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Thread: The Brett Kavanaugh shitshow - ELECTION DAY IS NOVEMBER 6TH

  1. #151
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    also, if they think the Democrats are merely strategizing, why are they not praising it? they were so proud of McConnell keeping Scalia's seat open for over a year... but if the other side tries to do it they're "pathetic"? these guys are a living breathing embodiment of bad faith

  2. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I agree with that, for the most part. Convicted of a sex crime would not earn my vote, but convicted of possession of weed I might let slide. But that's not my point. Crucifying someone based upon an unproven accusation is a slippery slope and is something to be avoided.
    Part of what I find strange about this argument is that "innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt" isn't a standard that applies outside of criminal court.

    In civil cases the standard is different. In a supreme court nomination the standard is different. The a public opinion case the standard is different.

    Calling it crucifying someone is really conflating the point, I mean we recognize that you don't mean that literally, but it's different.

    I remember working retail, and we had some thefts going on, and we knew it was a staff member, since things were going missing from areas that customers didn't have access to. We looked at the schedule, and figured out when the thefts were happening, and whose schedule it lined up with. We couldn't prove it was that person, but decided to let them go without cause, paid them more severance than they were owed under the law and never accused them of anything or told anyone what we suspected them of. We're pretty damn sure we got that right, because the thefts stopped after that, but we still can't prove they did anything, but even if we didn't this employee was new enough to only be owed about 2 weeks severance, and we paid them about 2 months, so they're still not really being destroyed by the job loss.

    In a criminal case, if we get it wrong, someone's going to jail. In Kavanaugh's case, if we get it wrong, he just doesn't get to sit on the supreme court.

    That's not destroying his life, or putting him in jail. That's making sure he's not one of 9 people who are privileged enough to get a spot for life on the highest court in the country.

    The bar should be extra-ordinarily high for such a position.

  3. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    In a criminal case, if we get it wrong, someone's going to jail. In Kavanaugh's case, if we get it wrong, he just doesn't get to sit on the supreme court.

    That's not destroying his life, or putting him in jail. That's making sure he's not one of 9 people who are privileged enough to get a spot for life on the highest court in the country.

    The bar should be extra-ordinarily high for such a position.
    I agree with your statement to a certain extent. But setting the bar to include any and all accusations is going to far. There must at least be a preponderance of the evidence, which I think is the criteria for a civil case. And for Kavanaugh, it's more than the loss of a Supreme Court appointment. The fallout encompasses much more than that.

  4. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    I agree with your statement to a certain extent. But setting the bar to include any and all accusations is going to far. There must at least be a preponderance of the evidence, which I think is the criteria for a civil case. And for Kavanaugh, it's more than the loss of a Supreme Court appointment. The fallout encompasses much more than that.
    I think that we've got a preponderance of evidence that he's lied to the senate. That should be enough to disqualify him from the supreme court appointment.

    The sexual assault allegations I would say the same thing. Her story is much more convincing than his. There is evidence to support her story being more credible including his yearbook records with obvious sexual innuendos that he's lied to the senate about. His story about how much he drank and what he did while drinking are far less believable as well.

    I read something about harvard cancelling a teaching contract they had for him, which is fair too. Harvard is saying that they no longer feel comfortable having him teach a class, if he's not able to have enough trust to teach a class, how can we possibly trust him enough to sit on the supreme court?
    Last edited by M1ke; 10-02-2018 at 11:15 PM.

  5. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's facepalm worthy about what I said?

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by anduril View Post
    What's facepalm worthy about what I said?
    **edit, I think I'd rather just say this:

    Last edited by M1ke; 10-03-2018 at 07:52 AM.

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    **edit, I think I'd rather just say this:

    Thanks for the non answer. Your condescending attitude says a lot.

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by zero View Post
    And history is destined to repeat itself. If great harm can be wrought upon an individual based upon unproven accusations, then we have failed as a tolerant society. Remember the witch trials? Due process is not perfect, but it does offer a modicum of protection for the innocent. I am simply flabbergasted with regards to the current polarized state of our country.
    The fact that two people facepalmed your post should be frightening. I guess they are ok with unproven accusations putting someone through Hell as long as it's someone they don't like.

  9. #159
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    The Brett Kavanaugh shitshow

    Someone needs to read the entire sexual asshatery in the news thread.

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by anduril View Post
    The fact that two people facepalmed your post should be frightening. I guess they are ok with unproven accusations putting someone through Hell as long as it's someone they don't like.
    Are we sure this guy's not working for a Russian Troll farm?

    He's not coherent enough for it to be much else.
    Last edited by M1ke; 10-03-2018 at 09:39 AM.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Are we sure this guy's not working for a Russian Troll farm?

    He's not coherent enough for it to be much else.
    Funny. I guess the fact that I'm bringing up a different point of view makes me a Russian troll.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    Are we sure this guy's not working for a Russian Troll farm?

