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Thread: How fucked was your day?

  1. #1141
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    @eversonpoe sending strength and support your way
    Hope the dark cloud passes soon and you can file this person back into the past again where they belong

  2. #1142
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    I got a call from my Dr's office today, I have a melanoma in situ.

    It means it's cancer, but very treatable. They're going to cut it out in a couple of weeks, and that should be the end of it.

    And because I'm Canadian, I don't need to start selling Meth.

  3. #1143
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I got a call from my Dr's office today, I have a melanoma in situ.

    It means it's cancer, but very treatable. They're going to cut it out in a couple of weeks, and that should be the end of it.

    And because I'm Canadian, I don't need to start selling Meth.
    I hope all goes well for you! *hugs*

  4. #1144
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    I have IBS, so I've used the bathroom too much today. I wish it didn't take up my entire day like it usually does.

  5. #1145
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    The people I thought were my friends really weren't my friends at all. My life is shit. The people I thought were my friends really weren't my friends at all. My life is shit. By hey... at least I don't have cancer or IBS.
    Last edited by Boots; 10-29-2017 at 02:54 AM. Reason: .

  6. #1146
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    I've got pneumonia that I can't shake. I was sort of better when I flew to Vegas for NIN last weekend but I think the airplane air got me & I got really sick again day after show. Flew home Sunday & have been really sick all week. Had to sell my Seahawk tickets for today's game at a loss. The only 1 I was going to this year. Doc threatening to put me in hospital. Fun!

  7. #1147
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    I've got pneumonia that I can't shake. I was sort of better when I flew to Vegas for NIN last weekend but I think the airplane air got me & I got really sick again day after show. Flew home Sunday & have been really sick all week. Had to sell my Seahawk tickets for today's game at a loss. The only 1 I was going to this year. Doc threatening to put me in hospital. Fun!
    Yikes... get well soon. That sounds nasty.

    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I got a call from my Dr's office today, I have a melanoma in situ.

    It means it's cancer, but very treatable. They're going to cut it out in a couple of weeks, and that should be the end of it.

    And because I'm Canadian, I don't need to start selling Meth.
    I'm so sorry you have to go through this.. Please be well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boots View Post
    The people I thought were my friends really weren't my friends at all. My life is shit. The people I thought were my friends really weren't my friends at all. My life is shit. By hey... at least I don't have cancer or IBS.
    Don't trivialize your problems just because someone else is dealing with a disease or condition. It sucks to have your friends turn out differently than what you believed. There's a big sense of betrayal and confusion.

  8. #1148
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    thank you, ton. i'm just lucky i got to do the trip for NIN in LV. probably shouldn't have but wtf. i have a really ugly version of RA. between the RA & the treatments, not much of an immune system. so now, i get pneumonia pretty easy. i figure that i need to do stuff while i still can. may not be possible in not too distant future. has been a long battle.

  9. #1149
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    I could’ve found myself in this thread many, many times this summer. I’m hanging in there easier than ever because of the shit I’ve gone through. (I don’t know how, honestly.) But.

    FUCK bosses who can’t see that they’re part of the problem, if not THE problem. How well they INSTRUCT (or don’t), how they CARRY themselves (if you can call it that at all), how well they show they RECOGNIZE employees for anything at all (or don’t).

    Related to the subject: this is also maybe the last time I work for a small business. I’m old enough to be positively tired of such nonsense. I’d absolutely be applying to other places right now if I wasn’t about to make a major move. I’ve never been in such a workplace where I was surging with optimism in the beginning, where I also grew to find more of professional self through crucial parts of the job, all to come to this point = completely past any goodness.

    /MANY “little” things that piss me right off #FUCKYOU
    Last edited by Amaro; 10-31-2017 at 11:12 AM.

  10. #1150
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    Quote Originally Posted by eskimo View Post
    I got a call from my Dr's office today, I have a melanoma in situ.

    It means it's cancer, but very treatable. They're going to cut it out in a couple of weeks, and that should be the end of it.

    And because I'm Canadian, I don't need to start selling Meth.
    They removed it yesterday. They're going to run some tests on it to be 100% certain, but once this heals, that should be the end of it. The spot has so many stitches it looks kind of badass. I can't post the photo from work, but when I get home I'll see if I can find a battle-scar thread to post it in,.

