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Thread: Battlefield 4

  1. #1
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    Battlefield 4

    It's that time of the year for another Call of.... er I mean Battlefield.

    DICE seem to have givin' up making games and have turned into hype factory.

  2. #2
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    I will wait on this. at least for nextgen. There is no way I am playing this game on a current console.

  3. #3
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    Battlefield 3 was the first one I played, but I thought it sucked. Won't be messing with this series again.

  4. #4
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    Looks like Battlefield 3.5 to me.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    Battlefield 3 was the first one I played, but I thought it sucked. Won't be messing with this series again.
    lol try having played this series from the very start as a kid, play BF2 religiously, then play BF3. I wanna burn down DICE and EA HQ soo bad.

  6. #6
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    I've only played BF3. Wasn't a bad game, but it wore thin real quick imo. Personally, I think the war genre is kinda wearing itself thin. Maybe will probably disagree though as people will still buy Call of Duty games and this. I'd much rather this than Call of Duty though. I felt more useful, heh. I may end up checking it out though. Who knows?
    Last edited by Piko; 03-28-2013 at 09:07 PM.

  7. #7
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    The single player looks a bit more sensationalised than bf3 was but it hasn't quite suck to CoD level. Michael K. Williams providing a voice is a nice little addition. Still, the multi player is what it'll all end up being about when it comes down to it. I never really got into any FPS since Soldier of Fortune 2 but damn bf3 hooked me and ive sunk a good 350 hours into it. Looking forward to BF3 but I might take the PC route rather than console, even if i do pick up a ps4 anytime around launch.

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    Yep. I mean, they didn't even try to change the font and color scheme... The teaser music so far is only a little different, but still not really. What a joke. Fuck, bro.

    That said, I'll still most likely buy it and play on. I've only gotten better at BF3, since all of my hardships. I maxed out to level 100 two months back (probably only just then because I didn't change my weapons up as much throughout the journey), been trolling games lately. lol

    I hope for interesting map layouts and better destruction.
    Last edited by Amaro; 04-01-2013 at 03:59 AM.

  9. #9
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    Battlefield 4

    I'm always looking for more people to play with.

    My name is "caldrax" on origin and on steam if any of you want to add me. I'm more likely to notice messages on steam but I try to pay attention to Origin messages as well.

    So far the game seems pretty fun, crashes notwithstanding. I haven't played the single player. I've heard everything from "it's decent" to "it's a total disaster."

  10. #10
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    When Xbox One is in my possession and I have money, BF4 here I come.

    Even though the beta was mediocre and I hate a lot of what they changed.

  11. #11
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    screw XBox get a PC (he said selfishly wanting more people to play with).

  12. #12
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    I'm gonna be lame and get it on PS3 sometime, probably whenever I can pick it up cheap in stores or on ebay. My mates I squad up with will all be getting it on PS3 too, and of the almost 500 hours I played of BF3 95% of it was with those friends, it just wasn't fun without them.

  13. #13
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    This game looks amazing... Approximately 5x better looking than BF3.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magrão View Post
    This game looks amazing... Approximately 5x better looking than BF3.
    Looks very nice def think the story so far on BF3 was way better though! But there is a glitch in the game and I might not play it until DICE/EA patch shit up (Yes it is on their end). I am not sure if anyone playing BF4 here has had it happened to them (playing on PS4) but I and a few people I know have gotten the whole corrupt file thingy that has eventually erased our campaign mode and maybe multiplayer stats. They need to patch it up asap! I wanna beat the campaign mode and move on to single player. Btw I guess this has also happened on PC and on the last gen (feels weird saying that) as as well.

  15. #15
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    Battlefield 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Tums206_BFY View Post
    Looks very nice def think the story so far on BF3 was way better though! But there is a glitch in the game and I might not play it until DICE/EA patch shit up (Yes it is on their end). I am not sure if anyone playing BF4 here has had it happened to them (playing on PS4) but I and a few people I know have gotten the whole corrupt file thingy that has eventually erased our campaign mode and maybe multiplayer stats. They need to patch it up asap! I wanna beat the campaign mode and move on to single player. Btw I guess this has also happened on PC and on the last gen (feels weird saying that) as as well.
    Skip the campaign till the problem with the error is officially fixed. I am because that's progress I can't get back, should it die out again. Multiplayer though--I can help you out to get around the error. Your stats and progress stay because it's all Battlelog active.

    Follow these steps exactly, then you should be good.


    BF4 on PS4 is truly awesome. It's PC graphics and physics. Insane!

    I don't understand how people don't know what it's all about...they're just like "CoD: Ghosts? Wut?"

    Last edited by Amaro; 11-17-2013 at 10:24 AM.

  16. #16
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    Got to mission 6 of 7 on the single player tonight. I like the single player better than 3, personally. It's been a lot less buggy and It doesn't seem to rely on you staying inside certain combat zones. Also, having an unlock system and selectable weapons on every mission is nice. Along with a score system a bit like the multiplayer, it just feels more fun to play. The story is kinda threadbare but I wasn't expecting much from it anyway.

