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Now i know what alot of you are thinking "a must see, but critics hated this!" and i'm not going to try and convince you they're wrong, this was just my take away from the movie and (as a freaking MASSIVE fan of the original rubber suit movies) i just LOVED the B movie feel and AWESOME looking monster shots, for me it was as good as it has gotten from Hollywood (but Shin Godzilla is still my fav Godzilla movie)

The shots of Rodan bursting out the volcano over Mexico, King Ghidorah in it's self made storm, Godzilla swimming in the dark whilst pulsing toward the camera, they were just SO DAMN GOOD to me! And the little nods in the film to the original movies, KG being Monster Zero, the Oxygen Destroyer, FUCKING BURNING GODZILLA! It was like i was a kid again (as evidenced by me wanting to draw both my approved and disproved drawings for my mini review)

This won't be for everyone, the level of movies this year has been high and most will agree with critics that the human story robs the film of it's best moments, but if you are anything like me and enjoy silly B movie monster films looking fucking amazing then give this a shot. For me it's a must see, and i'm definitely seeing it again!