So, this is a whole fucking crime WAR.
It's mind blowing: these young rappers are literally killing each other, and then bragging about it in their lyrics, and then THEIR people get killed, and the cycle continues. This is a YouTube video, but it's Netflix length and quality. For the record, I don't listen to ANY of the rappers mentioned here, but still found this to be VERY engaging and extremely heartbreaking.
The body count is insane. These beefs make the east coast/west coast stuff from my day look like a trip to Disneyland.
I honestly think we should be paying attention to this stuff, but, hell if I know what we're supposed to DO about it.

@marodi season 2 of The Devil You Know is fascinating.
Regarding your assessment of season 1, you're probably right about Pazuzu's mental health. I still dug it, though.