Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
Tulsi Gabbard
It wasn't just that she had a homophobic stance; she actively campaigned to pass a constitutional amendment as a teenager to keep marriage between straight people, then campaigned in 2004 on her work there and a PAC who opposed LGBTQ lawmakers while also promoting conversion therapy. She tried to outlaw civil unions and also referred to LGBTQ rights activists as "homosexual extremists." So, it wasn't just that she held a stance or opinion that was similar to practically every other Democrat/Progressive lawmaker at the time; she actively tried to hurt LGBTQ people. That's enough for me there.

Assad - She made an unannounced trip to Syria in 2017 and then came back defending him and expressing skepticism that he actually gassed his own people - https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/07/polit...ntv/index.html - She also constantly states that he isn't a direct threat to the US even though his country has turned into a breeding groun for ISIS, who is a direct threat to many of our allies - https://www.thedailybeast.com/tulsi-...-united-states - and these comments end up coming off as dog whistles to folks like David Duke, even though she has rejected his endorsements - https://www.thedailybeast.com/tulsi-...es-endorsement .

She probably doesn't take corporate money, but I don't think that outweighs the other major problems she has as a candidate and with a field this large, I think there are more qualified people to choose from. She can make her political and personal atonement for her anti-LGBTQ past in other arenas than the presidential election.