  17. #17
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    Finished the campaign last night. Kinda Spoiler: underwhelming ending. I played through all 3 possible endings (the first time I didn't realize there was a time limit, so I just let them blow up my ship), which I would've considered a waste of time if not for the unlocks. Anyway, it was still decently fun, and way better than 3 (I didn't finish 3 because of a bug on a tank mission that made it unbeatable, I never went back and tried to resolve it).

    Multiplayer wise I played a bit of Operation Locker tonight, trying to level my support up a bit. Unlocked a few shotguns, which is nice (I like playing Domination and Team DM with shotguns).

    Still want more people to play with. It's fun to get on ventrillo or skype or whatever and play, so if you have that and you want to get a game going, hit me up. If I'm free, I'll play with you.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maury View Post
    Finished the campaign last night. Kinda Spoiler: underwhelming ending. I played through all 3 possible endings (the first time I didn't realize there was a time limit, so I just let them blow up my ship), which I would've considered a waste of time if not for the unlocks. Anyway, it was still decently fun, and way better than 3 (I didn't finish 3 because of a bug on a tank mission that made it unbeatable, I never went back and tried to resolve it).

    Multiplayer wise I played a bit of Operation Locker tonight, trying to level my support up a bit. Unlocked a few shotguns, which is nice (I like playing Domination and Team DM with shotguns).

    Still want more people to play with. It's fun to get on ventrillo or skype or whatever and play, so if you have that and you want to get a game going, hit me up. If I'm free, I'll play with you.
    I beat the campaign yesterday on Hard. In some 3-5 hours, a bit to my surprise, though I still felt it was about as long in story as any other MMS FPS game single player. Otherwise--I'm fairly used to the AI of Battlefield by now, apparently. I love the new shooting feel in this game. That was a welcome change.

    I went with the "Hannah ending", I'll call it. I didn't figure/know there was any other ending than the "Irish ending", which I should probably try out, just because.

    Yes though, BF4 campaign>BF3 campaign. Easily. More fun and funnier, IMO. I lol'd at various dialogue scenes. Usually moments that weren't meant to be funny. (Dima, for one thing. <3) If for nothing else I got that out of it.

    Are you on PS4 by chance? :0/
    Last edited by Amaro; 11-21-2013 at 08:33 AM.

  19. #19
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    Locker is a very fun map (doors and a whole lot of crazy choke points). It also mixes up some good long range outdoor fights. It seems very well suited for TDM and Obliteration.

  20. #20
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    Magrão - no, PC. Need PC Friends. (I don't know if I can go back to playing FPS' on a controller, except maybe the new steam controller.)
    Last edited by Maury; 11-22-2013 at 03:01 AM.

  21. #21
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    A user on this forum is listed in the BF4 credits under QA. I played BC2 with him back in 2010, when he was unemployed. That credit bit brought a big smile to my face. Holla, buddy!

  22. #22
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    Haha, nice. I'd love to do some QA, or production assist kind role for DICE (second to Naughty Dog). So far the only game I'm credited in is Rock Band, made by Harmonix, the Pixar of the gaming world.

  23. #23
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    According to DICE, they officially have announced there will be NO pre-game squad/party creation implemented within BF4. You can only join friends within a match.

    Fucking stupid if you ask me...

  24. #24
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    My PC can't handle this bad boy, so on that end I'm stuck with BF3 (which is still good). I've been playing BF4 on Xbox 360 and loving it, though. It's surprisingly playable! I figured it'd be completely crippled from the hardware, but it's been keeping me hooked. At least until I can upgrade my computer.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    According to DICE, they officially have announced there will be NO pre-game squad/party creation implemented within BF4. You can only join friends within a match.

    Fucking stupid if you ask me...
    That's so inconvenient and moronic. Why have a feature in every game before and then just take it out? It's not even a "useless" feature at all.

  26. #26
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    It's like if a car company said they were gonna be making their cars without any doors except for the driver door. It's astounding they're going with this senseless of a decision. Unbelievable. Truly!

    "We’re not offering the old squad join feature because we didn’t feel that the feature in Battlefield 3 was on par with the quality that we wanted to offer our players."


    PC also got shut out of this feature?
    Last edited by Amaro; 12-03-2013 at 08:24 AM.

  27. #27
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    Used for 54.99. With a $10.00 off any used game voucher and my 10% discount I spent a whopping 43.22 on this. It's mint with no scratches and the case is perfect. Great steal today.

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 12-15-2013 at 12:19 AM. Reason: typo

  28. #28
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  29. #29
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    The game is indeed a laggy dogshit mess and should've been released next year as intended but suing over it? GTFO. Get over it.

  30. #30
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    Anyone can add me to play on PC
    ID: Kodiak333

    I am a total newbie to Battlefield, but I love it so far.

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