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Thread: How's the weather?

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance242 View Post
    I know nothing about Seattle weather personally, but this is funny: :-)

    Lol pretty much (sure there are a few really nice days sprinkled here and there), except we had a pretty long nice hot dry (too dry imo) summer this year so I'm glad that it is back to normal around these parts.

  2. #302
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    This is happening in Nebraska right now... Blizzard warning, AND a tornado watch.

  3. #303
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    Oh my god it's beautiful. Highs in the mid-to-upper 60's. Sun has been out most of the day.

  4. #304
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  5. #305
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    Hot and sunny, hot and sunny, hot and sunny. It's fucking March now here in Aus, get fucking cold already!

  6. #306
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  7. #307
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    today the high was 13.
    tomorrow's high is also 13, and the low is -5.

    We are leaving our garage cracked for local homeless cats, and put some food and water in there for them.

  8. #308
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    It's been the high 20's to low 30s (80-90 F for those USA dwellers) here in the Vancouver area here these last few weeks, which is nothing to some of you folks that live in southern states like TX, FL, NV, Southern CA etc, but we're not used to it here.

    The thing that I wanted to bring up though, was idiots wearing winter clothes in extreme heat. I've seen a lot of morons lately wearing coats/jackets/pants/hoody's in really hot weather while I'm sitting here baking in shorts and a t-shirt. At first I thought this was exclusively a Vancouver thing, but the more I travel in the summer, the more I see it. I googled it today, to my surprise, this is a well known thing that happens everywhere.

    Do you guys see people wearing tons of clothing in excessively hot weather often? Do you ever think twice about it? Does it bother you? I don't know what it is, but people over (or under dressing) for the weather really gets under my skin.

    On the flip side, I also see people wearing t-shirts and shorts in the middle of winter and thinking these people are nuts.

    But going back to the summer... if people are wearing jackets and hoody's in the summer, what on earth do these people wear when it's ACTUALLY fucking cold outside?

  9. #309
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    Fucking hot as hell here in Europe all week. Been a real kick in the nuts for my vacation plans, as I can barely muster the energy to do anything at all. I'd take 70 and pouring rain over this. Rain, you can dress for. Excessive heat with no cloud cover or wind? Nope, yer fucked.

  10. #310
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    its the hottest summer since 1976 here...I feel like my body cant physically deal with the heat anymore, its exhausting and extremely uncomfortable, I'm drenched in sweat all the time, I don't think I actually want to live in a hot climate anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    It's been the high 20's to low 30s (80-90 F for those USA dwellers) here in the Vancouver area here these last few weeks, which is nothing to some of you folks that live in southern states like TX, FL, NV, Southern CA etc, but we're not used to it here.
    this.. London where I am does NOT have the infrastructure in place for weather like this, I don't think many people in the UK even have air conditioning. Japan is really stuggling too, I don't think Tokyo has weather this hot either normally.

  11. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    its the hottest summer since 1976 here...I feel like my body cant physically deal with the heat anymore, its exhausting and extremely uncomfortable, I'm drenched in sweat all the time, I don't think I actually want to live in a hot climate anymore.

    this.. London where I am does NOT have the infrastructure in place for weather like this, I don't think many people in the UK even have air conditioning. Japan is really stuggling too, I don't think Tokyo has weather this hot either normally.
    Most places in Vancouver don't have built in A/C's either. Which, I never understood why. It gets really hot here in the summer. Apparently that was not always the case though. Apparently Vancouver struggled to get to 23-24 degrees in the summer, but the last few summers have been pushing 30 year after year. But, it comes with a cost, warmer summers mean colder and snowier winters. It was rare for us to get snow in the winter, but we've also been snowing a lot the last couple years. We used to just get rain, much like London. London and Vancouver typically have the same type of climate. Very wet and moderate, usually between 10-20 degrees Celsius all year round.

