Hey, I hope this is ok to do. My wife and I just released a new NIN podcast that we've been working on for a few months. It's called "Nailed", and the concept is that we listen to the whole NIN discography, halo-by-halo, and talk about it. We've both been pretty obsessive fans for a couple decades.

An introductory episode and halo one (Down In It) are up now on Castos. Nailed is also live on Spotify and Apple now. It should be on Google and Stitcher shortly. Are there other platforms it should be on?

I don't think any nin podcasts are still going currently, so I figured we should step into the void, if you will. She and I take a light-hearted, good-humored, almost easy-listening approach to discussing the music as we listen along, and just talk about all that is nin. But we're not afraid to get our hands a bit dirty either. I mean, we are watching the videos. ALL the videos.

We're also doing non-halo stuff as bonus content on our Patreon. Our episode on Purest Feeling is up there now, if you want to listen chronologically.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll give a listen. We've been really excited/anxious about putting this out for a while now. We're also on instagram and twitter. Thoughts and feedback are wildly appreciated. Keep fist fucking in the free world.