    He's not coherent enough for it to be much else.
    I read this as sarcasm and I do not agree with Anduril but the whole troll farm thing is a little below the belt.

    Quote Originally Posted by anduril View Post
    Funny. I guess the fact that I'm bringing up a different point of view makes me a Russian troll.
    Your different point of view is understood and I don't think anyone here wants to forego Kavanaugh's right to defend himself against the multiple sexual miscodunct accusations or convict him of guilt based on the court of public opinion. Kavanaugh's problem, however, is an inexcusable lack of honesty and trust to be a federal judge, much less lifetime SCOTUS judge. Can you not see that? The man appears to have perjured himself repeatedly during both hearings. His partisan rage and conspiracy theories he displayed during the hearing was also quite revealing and unbefitting any judge, much less a federal appeals one.

  13. #163
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    I'm somewhat unsure if I should post this here or in the Trump thread because of how I see a similarity between this and the Trump administration interfering with the Russia investigation. But since Trump is not mentioned by name and this by itself is more relevant to the Kavanaugh shitshow...

    FBI Lacks White House Approval to Talk to Kavanaugh and Ford, Sources Say

  14. #164
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    WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI is expected to send Congress a report on its revived sexual harassment investigation of Brett Kavanaugh as soon as Wednesday afternoon, Republican senators said of the pivotal document that could make or break his Supreme Court nomination.
    GOP lawmakers emerging from a closed-door lunch said that if the report arrived later in the day, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would trigger a process that could lead to a crucial initial vote Friday and a climactic confirmation roll call over the weekend. In the meantime, senators and a small number of top aides would be allowed to read the papers in a secure room in the Capitol complex.
    Republicans are going to appoint him. It may come down to Pence's vote, but it's coming. They will not live it down either. It's one thing for there to be disagreement along party lines or a party to be scrutinized for their choices; however, I fully expect the GOP to look back on his appointment and point of history in regret, regardless of what laws and constitutional decisions he rules for in their favor, especially as they relate to this horrible administration.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by pulse View Post
    however, I fully expect the GOP to look back on his appointment and point of history in regret, regardless of what laws and constitutional decisions he rules for in their favor, especially as they relate to this horrible administration.
    why is that? Is there a single Republican that looks back at GWB's stolen 2000 election with regret?

  16. #166
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    In a stunning turn of events, a short while ago Senator Flake told reporters "We've seen no additional corroborating information."

  17. #167
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    total sham investigation talk to less than ten people these people have to go they no longer represent us women walk out protest

  18. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    total sham investigation talk to less than ten people these people have to go they no longer represent us women walk out protest
    I know lots of women who don't believe Dr. Ford and are angry about this whole charade.

  19. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    I know lots of women who don't believe Dr. Ford and are angry about this whole charade.
    Are they republicans?

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Are they republicans?
    Not all of them.

  21. #171
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    Not all of them.
    The ones who aren't, what's their issue?

  22. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    The ones who aren't, what's their issue?
    Their issue? Why does it have to be an issue that they don't believe her?

  23. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    Their issue? Why does it have to be an issue that they don't believe her?
    If they're going to take a position they should have some reason why they're taking that position.

  24. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    If they're going to take a position they should have some reason why they're taking that position.
    Maybe because women can tell when other women are lying better than men can.

  25. #175
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    I see we have yet to IP ban this 'anduril' clown?

  26. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I see we have yet to IP ban this 'anduril' clown?
    I'm sorry that I'm offering a different point of view. I guess that's called trolling in 2018.

  27. #177
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    Next username to be “Tom Bombadil’s Dick.” Your “point of view” is shitty.

    I see Flake’s words were of course for show. I’m glad I didn’t fall for that. I am not excited to speak ill of the dead but I remember enough of McCain’s empty criticism of Trump. They’ll get him confirmed.

  28. #178
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    My wife knew right away that Dr. Ford was lying. She pointed out how she couldn't even cry and was mocking her little girl voice. Kavanaugh actually showed emotion because he's being put through Hell simply based on the words of a woman without proof.

  29. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Next username to be “Tom Bombadil’s Dick.” Your “point of view” is shitty.

    I see Flake’s words were of course for show. I’m glad I didn’t fall for that. I am not excited to speak ill of the dead but I remember enough of McCain’s empty criticism of Trump. They’ll get him confirmed.
    Yeah, I didn't think it was likely that the republicans would have allowed for an investigation that could possible turn up anything. The FBI didn't even interview Dr Ford.

    Instead of checking out Kavanaughs suitability for the court they're trying to paint the democrats as evil. Sadly, it'll probably play well with Trump's base and people who like lord of the rings too much to leave a message board after being shown the door.

    Hate is a very strong emotion.

  30. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narsil View Post
    My wife knew right away that Dr. Ford was lying. She pointed out how she couldn't even cry and was mocking her little girl voice. Kavanaugh actually showed emotion because he's being put through Hell simply based on the words of a woman without proof.
    Cool story, broski. Why don’t you just talk to her about it?

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