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Thread: NIN touring in 2020 ???

  1. #1
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    NIN touring in 2020 ???

    Discovered this on the inforoo message boards about NIN possibly starting a tour in June (or May @ Shaky knees)

    Sorry, can’t link from my Tapatalk app.

  2. #2
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    I hope there's truth to this. I'm gonna start stacking my cash right away just in case because if another tour for NIN (or even anything related like HTDA) is in the works my dumb ass is going HARD this time around on shows. I was too reserved last tour and just did seated tickets for one show and I have been kicking myself ever since.

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    I wonder if there will be new material in conjunction with this. Either way, I too hope there's truth to this happening!

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    This is promising, I guess, but I'm always skeptical of these happenstance encounters where promoters give up trade info unprompted. But to steal a phrase from our favorite dummy: if it's what you say I love it.

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    NIN touring in 2020 (?)

    Best news I’ve read all day.

    Edit to add: I just looked up this person and I have 10 fb friends in common with him. Interesting for sure!

  6. #6
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    Glad I just landed this new job.

    Even if it isn't true, it'll motivate me to save all of my extra money!

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    Crossing my fingers for a special Christmas season.

  8. #8
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    Pleeeeeeease play Ohio this time. PLEEEEEEEASE play somewhere in Ohio this time.

  9. #9
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    I call bullshit. The HRH & The Joint are closing February 2020 for the Virgin rebranding & there's no way they're gonna start a tour without doing some warm-ups there. j/k

    Does this mean the tour would support new songs, or could it be an expansion of CBI from theaters to larger venues?

    Regardless, looks like I'll need to put more change into the Hey-pig-piggy bank for the remainder of the year.

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    hoping for another 6 LA shows and 3 Vegas shows.

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    NIN touring in 2020 ???

    Quote Originally Posted by Demogorgon View Post
    Pleeeeeeease play Ohio this time. PLEEEEEEEASE play somewhere in Ohio this time.
    Would like to think some places that were skipped over last time will get some love this time around.

    Quote Originally Posted by FULLMETAL View Post

    Does this mean the tour would support new songs, or could it be an expansion of CBI from theaters to larger venues?
    Ideally it will be the same venue types as CBI or even smaller-clubs (fairly unlikely). Definitely wouldn’t be surprised if a new EP or LP is released - summer 2020 seems like an appropriate time for an official follow up to year zero.
    Last edited by somewhat_; 08-29-2019 at 08:10 PM.

  12. #12
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    I'm skeptical, yet cautiously optimistic. I won't get excited for now, but when they DO tour again, I really hope they do something really similar to Cold and Black and Infinite, but with more elaborate production. Not TOO elaborate where the set is mostly static the whole tour (like Tension), but a happy medium. Either way, I'll be happy because they never disappoint!

  13. #13
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    Calling bs on this. It's a "I know a guy who knows a guy" story. And he just goes ahead and spill the beans to random guy in a store.
    And would even NIN plan a tour 10 months in advance? This isn't a goddamn Pink Floyd reunion tour.

    If it's actually true, then there's definitely a major release coming. No way Trent is going on tour again with only old material.

  14. #14
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    Part of me hopes it's true because god I would love some more shows, but part of me hopes it's not till fall or 2021 just so I can get more in my "NIN fund".

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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    If it's actually true, then there's definitely a major release coming. No way Trent is going on tour again with only old material.
    Yeah, I'm really hoping there's new NIN about to be released in late 2019 with a tour in early 2020. I'd definitely settle for another EP, but I'm really hoping they've secretly been working on a new full-length album in the time since Bad Witch dropped!

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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    And would even NIN plan a tour 10 months in advance? This isn't a goddamn Pink Floyd reunion tour.
    I agree with you that this info has a very good chance of being BS. That being said, most if not all major, headliner-level musical acts know what they're doing for the entirety of 2020 at this point & potentially beyond too. These things get mapped out on the macro level way in advance. They might not have every show fulled booked, but how the calendar is blocked out is already in place by bands at NIN's level and above, as well as many lower on the totem pole as well. "Jan-March studio time" "May-June US touring" "Aug Euro tour" etc. For sure.

  17. #17
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    If there is a 2020 tour, I don't see it being backed by new material. The guy has like 3 or 4 soundtracks he's working on now. Every week we seem to get an announcement of a new project he's working on.
    I have a feeling Nails is not on his priority list at this moment in time.

    If there is a tour, It'll probably be a 30th anniversary tour of some sort to celebrate 30 years. Maybe Hate 2020? I'm still holding out for PHM 30th anniversary surprise pop-up show in October, but I know deep down it ain't gonna happen. Still... he has to acknowledge PHM 30th anniversary in some capacity this fall, right??? He acknowledged Woodstock 25th after all... Maybe we'll get another t-shirt lol.
    Coming up 20 yrs on the Fragile in a couple weeks too....

  18. #18
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    Shaky Knees? I highly doubt it. I would love to be wrong since that festival is right across the street from me and NIN would be the only way you would get me into that festival, ever. Definitely over the festivals in general.

    EDIT: From what I've seen from inforoo, it's usually just a bunch of people blabbing that has no foundation.
    Last edited by ninlive; 09-01-2019 at 07:21 AM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    If there is a 2020 tour, I don't see it being backed by new material. Those guys have like 3 or 4 soundtracks they're working on now. Every week we seem to get an announcement of a new project they're working on.
    I have a feeling Nails is not on their priority list at this moment in time.
    fixed that for you

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Hate 2020?
    Doesn't trump have that copyrighted?

