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Thread: NIN Live Archive, Audio/Video Recording Thread - Download Links

  1. #841
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    Hello, i just saw the new woodstock from the rss, and first, the 24bit link is the same as the 16bit link.
    But I am very doubtful about this thing... well what satelitte feed ? was there a satelite feed ? was it mp2 ? why now ? and again, there is -now on youtube- an absolutly amazing and never seen real widescreen footage complete footage unmarked, far better than the poor "reworked" video you host ! actually this is the only widescreen natural footage we never get, (I read a report than footage were really shot in widescreen) and it came with an amazing audio that sounded also new, also sold once in mp3, never seen lossless. It has to be the same audio.
    ps: "Nothing left to lose" didn't made the rss.

  2. #842
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    Speaking of Performance 2007, the 5/15 Melbourne, Australia show is still missing track 23 which should be THTF.
    Also, the 5/22 Zepp Nagoya show zip file is being shared without the artwork.
    Last edited by Lerxto; 01-28-2019 at 07:56 PM.

  3. #843
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    Hello, i just saw the new woodstock from the rss, and first, the 24bit link is the same as the 16bit link.
    Fixed. Sometimes I make mistakes.

    But I am very doubtful about this thing... well what satelitte feed ? was there a satelite feed ? was it mp2 ? why now ? and again, there is -now on youtube- an absolutly amazing and never seen real widescreen footage complete footage unmarked, far better than the poor "reworked" video you host ! actually this is the only widescreen natural footage we never get, (I read a report than footage were really shot in widescreen) and it came with an amazing audio that sounded also new, also sold once in mp3, never seen lossless. It has to be the same audio.

    Sometimes, I also need others help to make sure that the best sources on the archive. Don't have the other video, soooooooooo if you can get it for me, that would be great. Cause I don't have the means.

    ps: "Nothing left to lose" didn't made the rss.
    It's not going to be on it. It wasn't added to the source guide/archive. It's a compilation.

    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    Speaking of Performance 2007, the 5/15 Melbourne, Australia show is still missing track 23 which should be THTF.
    Also, the 5/22 Zepp Nagoya show zip file is being shared without the artwork.
    Didn't know that about the Melbourne. No one brought that to my attention. I think when it was torrented, THTF was left out of it? I'll look into it tomorrow.

    Yes, a lot of the older recordings that were on the site before the initial seed of nin drive v2.0 they were uploaded before I had artwork thanks to treycrim! It's on the list of things I'd like to do some day is to reupload all the older zip files and also add the 24 bit recordings.

  4. #844
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post

    Sometimes, I also need others help to make sure that the best sources on the archive. Don't have the other video, soooooooooo if you can get it for me, that would be great. Cause I don't have the means.
    Mmh That's what I tought, the source is doubtful. fact is there is an unbelievable never seen professional source from woodstock: it was for the first time real widescreen and without ads. It's part of a massive online collection now called Music Vault. Obvioulsy they bought lots of original video stuff, that included that nin surprise. When I found it back then they were trying to sell it as streaming audio and video. Right now they chose the youtube free way.

    Not forgetting their version of the HIS official remix, as seen on the commercial VHS :

    Somehow it may be commercial, somehow can we call that commercial ? I captured every version of that show they shared, -they may have changed name once before youtube-, including the old audio version, with maybe the biggest mp3 bitrate available.

    I believe it's the closest thing we have to the 'satellite feed', and it's been digital from the start. Their source of the video is the only one not related to the PPW feed.

  5. #845
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    It's part of a massive online collection now called Music Vault. Obvioulsy they bought lots of original video stuff, that included that nin surprise. When I found it back then they were trying to sell it as streaming audio and video. Right now they chose the youtube free way.


    I captured every version of that show they shared, -they may have changed name once before youtube-, including the old audio version, with maybe the biggest mp3 bitrate available.
    What was the bitrate of the "old audio version"? The "paid" (streaming) version is 320 CBR MP3 @ 48kHz, and is not on RITC.

  6. #846
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    What was the bitrate of the "old audio version"? The "paid" (streaming) version is 320 CBR MP3 @ 48kHz, and is not on RITC.
    Oh ! it's still online ! that was 320 too, it's better than audio included in all videos

  7. #847
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    So, is anyone gonna send me these files??? lol.

  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    So, is anyone gonna send me these files??? lol.
    Sure I lost access to your ftp

  9. #849
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    Didn't know that about the Melbourne. No one brought that to my attention. I think when it was torrented, THTF was left out of it? I'll look into it tomorrow.
    Hey there, have you found anything?

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    Hey there, have you found anything?
    Emailed the taper and we both think he may have uploaded it without THTF. He’ll send it to me when he gets time.

  11. #851
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    Emailed the taper and we both think he may have uploaded it without THTF. He’ll send it to me when he gets time.
    Weird. I have a torrent for this from 2008 that includes THTF. I've uploaded it to the FTP.

  12. #852
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBang View Post
    Weird. I have a torrent for this from 2008 that includes THTF. I've uploaded it to the FTP.
    I got in contact with KingBean and he sent me the fileset this morning. Will fix it on the site. Sorry everyone.
    @poro765 I will PM you the link he gave me so you can have it. I won't fix it until this evening probably.

  13. #853
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninlive View Post
    I got in contact with KingBean and he sent me the fileset this morning. Will fix it on the site. Sorry everyone.
    @poro765 I will PM you the link he gave me so you can have it. I won't fix it until this evening probably.
    Short of taking the site down, don't ever apologize for anything again.