    I don't know if I'm just getting weaker as I get older when it comes to the weather, but I used to LOVE the heat. Loved it between 35-40 degree C. Loved opening the door and getting blasted with a wall of heat as though you were opening an oven. Lately, I've wussed out though. Gets to 25-26 degrees and I'm too hot. Same with the cold. It gets to like 5 degrees and I am freezing, which is hilarious since I was born and raised in a city that went as low as -45 in the winter and now I can barely handle 0-5 degrees. I used to be able to tolerate the extremes more when I was younger.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 07-27-2018 at 03:09 PM.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I don't know if I'm just getting weaker as I get older when it comes to the weather, but I used to LOVE the heat. Loved it between 35-40 degree C. Loved mopening the door and getting blasted with a wall of heat as though you were opening an oven. Lately, I've wussed out though. Gets to 25-26 degrees and I'm too hot. Same with the cold. It gets to like 5 degrees and I am freezing, which is hilarious since I was born and raised in a city that went as low as -45 in the winter and now I can barely handle 0-5 degrees. I used to be able to tolerate the extremes more when I was younger.
    exact same thing for me.
    and yeah...age probably has something to do with it...maybe alot...but yeah it does suck

  13. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyperpower View Post
    exact same thing for me.
    and yeah...age probably has something to do with it...maybe alot...but yeah it does suck
    That's probably why you always see warnings for elderly people to stay inside when there is warm weather. There was a recent heat wave in Montreal that killed tons of people. This article says the death toll was up to 70 as of July 9th, which was a couple weeks ago. Says they were mostly people over the age of 60. So that is interesting that as we get older, our body's can no longer handle extreme weather.


  14. #314
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    The Pacific North West, specifically British Columbia in western canada is all under extreme wild fire conditions.
    The smoke has been really bad the last few days and it's pushing it's way east now.
    Here is a map showing how bad the smoke condition has got for the west coast of North America:

    Lots of fire burning in BC/Alberta up here in Canada.

    You can see all the active fires by clicking here: http://google.org/crisismap/google.c...mbia-wildfires
    Yesterday there was close to 600 active fires burning in the province.

  15. #315
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    Wow that's a lot of fire.

    Here in (basically) Portland the air was really bad for the past few days but today we're finally getting a breeze and you can almost see some clouds instead of a smoky haze.

  16. #316
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    Very good now ("how's the weather"), e.g. this nice webcam pointing in direction of my home (some 50 km or so away) contains weather info:


    And with selecting dates/times and clicking "Nahraj výběr" (load selection) then "spustit animaci" (start animation) below, you can watch timelapse, this one is in south-east direction, and there are more cams in top right corner.
    Last edited by Substance242; 08-17-2018 at 04:02 AM.

  17. #317
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    We've had a heatwave (upper 20s to low 30s c...which is very hot for us) since May, but we've finally had a break and getting some nicer low 20s and rain (we'd had almost no rain since may)...and everyone in the office is complaining FFS.

    I'm just glad it's cooler, i missed the rain!

  18. #318
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    We're just under a rainfall warning of 70mm.

    It's gonna be a wet one today.

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    We've had a heatwave (upper 20s to low 30s c...which is very hot for us) since May, but we've finally had a break and getting some nicer low 20s and rain (we'd had almost no rain since may)...and everyone in the office is complaining FFS.

    I'm just glad it's cooler, i missed the rain!
    Vancouver has been much the same. There was only 1 day that rained in the last 2 months. The grass is all burned to a crisp, this awful yellowish colour. Fires and smoke galore as well.

    I'm not a fan of the rain at all, I hate the rain. But between smoke and rain, I'll take the rain. But we get 10 months of it, so it gets really tiresome after a while. Moderation is key. Too much of anything and you get tired of it. You'll always have people complaining about the weather, no pleasing everyone.

    I just can't get over the idiots wearing winter gear in +30 weather. Those people are special.

  20. #320
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    the air quality in seattle is worse than bejing this week. i'm feeling it, cough cough.

  21. #321
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    same. will my eyes ever stop burning? this is brutal.

  22. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    I just can't get over the idiots wearing winter gear in +30 weather. Those people are special.
    You think that's special? People over here are normally so keen on the sun, the second its out tops are off and sandles are on. At football games beer bellied fans will be next to naked at the hint of sun...and this is normally when the temps are closer to 15c and below...IT'S MADNESS!

  23. #323
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    The leaves have finally started changing color, and the weather is cool. I await leaves changing ever year, I grew up where the weather was the same climate year round and I love experiencing different seasons.

  24. #324
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    The weather currently is how i like my women...bleak (and you thought i was going to say wet!...well it is wet)

    It's generally how it normally is in the UK, overcast, bit of rain and cold, which i actually like.

  25. #325
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    So we're in mid-November in London, and we should be at 5-8c but instead we're looking at hitting 17c later this week with average temps of 11-14c...thats not normal! Hell that weathers so messed up with keep getting mini thunderstorms and it's officially Winter in 4 weeks?!