  11. #1151
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    I posted this here because there is no thread about what made me laugh today. Someone unfriended me at Facebook because he was jealous of my admiration for the tennis player Denis Shapovalov. I actually don't even care. Denis is 100x the man that my ex-friend will ever be... and he's just getting started. That's not the first time a man has been jealous of my love for Denis. LOL

  12. #1152
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    I’m in a great deal of pain (lower back, knees, feet, joints) because I’ve now gone 8 days without medicine I require because my endocrinologist and Anthem can’t decide who sucks worse. Fuck all of them.

  13. #1153
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    So last thurdays I got attacked by a Rottweiler that was being walked by it's drunk I got the staples removed and I'm on the road to recovery

    I joking posted this photo on my facebook saying I got the doctor to insert my staples in the shape of a NIN logo and a friend added a little bit of photoshop magic to make it happen.

    Removed staples as of two hours ago.

  14. #1154
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    I got into an accident (I ride a bike) and now my bike is basically totaled (rear wheel is bent and the pedal on the side of the bike that was hit is bent into the frame) & to make matters worse, I got a ticket for running a red light. At least I'm ok (until the soreness kicks in tomorrow).

  15. #1155
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    I'm on prednisone now for a bad skin flare. It's making me really bloated and constipated. I've been sweating a lot at night because of it too. It feels embarrassing because I think about other people. Can't wait until I'm off this medication.

  16. #1156
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    I had to go to the hardware store. I wasted 2 hours going there and back. The stupid clerk distracted me with Canadian Tire money and forgot to give me my bag. I was carrying another bag from Walmart so I didn't notice I was missing my stuff until I was 3 blocks away and on a moving bus.

  17. #1157
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    Holy shit, @NotoriousTIMP . That is metal, though.
    @ton Prednisone is the worst. I was given it frequently during my battle with leukemia as a kid, and it permanently blew up my head/face. I’ve since had doctors trying to prescribe it for other things I’ve had as an adult and have told them clearly I’ll never take prednisone again. Hopefully it’s not a high dose and a short course of it you’re taking.

  18. #1158
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Holy shit, @NotoriousTIMP. That is metal, though.
    @ton Prednisone is the worst. I was given it frequently during my battle with leukemia as a kid, and it permanently blew up my head/face. I’ve since had doctors trying to prescribe it for other things I’ve had as an adult and have told them clearly I’ll never take prednisone again. Hopefully it’s not a high dose and a short course of it you’re taking.
    I'm so sorry you went through that as a kid. I'm glad you are better now though. I had a friend with the same disease when she was little and she didn't make it. I agree that Prednisone is a rather dangerous drug with serious withdrawal effects. I am not on a large dose, it's tapered down every week so I don't have to take it anymore when I'm done.

  19. #1159
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    Just found out my other dog has cancer

  20. #1160
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    I’m sorry to hear this, @Jinsai . Wishing you and your dog the best.

  21. #1161
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    fairly crappy day yesterday. had a long meeting with rheumatologist. have an extremely nasty version of RA. they are giving me cancer drugs for it & had an all day infusion friday. still pretty sick from that. anyway, spine is being attacked now & the results from a MRI are in. looking like some major spine surgery in my future. future is very murky as in disability retirement looking likely in near future. been fighting that for over 5 years & am wore out. & also found out about new extra hoops for pain meds. i'm ok as i follow the rules & haven't abused anything. extra hassles & hoops of fire here or coming. the government & insurance companies involved now. of course, rather than take a look at the source of the problem, they go after the people who really need & aren't the problem. all the chemo does for me is slow down the progression of the disease & i live in constant severe pain. it never stops as all of my joints are slowly being destroyed. RA isn't cancer but it's within spitting distance. it just takes longer. sorry to vent. feeling pretty crappy & down.

  22. #1162
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    @chuckrh , sorry to hear that, it seems that we are from the same era, going into "retirement" with any physical problems just sucks.

    I remember my late father-in-law telling me (God rest his soul), "the most IMPORTANT thing in life is your health" and he was SO right.

    Hoping you can find a way to be happy and feel good, somehow, with this shitty medical "system" of crooked profits in this country.

    I've been reading a LOT about self-healing and how that is SO powerful. My husband's cousin is on a medical marijuana Rx for a bad spinal injury, but it isn't transferrable to all states (he's a roadie for a blues guitarist). Ugh, NOT covered by insurance because it's Federally illegal.
    Last edited by allegro; 11-21-2017 at 10:56 PM.

