Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
OH I treat it like all my gym clothes, wash/dryer/ fabric softener etc. Nothing has fallen off!
oh, word? no special settings?

I must admit, i'm SCARED.

I had a hoodie with, ostensibly, the same type of "decoration," for lack of a better term, that said TRECHEROUS. It was a joke from a youtuber i watch, because people kept making fun of him for saying that word too much, but i thought it was just baddass in general, to use to scare the hoes around here: the uppity right wing farming-and-ranching heir, pearl clutching types.
(not unlike a TINY part of why i HAD to have the broken hoodie.)

My washer fucked it up, the white part.

I ALSO got a KILLER Twin Peaks hoodie from Showtime...totally different thing, but it had the whole image of driving into Twin Peaks, with the sign and everything. And HELL IF THE WHOLE THING wasn't all but ERASED after two washes.

Maybe i'll try the washer/drier, but i'll DEFINITELY wash it in cold water, inside out, on Quick Wash.
@ItsChrisRoss i think i'll give that a shot, the hang drying everything. Our washer is new, but i think the drier has been here since about 1982, AND, it's failing. it takes like 3 cycles to dry even just, say, the clothes my wife and i plan to wear the next day.

It's VERY possible that that old drier is doing most of the damage, but it ALSO, likely, does most of the pet hair removal.

Do you guys have animals that get in your bed and such? (and i'm NOT talking about "animals" in the sense of Closer...i feel like i'm walking right into some dirty jokes, here) :P

Also, it's good to be back, y'all. tony, Chris, @otnavuskire , @allegate ...damn. it's good to interact with you cats, again. I've been through a LOT, lately... LONG cancer scare, friends, (including my best friend), dropping like flies and kind of being damn near the last of my group to die, the dwi bullshit, other rough health stuff.
Sorry to get emotional, but it really is nice to chat. If i'm not here, 99% of the time i'm only talking to my wife, mother and stepson, and the occasional chat with older folks if i go to church.
I don't like, kick it, with ANYONE.
Sorry for turning a question about the proper way to clean textiles into something emotional, but, i'm serious.