I didn't see a thread about noise artists and specifically nothing about Merzbow here. I recently discovered Merzbow and attempted to listen to his album Pulse Demon and after 15 seconds... turned it off.

Fast forward a few weeks and I now own multiple releases by Merzbow and collabs and have become OBSESSED with this genre. I really is a different type of ambient. VERY mind clearing for me, someone that has major anxiety and ADHD.

Good stuff here if you are willing to give it a shot. Anyone else a fan?


Simultaneously while discovering Merzbow, I was doing a deep dive into 70s Japanese jazz as well as modern Japanese free form jazz/music and discovered Keiji Haino (a frequent collaborator with Merzbow) and have since found so many great albums that he himself has worked on including some great ones with Sumac.

Being in a place where I am bored to death with modern music, I am so stoked to have discovered these artists and these genres.