Quote Originally Posted by Max View Post
I feel like this thread is really hit or miss when it comes to content. Is there anyway we could separate covers from actual NIN spotting?
I've also thought about myself, but it seems like the exceptions would be if the covers were very recent. However, I've also been using the ETS covers NIN thread to bring up NIN covers.


I have been requested it to be renamed Miscellaneous Nine Inch Nails Covers as it seems better than just leaving it for ETS users. As a matter of fact, I always thought it's better to have threads like that to not just be limited to ETS members at all.

Quote Originally Posted by Max View Post
Also YouTube reactions to NIN - is that really NIN spotting? I feel like it just kind of junks up a thread that is supposed to be helping people keep up with their favorite band, interviews, etc
For NIN reactions, it was actually okay to make a thread for that. It was even encouraged by @Leviathant himself. (I also thought it was best to bring this to your attention as this got brought up again, and figured as you have the ultimate final say on threads.) I would just name it Nine Inch Nails Reactions or Reactions to Nine Inch Nails if I did that, but just didn't feel like making any new threads at the time.

Anyway, aside from that, I just wanted to let you know.