Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
And as far as Islamaphobia, when the fuck are people going to realize that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are PRETTY MUCH THE SAME FUCKING RELIGION?
Well Islam has the wrong face... If they can't make the effort to look a little less foreign, they're really begging for it...
That's what it comes down to around here -France- anyway. We managed to somewhat lock down the anti-arab sentiment during the 80ies, stabilizing it, but since the mid-90ies it came back under the guise of religion. Which, coming from a proudly secular country, is seriously fucking precious. Of course, now every religious movement is trying to preemptively defend itself by attacking everything in sight, and that secular, church-out-of-the-state statu quo is crumbling down. Suddenly we're a traditionally christian nation, out of fucking nowhere. We spent centuries trying to keep the churches in their place, but all it took was a bit of creative racism. And the lower classes ripping each other over who the good guys are, because that always ends well.