Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
@Erneuert , the kids that annoy me the most are elton, and iris. i don't mind hope, or silas, or the new kid.

but JESUS, the whole thing with elton knowing EVERYTHING is overkill. and it's like, he's almost not human, too: like he's on the autism spectrum...except he clearly isn't.

Case in point: after taking that drink, he said something like "INTERESTING! It's like warm nails blah blah blah something or another." And as if that wasn't cringey enough, the next line was just PAINFUL "So, now, what is customary? More seats?"

IDGAF HOW nerdy a teenager is, pretty much NO teenage kid in america would all stuffily ask what is "customary" after taking his first drink.

i'm not blaming the ACTORS, though: they were TOLD to act that way. it's the writing.

the other thing that annoys the shit out of me, aside from generally nothing happening in the first six hours, is the accent the Huck actress puts on. What in the holy hell is that supposed to be? Castilian by way of Brooklyn or something? I just really can't wrap my mind around that shit. Idk. I know she doesn't REALLY talk like that, because she fucks up and talks more normally now and then. Maybe it will grow on me, though.
I wondered what was up with Huck too, because I had trouble understanding her. Turns out she’s married to one of Mel Gibson’s sons and is Indian-Russian, born in Afghanistan. I guess that explains the accent being a bit off.