  26. #326
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    This kinda continues on from my last post, back in November we in the UK were getting warmer then normal temperatures (17 Degrees Celsius or 62 Fahrenheit rather then the normal 5 Degrees Celsius 41 Fahrenheit)

    The winter has largely not been all that cold. We had a bit of snow a month back, but the temperature rarely dipped below freezing (0 Degrees Celsius 32 Fahrenheit) which is really unusual. Now, in February, just a few months later we're hitting close to 20 Degrees Celsius 68 Fahrenheit when the average is 8 (46). We should be having snow, or at least cold rain and be dealing with ice...and everyone around me, people at work, people online, newspapers, are all cheering how great the weather is and how good a winter we had as it wasn't very cold for very long...AND I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO SEEMS AT ALL WORRIED ABOUT THIS, THIS ISN'T NORMAL WEATHER FOR US, SOMETHING.IS.WRONG!

  27. #327
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    This kinda continues on from my last post, back in November we in the UK were getting warmer then normal temperatures (17 Degrees Celsius or 62 Fahrenheit rather then the normal 5 Degrees Celsius 41 Fahrenheit)

    The winter has largely not been all that cold. We had a bit of snow a month back, but the temperature rarely dipped below freezing (0 Degrees Celsius 32 Fahrenheit) which is really unusual. Now, in February, just a few months later we're hitting close to 20 Degrees Celsius 68 Fahrenheit when the average is 8 (46). We should be having snow, or at least cold rain and be dealing with ice...and everyone around me, people at work, people online, newspapers, are all cheering how great the weather is and how good a winter we had as it wasn't very cold for very long...AND I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO SEEMS AT ALL WORRIED ABOUT THIS, THIS ISN'T NORMAL WEATHER FOR US, SOMETHING.IS.WRONG!
    Lucky boy!!

    Vancouver's winter has been very interesting. One for the records. Extremely bi-polar.

    First, our January was one of the warmest January's we have ever had. Our climate is similar to yours. Our winters are usually very grey, dreary and rainy and just above freezing, like +2-7C on average. This January we were like +8-11C with no rain and all sun. It felt like spring. Then February hit, and the tables completely turned. We had the WORST February on record ever. Snowed almost every day and the lows were like -6 to -3 and the highs were like no more than +3 if lucky. We were a good 7-10 degrees below normal. It broke all these records for the coldest February ever.

    It is defiantly concerning. Our last summer was one of the hottest summers we ever had. Actually, the last couple years have been abnormal all in all. The winters are snowier and colder and the summers are hotter.

    I went to London last June, and it was +25C and sunny the whole time, which according to the people who live there, was very abnormal. You guys had an incredible summer last year and it seems like the good weather just stayed around for the winter.

  28. #328
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post
    Lucky boy!!

    Vancouver's winter has been very interesting. One for the records. Extremely bi-polar.

    First, our January was one of the warmest January's we have ever had. Our climate is similar to yours. Our winters are usually very grey, dreary and rainy and just above freezing, like +2-7C on average. This January we were like +8-11C with no rain and all sun. It felt like spring. Then February hit, and the tables completely turned. We had the WORST February on record ever. Snowed almost every day and the lows were like -6 to -3 and the highs were like no more than +3 if lucky. We were a good 7-10 degrees below normal. It broke all these records for the coldest February ever.

    It is defiantly concerning. Our last summer was one of the hottest summers we ever had. Actually, the last couple years have been abnormal all in all. The winters are snowier and colder and the summers are hotter.

    I went to London last June, and it was +25C and sunny the whole time, which according to the people who live there, was very abnormal. You guys had an incredible summer last year and it seems like the good weather just stayed around for the winter.
    Oh indeed, last summer here was very out of character. I can't remember one where it was consistently hot from May through to October. Average must have been 27-29c. There were some very hot spells (for us) too, mid 30s, which is unbearable when all the buildings (homes mainly) are built to keep the heat in as it's usually cold, and our transport network can't handle those temperatures. Great for those in the sun, not so much for the rest of us.

    The temps have gone back down now, but it still feels very much like spring. I wouldn't be surprised if we start hitting the 20s by April...

  29. #329
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    Single.digits and lotsa snow in West texas.

  30. #330
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    7 degrees here in Chicago. Snow expected tonight.

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