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Thread: 11/08/2022, The Midterms, aka build on 2020 aka The Election Thread

  1. #1561
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    But the debt is through the roof, MANY people will be dead, and millions will be ANGRY because they can’t get any fucking toilet paper.

    Because (a) the government isn’t controlling the supply chain but mostly (b) a big component of toilet paper COMES FROM CHINA.

    And Mr. Big Mouth is still insisting on calling this the “CHINESE Virus,” which doesn’t blame the Government of the People’s Republic of China’s whom he alleges is plotting against him; instead, it blames the CHINESE, who are the CITIZENS, the dead and sick people OF China, but also the workers we need for our TOILET PAPER. You know, those tariff’d people.

    It’s these little things that can bring someone down.

    Toilet paper will bury this asshole.

    As will the HUGE number of deaths.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-19-2020 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #1562
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    I agree this’ll make him look good despite the fact that we know if he would’ve acted back in January it may not be as bad as it will surely be now. Yes, he’s racist and passing the buck. It’s the bucks he will likely be sending to Americans that will be what people remember in November.
    If (or perhaps more appropriately—when) I get this virus, it likely won’t end well for me. My immune system is permanently damaged from childhood leukemia so there’s that. I’m just hoping I can avoid it until such time where there are viable treatments available.

  3. #1563
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I agree this’ll make him look good despite the fact that we know if he would’ve acted back in January it may not be as bad as it will surely be now. Yes, he’s racist and passing the buck. It’s the bucks he will likely be sending to Americans that will be what people remember in November.
    If (or perhaps more appropriately—when) I get this virus, it likely won’t end well for me. My immune system is permanently damaged from childhood leukemia so there’s that. I’m just hoping I can avoid it until such time where there are viable treatments available.
    Stay inside as much as possible, keep at least 6 feet away from people, stay safe man.

    I think this will still be a disaster for Trump. This is a Black Swan. He’s done nothing but lie.

    Today, he said he’s not “a shipping department” when asked why respirator masks aren’t going out.

    Money won’t make people forget how many people are going to die from this virus. And it’s going to be a lot.

    Now, Trump and his Congressional sycophants are bailing out the airlines. The same airlines that we bailed out after 9/11 but they learned NOTHING, then earned billions in profits and instead of putting a money away in a Rainy Day Disaster Fund they put a lot of money into stock buy-backs, and now we’re bailing their asses out again in what amounts to Corporate Socialism.

    Fuck the airlines, fuck hotels. Right now, workers and families and small businesses and hospitals need money. And help not DYING.

    Meanwhile... Tulsi Gabbard suspended her campaign and she endorsed Biden.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-19-2020 at 10:21 PM.

  4. #1564
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    While I agree in theory, two separate polls now show that over half approve of his handling of everything... that'll go up once people get checks, unfortunately.

  5. #1565
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    Yeah, but who knows. Just last week they were saying 60% disapproved of him, but that was then and this is now. Same holds true for the future. People's memories are short, especially these days. I feel like the internet creates this weird sense of amnesia, where all that really matters is right now. I don't even remember what was going on with Trump back in 2017. Probably some bullshit. Who can keep track anymore. Our brains are fried.

    The checks will absolutely buy a lot of good will, but a LOT of shit is going to go down between now and November that is historically unprecedented. I don't know that a check from back in April, which will be long gone by then, will be enough to override the shitstorm that's coming afterward. Either that or the dude better be ready to send out checks on a monthly basis to keep everyone happy long term. Beat Yang at his own game.

  6. #1566
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    While I agree in theory, two separate polls now show that over half approve of his handling of everything... that'll go up once people get checks, unfortunately.
    I don’t believe polls. I don’t know who or how they get their sample data, how many people they’re calling, if they’re calling land lines, etc. Even if I know that info, I don’t know if the respondents were partisan or honest, etc.

    Conservatives are NOT giving Trump a break for promoting these bailouts:

    Trump sycophants will support him no matter WHAT he does. When he was calling Covid-19 a “hoax” for months, they repeated his narrative like parrots. If he told Americans to drink their own piss for a cure, they’d be the first ones collecting urine and slugging it down like Mountain Dew.

    NO check the government sends out is going to equal a lost paycheck.

    Washington insiders are warning that Trump is saying he’s going to fudge the unemployment report numbers, so he doesn’t “look bad.”
    Last edited by allegro; 03-20-2020 at 11:51 PM.

  7. #1567
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    You can look up the methodology and demographic/affiliation breakdown for nearly any (reliable) poll! Some are definitely much more sound than others. I used to feel the same way, but a big part of our policy program is having to design surveys and how to select a representative sample, etc. in order to form policy that aligns with what constituents want.

  8. #1568
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    I understand. I was in marketing analysis for many years. That’s why I don’t trust “population” polls. Because I did the surveys. Then analyzed them.

    I had to go do research to find out who did these “polls” everyone was citing (even Trump was bragging).

    I found the ABC News / Ipsos poll: Too small a sample (cross-sampling even smaller).

    512 people representing 0.000156479217604 of the population

    Trump approval = 55% of that.

    I hate “population” polls. A poll of a customer base of 250 people, fuck yeah you’re going to get a pretty good result. A representation of 327 million people? My math says no.

