Quote Originally Posted by Digital Twilight View Post
The doc gave me new meds to try. Mirtazapine. Took one before I went to bed as instructed. I woke up in the middle of the night needing to pee but as I went I was stumbling around like I was super drunk. I crashed into the mirror, sctrached my glasses and have two gashes on my face. Then I threw up. Fun times.
Damn, brother, that does NOT sound good. I'm very sorry to hear that, man.

Well, i got my welbutrin. i hope it is a "wonder drug" for me like it was for@jessamineny and @Sarah K .

It turns out that i haven't been on an antidepressant at all! The Latuda is an atypical antipsychotic that MAY help with bipolar depression. I can't BELIEVE that my doctor failed to prescribe an antidepressant for me!

I also got some doxepin for sleep, but it's also an antidepressant.
So doxepin and wellbutrin for depression (and sleep,) latuda and brintellix for the mania and psychosis, along with xanax for panic attacks.

So i am expecting some big results.
Please send some good ets vibes my way!