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  21. #111
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    Can someone please short and concisely summarize the game for me as one big ::spoiler:: (preferably in parts? I have no way the concentration/dedicated and drive to play ALL the way through like I used to, plus Ive moved on from Rockstar to Square Enix and Bethesda) Btw I have the GOTY and Zombie Expansion.

    (My ps3 is a bit old, the slim version (for me) has a slightly broken cd/dvd/blueray "door" so it is somewhat problematic.)

    While we are on this game Imma just post this -> http://www.cheatcc.com/ps3/reddeadre...eatscodes.html

    and this -> https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ps3/95...emption/cheats

    By the way, any other western games you or others play that I might not know of?

  22. #112
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    I edited this for a friend.

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