    This is a “fun” poll, an “entertainment” poll.

    For every poll showing a Trump approval rating, you'll find polls showing a Trump disproval rating. (A) (B) (C)

    At any rate, the election is in November. We are barely through the carnage that we will suffer with Covid-19.

    Emergency Medical staff in New York are crying. They have no supplies. Their lives are in danger. The Federal Government isn’t sending help. More and more people are dying.

    This is going to get much worse.

    Democrats aren’t going to switch parties and forget all of their basic beliefs and values and vote for Trump because they got a check that barely represented their lost paycheck while they were out of work. And Democrats never count on Republicans, ever. Because Republicans don’t vote Democrat. There are no true swing voters in Presidential elections. Independents lean one way, toward key issues. Their key issues are consistent.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-21-2020 at 02:04 PM.

  9. #1569
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    my dad made in interesting point...Biden, Trump, Bernie, and Pence, may all get and suffer from the virus between now and Nov. We may have a candidate that isn't even being spoken about right now. crazy times.

  10. #1570
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    my dad made in interesting point...Biden, Trump, Bernie, and Pence, may all get and suffer from the virus between now and Nov. We may have a candidate that isn't even being spoken about right now. crazy times.
    We could have a deceased candidate between then and now, this virus is scary shit. A huge percentage of voters may be dead between then and now.

  11. #1571
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    I’ve always assumed this is why they always technically say ‘suspending’ a campaign instead of dropping out.

  12. #1572
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    Hillary tried to warn us. That bitch got three million more votes than he did so I’m randomly deciding here and now that I’m not entertaining any more arguments about her being unpopular or unfavorable. The moral high ground is gonna get over one million Americans killed from COVID-19 because some of us had to be ideologically pure. Enough.

    Biden is gonna be the nominee and as annoyed as I am about this, we need to rally around Uncle Joe and get that orange mother fucker out of there. I’m sick of this shit.

  13. #1573
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    I’ve watched the “Hillary” doc on Hulu twice, now.

    Each time, I cry. And I’m pissed.

    Whichever candidate wins is going to inherit the biggest national debt in the history of this country. They’re going to have to undo that Republican tax plan ASAP, whomever it is.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-29-2020 at 09:59 PM.

  14. #1574
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    I saw a meme earlier about Bloomberg, something along the lines of: "He paid a billion dollars for his presidency - now he won't pay a penny with the coronavirus around"

  15. #1575
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    my dad made an interesting point last night. He said, "all it can take for things to change is Cuomo getting one delegate. just one." He was explaining to me that if he were to get to the convention, the party may end up backing him over Biden due to his now national recognition of how he's handling the crisis in NY. he seems overwhelmingly popular during this time. "lots of deals happen" at the convention, he said.

  16. #1576
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    Quote Originally Posted by versusreality View Post
    my dad made an interesting point last night. He said, "all it can take for things to change is Cuomo getting one delegate. just one." He was explaining to me that if he were to get to the convention, the party may end up backing him over Biden due to his now national recognition of how he's handling the crisis in NY. he seems overwhelmingly popular during this time. "lots of deals happen" at the convention, he said.
    Also: all it would take is one microscopic particle to take out any of the senior citizens running for office. As much as I would hope that all candidates are taking proper precautions, we already know Trump isn't distancing (see: briefings). Wouldn't be surprised if the other candidates are also taking more risks than they should be.

  17. #1577
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  18. #1578
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    friday night news dump so no one talks about it.

  19. #1579
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    friday night news dump so no one talks about it.
    Given the state of the nation, I think anything that doesn't have the letters "COVID" in it would be considered a Friday Night News Dump regardless of what time and day it was dropped.

  20. #1580
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    What's happening in Wisconsin is a goddamn travesty and only a preview of what will happen in November if Dems don't fight like hell to include mail-in ballots for the general election in the next COVID relief bill. Republicans need our votes to get more relief and yes, we missed the train on including it in the first stimulus bill that passed. If we don't get it in there this time, we're fucked.

  21. #1581
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    They won't fight for it strong enough. They're Democrats. They're paid to lose.

  22. #1582
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    Bernie has officially dropped out.

  23. #1583
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  24. #1584
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    Good, we need to spend the next 6 months working on unity. I don't care what people think of Biden. He's not my favorite by ANY stretch of the means, but we NEED to vote for him. Look at what's currently in office and what will remain there if we don't band together.

  25. #1585
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    Sanders has officially exited the race.

  26. #1586
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    Its like ever since Obama left office we've been on a race to the bottom.

    Trump | Rona 2020 I guess

  27. #1587
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    This is the least excited to vote I've ever been in my life. Ever. I feel like come November I'll be voting to be kidney punched instead of dick kicked.

  28. #1588
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    I hope I'm wrong but I feel like Bernie dropping out has tilted the election in Trump's favor.

  29. #1589
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    I’m hoping corona virus has tipped it to anyone but trump.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  30. #1590
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    I’m hoping corona virus has tipped it to anyone but trump.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I think it's entirely possible he gets the wartime president bump. Other people will take drastic measures (mostly in line with Democratic party principles), enact them near election time, and he'll be screaming about how it's his name on the documents so he's the one fixing everything. And it'll work, because people are goddamn stupid.

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