My Smoke was on point. Didn't spam teleport or his smoke projectile too often except in mid combos. Most of the Smokes I met online did nothing but those two things. Kabal was top tier as well as Kung Lao (Jinsai's Kung Lao was pretty good. When me and him used to play our matches would get intense) so it wasn't a surprise to see both of them online that often. Stryker though, I remember barely running into any Strykers online. As said above, Scorpion was definitely the worst online. There was so many of them and they all did the same shit. Square square square, spear, square square square, ground fire, spear, square square square. Shit got old real fast.

I'm still bummed that Smoke isn't in MKX as he's been my main since the OG MK3 days. It's starting to look like Mileena will be my first main and possibly Sub-Zero being my second main.