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Thread: Trump 2018 - Trump Foundation ordered to dissolve, Flynn Sentencing Delayed

  1. #2071
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I'd love your thoughts on this. The Politico piece from yesterday made a very well-reasoned case for Trump having been subpoenaed already. Today, his lawyers didn't just dance around the accusation, they outright said "no, that has not happened". Now, normally I don't buy their denials...but their denials are also usually caked in much more vague "non-answer" types of responses. This seemed different. What's your take?
    I think that Politico opinion piece was REALLY detailed. Like, with CRAZY FASCINATING real details, like yeah, nobody gets an appeal that fast, nobody gets a court docket schedule moving that fast, WHY would Judge Katsas recuse himself?

    Nixon denied EVERYTHING, FUCKING EVERYTHING, the whole damned time, right up until the night they were telling him he had to resign, and even THEN he was denying everything as he was boarding a helicopter on the White House lawn.

  2. #2072
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    ^ Exactly! AND he’s trying to drum up support ahead of this potential bomb shell that Mueller is about to drop?

    ”Sure, I’m indicted and blah blah criminal stuff blah blah but I’m protecting you from the CARAVAN OF BABY ANCHOR EVIL!”
    here is the thing mueller is totally non partisan and by the book. with who he's indited who his talked to how tight lipped his team has been. i think he's holding a full boat. now what does the public see. do they make trump a deal, how does trump react. tuesday's going to be a big deal. if the republicans loose or loose big will they still defend trump? what will turtle man do. may guess is they will run from him like he just returned from Chernobyl. as the Chinese curse states "may you live in interesting times"

  3. #2073
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think that Politico opinion piece was REALLY detailed. Like, with CRAZY FASCINATING real details, like yeah, nobody gets an appeal that fast, nobody gets a court docket schedule moving that fast, WHY would Judge Katsas recuse himself?

    Nixon denied EVERYTHING, FUCKING EVERYTHING, the whole damned time, right up until the night they were telling him he had to resign, and even THEN he was denying everything as he was boarding a helicopter on the White House lawn.
    Gotcha. This just seemed mildly different from this administration's previous means of "not exactly denial" denials. But from my non-legal background, the initial Politico piece made me think it was extremely likely that they hit the nail on the head.

    I was originally supposed to be out of the country by the time election results rolled in. Plans have changed now. Not sure how I feel about that yet. I was kind of looking forward to Trump being more of a footnote in the news than the centerpiece. Here's hoping it's at least good news.

  4. #2074
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    Jesus fucking christ.

  5. #2075
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post

    Jesus fucking christ.
    There’s no appropriate way to express my dismay that he tweeted this.

  6. #2076
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    I mean, coming from the geriatric Joffrey, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

  7. #2077
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I mean, coming from the geriatric Joffrey, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
    It makes me scared he’s going to get us all killed. My anxiety can’t handle when he acts like an unhinged king. Which is like everyday now.

  8. #2078
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    Michael Cohen: Trump Is Exactly As Racist in Private As You Would Guess

    In the late 2000s, while they were driving through an impoverished Chicago neighborhood en route to the Trump International Hotel, Donald turned to him and said, “Only the blacks could live like this.”

    • When Nelson Mandela died, Trump challenged Cohen to “name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole,” then dared him to “name one city.”

    • Once, when discussing the various winners of past seasons of The Apprentice, Trump explained that, in season one, he decided not to pick finalist Kwame Jackson because “there’s no way I can let this black f-g win.”

    • In 2016, after Cohen told Trump that he’d watched his rally on TV — and thought that the crowd had “looked vanilla” — the presidential candidate replied, “That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.”
    What a surprise.

  9. #2079
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    There’s no appropriate way to express my dismay that he tweeted this.
    i think i saw someone edit it to say incitements are coming

  10. #2080
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  11. #2081
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    Jeff Sessions just resigned.

    He hates marijuana and has been in Chicago campaigning against police reform so, yeah, buh-bye.

  12. #2082
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    Trump 2018 - Trump loses the House and his legislative agenda

    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Jeff Sessions just resigned.

    He hates marijuana and has been in Chicago campaigning against police reform so, yeah, buh-bye.
    Yeah but whoever takes over is gonna go after mueller. There no way trump picks another ag who will recused themselves from the investigation.

  13. #2083
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    The COMMENTS omg I’m dying laughing

  14. #2084
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    Yeah but whoever takes over is gonna go after mueller. There no way trump picks another ag who will recuse themselves from the investigation.
    It won’t stop the investigation.

  15. #2085
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It won’t stop the investigation.
    Walk me through this. Let's assume Trump hires a faithful swamp monster who is 100% ready to do everything in his power to shut down any and all investigations into him.

    What power will the new AG have to try to make this happen, and what checks might the House have to prevent it?

  16. #2086
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    It won’t? Isn’t that his aim here? To get someone to fire Mueller before January?

  17. #2087
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    It won’t stop the investigation.
    Watch them try.

  18. #2088
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    Watch them try.
    The House has been trying for nearly two years.

    But Mueller is smart. There are currently at least three investigations into Trump, the Trump Organization and two of Trump’s children that are ongoing in the Southern District of New York (Federal Court). This is completely outside and beyond the reach of the Department of Justice. Also, there are simultaneous investigations in the State of New York, which is also beyond the reach of Presidential pardons and the Federal Department of Justice. These are insurance policies built in, in case anything happens to the Mueller investigation.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-11-2018 at 07:44 PM.

