This being one of the most popular games of the year, I'm surprised there isnt a thread on this already.

Obviously this is one of those follow ups that is far superior to the original. The plot may be completely implausible and disorganized, but the gameplay is perfect. You really feel like batman. There's also a ton of cameos, some from really obscure villains I thought I'd never see again, others from characters Ive never even heard of.

I'm at a point in the post game where I have 3 remaining sidequests. One of which is obviously the riddler quest. Its maddening. There are so many of those little fucking green question marks... its crazy. Its pbvious the Riddler has one, as Batman is reduced to a greedy obsessive question mark collector. Ignoring grisly murder mysteries to dp loop the loops around smokestacks and play hoops with ice grenades. As my buddy once shouted at the screen, truly amgry and frustrated..."the Riddler is so.... cryptic!"

This game is awesome.