So you got lucky this tour and caught some rare live NIN performances. Here's your chance to see just how lucky you are. In order to play (and even win) you do not need to be an old fan, or have seen the most shows. In fact, the highest scores may come from a combination of only a few shows in the last couple of months, especially with the newest NIN material. Your score has nothing to do with being a "better fan" or a more "hardcore" fan; luck and geography (and a little bit of math) are literally all it takes.

HOW TO PLAY: Go to => Nine Inch Nails => Artist Statistics => Tour Statistics => Songs played total ( I'm not suggesting that is perfect, but we need a baseline and we'll just have to disregard discrepancies in order to make this work smoothly.

RULES/SCORING: As of tonight, there are 167 individual songs listed; the seven rarest -- only played once -- are each ranked 160th. If you saw any of these songs live, give yourself 160 points for each show you were at. The thirteen next rarest songs -- only played twice -- are each ranked 147th. If you saw any of these songs live, give yourself 147 points for each show you were at. And so on. (If you saw multiple shows with the same, rare track, count each of them separately.)

If you're unfamiliar with, in order to see the show(s) where these songs were played, all you have to do is click on the song title. Start at the bottom, and scroll up until you find the first 10 songs that you witnessed. A perfect score (i.e., if you are Trent Reznor) would be (7 x 160) + (3 x 147), or 1561.

Total up your points for the TEN RAREST SONGS you experienced, and post your results here.

For example, I scored 1349 points. I got lucky by attending both Aragon shows in '09 and all three this year. I also hit the Tension opener in St Paul, and happened into a random LITS show with a rare Ghosts track. Here is my scoring:

1 147 pts 32 Ghosts IV Mid-America Center, Council Bluffs IA
2 147 A Strange Kind of Love* Aragon Ballroom '09
3 147 Kick in the Eye* Aragon Ballroom '09
4 140 Atmosphere* Aragon Ballroom '09
5 134 Subterraneans* Aragon Ballroom '18
6 134 AATCHB Aragon Ballroom '18
7 131 I Would for You XCel Energy Center
8 124 Final Solution* Aragon Ballroom '09
9 124 Banged and Blown Through* Aragon Ballroom '09
10 121 LITS Aragon Ballroom '09

One variation to level the playing field a bit would be to exclude covers(*), in which case scores would obviously tend to be a lot lower (mine dropped to 1186):

5 111 17 Ghosts II Mid-America Center
6 111 17 Ghosts II Target Center
7 111 Satellite XCel Energy Center
8 109 Over and Out Aragon '18
9 107 This Isn't the Place Aragon '18
10 104 The Perfect Drug Aragon '18

I would love for people to give it a go, and I hope to see what kind of numbers we can get!