  19. #2089
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    for a second i thought, he was going he was going to step off the stage and there was going to be some full on WWE shit thrown down. still a bullying child. the Nancy spew the same centralist democratic bull shit about we can't be divided cross the isle. when did they ever do that in 8 years of Obama?how'd that promise you made with turtle man work out Nancy?how's DACCA working out. you fuckers are scare of you own damn shadow! and if you ever want to see a penny from me again you better grow a pair!you ever for once think think for one damn second maybe trump got elected was becuase he played the tough guy.

  20. #2090
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    Seen on Facebook, but not in the news, so I'm unclear exactly what this means: "Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein has already been removed from oversight of the Mueller investigation."

  21. #2091
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Seen on Facebook, but not in the news, so I'm unclear exactly what this means: "Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein has already been removed from oversight of the Mueller investigation."
    He's on his way to the White House right now for a "meeting."

    Acting AG Matthew Whitaker is now overseeing the investigation.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-11-2018 at 07:43 PM.

  22. #2092
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He's on his way to the White House right now for a "meeting."
    So what happens if Trump cleans out anyone related to the investigation prior to the new members of Congress actually swearing in?

  23. #2093
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    So what happens if Trump cleans out anyone related to the investigation prior to the new members of Congress actually swearing in?
    Whitaker isn't going to do that. It appears that the goal, here, is to limit the scope of the investigation to Russia. AND, it appears that Trump wants a guy who more matches his own ideas re prison reform, etc. Based on that shit that came out in the OpEd piece in Politico and the arguments re the "witness" and the "subpoena," this all makes sense as to the scope of the investigation and subpoenas for any further investigations related to anything outside of stuff related to Russian interference. If it's Russia and money, okay. But if it's finances with zero ties to Russia, they're going to limit that scope. The Judge in Virginia already did that re Manafort.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-07-2018 at 04:06 PM.

  24. #2094
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Whitaker isn't going to do that. It appears that the goal, here, is to limit the scope of the investigation to Russia. AND, it appears that Trump wants a guy who more matches his own ideas re prison reform, etc. Based on that shit that came out in the OpEd piece in Politico and the arguments re the "witness" and the "subpoena," this all makes sense as to the scope of the investigation and subpoenas for any further investigations related to anything outside of stuff related to Russian interference. If it's Russia and money, okay. But if it's finances with zero ties to Russia, they're going to limit that scope. The Judge in Virginia already did that re Manafort.
    Can Whitaker act as interim AG even though he was never approved by the Senate? Judge Napolitano seems to think that it's not legal.

  25. #2095
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    It's not a post Trump news day without one headline completely hijacking another headline that we could have otherwise discussed for months

  26. #2096
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    Begrudgingly, I get the point of limiting the scope. But I wonder then: if it becomes blatantly obvious that Trump has committed financial crimes unrelated to Russia, how does one go about charging him with them after he leaves office? Would you basically be unable to use ANY evidence that was uncovered during the course of Mueller's investigation? What jurisdiction would even be the one to bring charges, should the evidence exist?

  27. #2097
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Begrudgingly, I get the point of limiting the scope. But I wonder then: if it becomes blatantly obvious that Trump has committed financial crimes unrelated to Russia, how does one go about charging him with them after he leaves office? Would you basically be unable to use ANY evidence that was uncovered during the course of Mueller's investigation? What jurisdiction would even be the one to bring charges, should the evidence exist?
    Sealed indictment unsealed after he's out of office. This of course assuming there is any crime. Tax crimes are so rarely prosecuted, it's really unusual these days (lack of personnel to prosecute). But, if they DO happen upon "other" items during the investigation (which happens), they can refer it but it's not part of THIS investigation, then THAT new investigation would likely happen later, after the the Trump Presidency (or it's happening now then any final grand jury investigation would happen after he's out). Because it's too damned hard subpoenaing a sitting President.

    Jurisdiction: It depends, it could be several; it depends on where the crime was committed. If he was doing business in NYC, then it could be a Federal AND a New York State tax crime. If it was both in NYC AND in D.C., then it's in two places, both Federal and State. Jurisdiction is dictated by location of the crime and if it's a Federal or a state crime. "Financial" crimes is related to the TYPE of financial crime and where it was committed. So if he was money-laundering, then WHERE? If his company was lying about the number of condos sold in a building in NYC, then that's financial fraud so that's Federal, SDNY.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-07-2018 at 04:35 PM.

  28. #2098
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    this is some full on bullshit still waffling on releasing tax returns he going bully his way right into a full blown dictatorship and when he does Nancy and the do nothing wimpocrates, will be we have work to heal the divide bipartisanship that requires working with others or two sides. while to believe its right american's want a strong leader even if that strength is a myth, dems need to face the truth that were a nation of gun toting warmongering savages. and the soonerwe realize this the better of we'll be.

  29. #2099
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    It's like i said from the beginning, all congress had to do was play nice together, work on bipartisan solutions, ignore Trump until they needed him to sign something, then let him take credit for it so he could sit around stroking his ego. He'd have been absolutely harmless from a legislative standpoint. Nobody actually needed to cooperate with Trump himself. But instead, the reds and the blues just went mad after each other, settled themselves at opposite extremes, and dug in the heels. Healthcare, Immigration, Opioid reform, all of that could have been dramatically improved within the very first year. If we're really lucky, the senate and the house will realize that they have to work together on some level to get anything done at all. Otherwise, it is basically going to be a gridlock, and Trump will veto anything and everything he doesn't like.

  30. #2100
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    Matthew Whitaker on @CNN, July 26, 2017: "I could see a scenario where Jeff Sessions is replaced, it would recess appointment and that attorney general doesn't fire Bob Mueller but he just reduces his budget to so low that his investigations grinds to almost a halt."

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