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    Logistics-wise, the story has merit. Yes, it's common to be working on tours that far out. Routing is a bitch; making sure you can secure the venues you want in an order that makes sense gets damn near impossible the closer you get to the actual dates. I've done tours where dates were already publicly announced for shows that were 11 months out; I'd already had the schedule in hand over a year in advance. So that part of the story doesn't make my BS alarm go off. Add in that this is not a "band" in the traditional sense and that everyone has more than just NIN on their plate, and you need time to make sure that everyone necessary is actually available.

    Regarding speculation about whether this means new music, eh maybe. Touring is really tough, but it's also addicting. And the last tour was by all accounts a smash hit with the fans, so it may very well have left him wanting to do more when the time worked out, regardless of whether there's new music or not. Can any of you honestly say you wouldn't go see them next year just because there's not a new EP or album?

    That said, this is an internet post about "my buddy met this guy who claimed that blah blah blah", so the actual authenticity of the source is 100% unreliable. However, I will say that there are some people who will be really loose with information that either doesn't affect them, might make someone's day, or both. So if Tim really does have inside info on NIN, it's no skin off his back to give some vague information to a random person. IF it ever became a problem, one denial and he's in the clear.

    Point being: very plausible scenario, but no real verification.

  22. #22
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    Trent did say "lots coming in 2019"

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    Logistics-wise, the story has merit. Yes, it's common to be working on tours that far out. Routing is a bitch; making sure you can secure the venues you want in an order that makes sense gets damn near impossible the closer you get to the actual dates. I've done tours where dates were already publicly announced for shows that were 11 months out; I'd already had the schedule in hand over a year in advance. So that part of the story doesn't make my BS alarm go off. Add in that this is not a "band" in the traditional sense and that everyone has more than just NIN on their plate, and you need time to make sure that everyone necessary is actually available.

    Regarding speculation about whether this means new music, eh maybe. Touring is really tough, but it's also addicting. And the last tour was by all accounts a smash hit with the fans, so it may very well have left him wanting to do more when the time worked out, regardless of whether there's new music or not. Can any of you honestly say you wouldn't go see them next year just because there's not a new EP or album?

    That said, this is an internet post about "my buddy met this guy who claimed that blah blah blah", so the actual authenticity of the source is 100% unreliable. However, I will say that there are some people who will be really loose with information that either doesn't affect them, might make someone's day, or both. So if Tim really does have inside info on NIN, it's no skin off his back to give some vague information to a random person. IF it ever became a problem, one denial and he's in the clear.

    Point being: very plausible scenario, but no real verification.
    I'm willing to bet there's new music. Atticus even said on video that they were going into the studio in january to record new NIN

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by streetman View Post
    Atticus even said on video that they were going into the studio in january to record new NIN
    Do you know/remember which interview he said that in? Was this a video from last year where he referring to January 2019 or a more recent one referring to January 2020?

  25. #25
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    NIN isn't usually the type of band to do a tour without something new to promote. I can't really think of any tours they have done with nothing to promote except for the Outside tour.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    NIN isn't usually the type of band to do a tour without something new to promote. I can't really think of any tours they have done with nothing to promote except for the Outside tour.
    I would argue that Cold Black & Infinite wasn't really meant to promote new material. I mean, the tour started three months after they released six new songs (and over a year after the next-newest EP) and the catalog seemed to go pretty heavy on playing things that older fans would love. There's probably some interview or press release that could objectively prove me wrong and say that it was intended to be the final "here's our trilogy, now let's tour" cycle or something. But to me it sure as hell felt more like Trent just acknowledging that there's an audience that was hungry to hear stuff from all over the catalog and he wanted to go out and play it in a less-scripted format that the more recent arena tours.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    Do you know/remember which interview he said that in? Was this a video from last year where he referring to January 2019 or a more recent one referring to January 2020?
    Yes, it was actually a couple interviews form the end of 2018. One was a video interview in Mexico and one was from a separate print interview. I think you can find the mexico one on youtube but I don't remember where I saw the print one.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I would argue that Cold Black & Infinite wasn't really meant to promote new material. I mean, the tour started three months after they released six new songs (and over a year after the next-newest EP) and the catalog seemed to go pretty heavy on playing things that older fans would love.
    Not to go full nerd here but according to there were 1195 songs played during the tour and 276 (~23%) of which were from one of the 3 recent EPs with Bad Witch accounting for 136. BW was the 2nd most represented album/EP behind TDS. Given their catalog I would say yes, the CB&I tour was meant to promote the EP trilogy.
    Last edited by cdm; 09-04-2019 at 11:14 AM.

  29. #29
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    Well, there were two recent tours with kinda no new new material.
    The first leg of Performance 2007 in Europe is the first one. They already done promoting WT, but did not start with YZ yet (Survivalism and TBOTE didn't debut until halfway through the tour and the rest of YZ songs had to wait until Australia/Japan leg).
    The second one is obviously the entirety of Wave Goodbye cycle. It wasn't The Slip tour in any way, LITS was.
    However both of these tours served a completely different agenda which were specifically announced by TR. 2007 tour was done as a sorta compensation for minimal amount of international touring in 2005/06 (comparing to much longer North American schedule) and Wave Goodbye was, well, what it was.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    Not to go full nerd here but according to there were 1195 songs played during the tour and 276 (~23%) of which were from one of the 3 recent EPs with Bad Witch accounting for 136. BW was the 2nd most represented album/EP behind TDS. Given their catalog I would say yes, the CB&I tour was meant to promote the EP trilogy.
    By all means, go full nerd - that's what I love about this forum. I guess it's all semantics - if I knew a band's setlist was averaging less than 1/4 of new material (and that most of that "new" material dated back one or two years before the tour), I'd be hard pressed to say that the tour was clearly meant to "support new material".

    Compare it to the last time I saw Puscifer for example - they played literally the entire new album. Not in order, mind you. But every single song on that disc was in the setlist. Shrug. Just my two cents. As you were, friends.

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