  23. #1163
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @chuckrh, sorry to hear that, it seems that we are from the same era, going into "retirement" with any physical problems just sucks.

    I remember my late father-in-law telling me (God rest his soul), "the most IMPORTANT thing in life is your health" and he was SO right.

    Hoping you can find a way to be happy and feel good, somehow, with this shitty medical "system" of crooked profits in this country.

    I've been reading a LOT about self-healing and how that is SO powerful. My husband's cousin is on a medical marijuana Rx for a bad spinal injury, but it isn't transferrable to all states (he's a roadie for a blues guitarist). Ugh, NOT covered by insurance because it's Federally illegal.
    ya, something needs to be done about the medical marijuana. i live in washington state but my employer doesn't have to follow state law regarding that & doesn't allow medical let alone recreational. it is a big horrible multinational in the military industrial complex. i'm a ghost in the machine. i was in the music biz for 25+ years until it went away. was quite the culture shock. the only good thing is the medical insurance (getting worse every year) & the family medical leave act.

  24. #1164
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckrh View Post
    fairly crappy day yesterday. had a long meeting with rheumatologist. have an extremely nasty version of RA. they are giving me cancer drugs for it & had an all day infusion friday. still pretty sick from that. anyway, spine is being attacked now & the results from a MRI are in. looking like some major spine surgery in my future. future is very murky as in disability retirement looking likely in near future. been fighting that for over 5 years & am wore out. & also found out about new extra hoops for pain meds. i'm ok as i follow the rules & haven't abused anything. extra hassles & hoops of fire here or coming. the government & insurance companies involved now. of course, rather than take a look at the source of the problem, they go after the people who really need & aren't the problem. all the chemo does for me is slow down the progression of the disease & i live in constant severe pain. it never stops as all of my joints are slowly being destroyed. RA isn't cancer but it's within spitting distance. it just takes longer. sorry to vent. feeling pretty crappy & down.
    I understand your frustrations. My mom has RA. I have peripheral neuropathy (very likely from chemo, spinal taps and full body radiation I had multiple times as a kid to defeat leukemia). It’s okay to vent. It’s hard being in pain every day and it’s not the most visible kind of ailment.

    I’ve heard cryotherapy can be helpful for certain types of RA. Is that an option for you?

    Back surgery is definitely serious business. I hope you come out feeling better.

  25. #1165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I understand your frustrations. My mom has RA. I have peripheral neuropathy (very likely from chemo, spinal taps and full body radiation I had multiple times as a kid to defeat leukemia). It’s okay to vent. It’s hard being in pain every day and it’s not the most visible kind of ailment.

    I’ve heard cryotherapy can be helpful for certain types of RA. Is that an option for you?

    Back surgery is definitely serious business. I hope you come out feeling better.
    Thank you. Everything is on the table as I've been through all the RA drugs. Rituxan is kind of the end of the road. All it is doing is slowing the progression a little & it gives me a bit of relief for 3 months. Then it is over the cliff. There is a brutal twist with it though, besides the side effects. I do 2 rounds every 4 months. Problem is that it lasts 3 months. The insurance companies will only allow usage every 4 months. So, in effect I'm totally fucked for 25% of the year automaticallly. & it suppresses my immune system, so now if I get a cold it tends to go to pneumonia. That happened with the NIN Vegas show. I booked the trip (with little notice if you remember). 3 days later I get a cold that quickly goes to pneumonia. By the time of the trip, I had started coming back a bit & said fuck all, I'm going. First 2 days of the trip, I was ok-ish. Luckily the show was in that period. Woke up the next day absolutely ill again. Getting home was an adventure. It was worth it though as it was a stellar show. I am going to 1 of the most highly rated rheumatologists in the northwest & he consults with other docs as my case is very rare. You never want to hear your case is interesting at the rheumatologist! I have 1 more round of poison, then will gut out the holidays. Have to change isurance end of year & after that we go into doc-a-palooza mode. I suspect big changes coming in 2018.

  26. #1166
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    Chuck, I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. A former co-worker of mine ended up leaving his job due to this. He and I still have lunch once in a while and his stories are really similar to yours, particularly dealing with our sometimes the less-than-welcoming health care system. My heart goes out to you. Chronic pain is an terrible thing to have to deal with.

