Just saw the film the other day and will add my voice to the chorus of "meh"s. Surprisingly didn't hate the embellishments to the Predator lore, and there was some entertainment to be had (loved the Exile Predator's choreography for example), but... I was listening to a podcast today which described it as playing like a Predator comic, and that summed it up pretty well. Seems like kind of a stream-of-consciousness thing with little attention given to plausibility, tension or subtext.

I guess this might be the right place to bring this up, but does anyone else here love Predator 2? I've had 28 years to get over it not starring Arnold, and while it might not hit on the same level as the original (which IMO is basically a perfect film), it manages to be atmospheric, brutal and entertaining without The Predator's shortcomings. Great cast too, in a very different way to the first film.