  27. #1167
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mantra View Post
    Chuck, I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. A former co-worker of mine ended up leaving his job due to this. He and I still have lunch once in a while and his stories are really similar to yours, particularly dealing with our sometimes the less-than-welcoming health care system. My heart goes out to you. Chronic pain is an terrible thing to have to deal with.
    thank you. i've put up a pretty good fight. the docs are amazed that i've operated at a high level for as long as i have. things have definitely taken a turn for the worse this year. i've been preparing for it mentally for quite awhile. i've worked hard my whole life & it will be an adjustment. my friendgirl thinks i should write. is something i've thought about for a long time. wasn't possible while working as that took all my energy & more. i have a lot of time off (some good, some bad) in december so hopefully i'll be able to recharge during the holidays. i usually go to vegas for christmas but not going to do that this year. in frugal mode, haha. i splurged on the NIN trip & was glad i did. some will think this is heresy but i think it is quite possible that trent is in his best zone ever right now. the partnership with atticus ross is an excellent one. i watched atticus fairly close at the show at times & he is an intense musician. in fact, the whole live band was stellar this year. glad i got to a standalone show rather than a festival. was worth the pain, haha.

  28. #1168
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    I ended a relationship. I was tired of him flirting with other girls. And I have to go to physio because my back is killing me. I think I'll just hang out at ETS from now on. Everyone else in my life has let me down.

  29. #1169
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    sunday - credit card got cloned at a gas station, didn't find out until monday afternoon (after one fraudulent charge had already gone through, they flagged the second one). new card will hopefully be here by tomorrow, because i use my card for work all the time and it's the only one i have.

    monday - go to the doctor for a general checkup for the first time in 12 years (i know, i know). the nurse who puts me on the scale has no knowledge of my history with eating disorders and thus sees no reason to hide my weight. apparently i'm the heaviest i have ever been, and it took all my effort not to freak out. thankfully, my doctor took note and will no longer allow my weight or BMI to be displayed in front of me or on any of the paperwork that i would normally see. also found out i may have hashimoto's, which causes the thyroid to be under-/over-active and can fluctuate between the two states, which may explain my complete lack of ability to relax, as well as why i've gained quite so much weight.

    tuesday - about to leave for work and i get struck with a near-debilitating migraine (second tuesday in a row; last tuesday i spent the whole day on my couch and could barely function). my mom (a massage therapist) tried to help by rubbing my neck, but accidentally hit something that made it even worse and caused me to have light-sensitivity for the first time ever. needless to say, i spent the whole day on my parents' couch trying not to barf. hoping my doctor comes up with some solutions soon.

  30. #1170
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    sunday - credit card got cloned at a gas station, didn't find out until monday afternoon (after one fraudulent charge had already gone through, they flagged the second one). new card will hopefully be here by tomorrow, because i use my card for work all the time and it's the only one i have.

    monday - go to the doctor for a general checkup for the first time in 12 years (i know, i know). the nurse who puts me on the scale has no knowledge of my history with eating disorders and thus sees no reason to hide my weight. apparently i'm the heaviest i have ever been, and it took all my effort not to freak out. thankfully, my doctor took note and will no longer allow my weight or BMI to be displayed in front of me or on any of the paperwork that i would normally see. also found out i may have hashimoto's, which causes the thyroid to be under-/over-active and can fluctuate between the two states, which may explain my complete lack of ability to relax, as well as why i've gained quite so much weight.

    tuesday - about to leave for work and i get struck with a near-debilitating migraine (second tuesday in a row; last tuesday i spent the whole day on my couch and could barely function). my mom (a massage therapist) tried to help by rubbing my neck, but accidentally hit something that made it even worse and caused me to have light-sensitivity for the first time ever. needless to say, i spent the whole day on my parents' couch trying not to barf. hoping my doctor comes up with some solutions soon.
    Wow, what a shitty week you're having. That's terrible. Hang in there! Your luck will turn around soon, I'm sure of it.

    Re: the thyroid diagnosis. This may actually be good. There seems to a genetic tendency towards thyroid problems in my family, because a number of my relatives, including my mom, have been diagnosed with it. But once the meds have been sorted out, it's always turned out to be a positive development for them. Hopefully this will be a good thing for you in the long run.

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