  14. #854
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    Tapers update :

    1) According to this message :!se...Q/MycGjizV-pEJ
    Mark Weygandt did record 8/6/94 Barrie. This is more probably the source 2

    2) According to this message :!topic/
    Bradley Kaplan is the taper of 12/03/94 Boston

    if someone here has faith, i can also give contact to an enormous french taper that for sure recorded Paris 1994 on DAT. He's also a enormous Cure taper and as I had a very bad moment with him i'm burned.

    Last edited by CAMEO172; 02-04-2019 at 04:02 AM.

  15. #855
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAMEO172 View Post
    Tapers update :
    if someone here has faith, i can also give contact to an enormous french taper that for sure recorded Paris 1994 on DAT. He's also a enormous Cure taper and as I had a very bad moment with him i'm burned.
    This is an important date for me, and I got some weight in the french ninternet (I don't know if this french sentence means something in english )

  16. #856
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninjaw View Post
    This is an important date for me, and I got some weight in the french ninternet (I don't know if this french sentence means something in english )
    je ne connais absolument pas l'intérêt de ce taper pour la sphère NIN. Selon moi c'est assez faible. Il est fan d'énormément de groupe comme New Model Army et surtout Cure où il a largement participé à la base de données des concerts, dès le début des années 90..
    Je sais qu'il a enregistré NIN Paris 94. ça me parle de sa liste de l'époque de 2000 et je l'ai revu sur une autre liste en ligne il y a quelques semaines.

    Je peux te dire en off une voie qui explique que tu puisses tomber sur lui (c'est assez simple en enquêtant un peu). On verra ce qu'il te dira.. le gonze doit avoir 55 ans, il est probablement loin du système maintenant.
    Il n'a JAMAIS voulu échanger du Cure avec moi, préférant son petit club de vieux fans qui se passaient des pépites monstrueuses. Et c'était il y a 20 ans. je ne sais pas comment il réagirait aujourd'hui mais en 4 clics je suis tombé sur sa page facebook perso.

    Je peux aussi te donner un second nom d'un autre français, avec aussi sa page facebook. De sa liste de concerts, il a fait 4 concerts en 94 en belgique et UK. C'est je crois l'un des plus gros enregistreurs de Cure (plus de 100 concerts sur ses DAT, il a quasi rien loupé en europe depuis 1992) et je serais étonné qu'il n'ait pas enregistré ses 4 concerts de NIN en 94. Mais là aucune preuve. Mais, même pour cure, c'était des failles qui faisaient que ses copies finissaient à la masse. Pour lui aussi, j'ai une explication pour qu'un quidam puisse le contacter.

    Ninjaw : je crois que l'on s'est parlé à Toulouse en 2009, dans la file d'attente

  17. #857
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAMEO172 View Post
    je ne connais absolument pas l'intérêt de ce taper pour la sphère NIN. Selon moi c'est assez faible. Il est fan d'énormément de groupe comme New Model Army et surtout Cure où il a largement participé à la base de données des concerts, dès le début des années 90..
    Je sais qu'il a enregistré NIN Paris 94. ça me parle de sa liste de l'époque de 2000 et je l'ai revu sur une autre liste en ligne il y a quelques semaines.

    Je peux te dire en off une voie qui explique que tu puisses tomber sur lui (c'est assez simple en enquêtant un peu). On verra ce qu'il te dira.. le gonze doit avoir 55 ans, il est probablement loin du système maintenant.
    Il n'a JAMAIS voulu échanger du Cure avec moi, préférant son petit club de vieux fans qui se passaient des pépites monstrueuses. Et c'était il y a 20 ans. je ne sais pas comment il réagirait aujourd'hui mais en 4 clics je suis tombé sur sa page facebook perso.

    Je peux aussi te donner un second nom d'un autre français, avec aussi sa page facebook. De sa liste de concerts, il a fait 4 concerts en 94 en belgique et UK. C'est je crois l'un des plus gros enregistreurs de Cure (plus de 100 concerts sur ses DAT, il a quasi rien loupé en europe depuis 1992) et je serais étonné qu'il n'ait pas enregistré ses 4 concerts de NIN en 94. Mais là aucune preuve. Mais, même pour cure, c'était des failles qui faisaient que ses copies finissaient à la masse. Pour lui aussi, j'ai une explication pour qu'un quidam puisse le contacter.

    Ninjaw : je crois que l'on s'est parlé à Toulouse en 2009, dans la file d'attente
    Il est possible que ce soit la même source déjà disponible, je veux bien son facebook. Il y avait aussi une rumeur de taper sur paris 2007 N°2 à voir. A tester en tout cas ? On n'était pas tres nombreux à Toulouse, donc c'est probable, j'étais entouré de ma bande parisienne, je sais que j'ai marchandé la photo de trent qui nous saluait en entrant.

    Maybe it's the same source already available, I do want his facebook. There was also a rumor about a taper on Paris 2007 N°2 worth to try ? We weren't a lot in Toulouse, it's possibloe, I was around my parisian crew, I know I traded the picture of Trent waving at us when arriving.

  18. #858
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    hey here's a huge ticket scan from 94 better than the one on ninlive

  19. #859
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    I guess if you guys have some sources that may be out there, I'd like to at least cite them on the archive so I can keep looking. Thanks.

    I'll add that other ticket stub to the archive now. I am uploading the DVD from that night. I'll also get you the new FTP login, @ninjaw

    Quote Originally Posted by CAMEO172 View Post
    Tapers update :

    1) According to this message :!se...Q/MycGjizV-pEJ
    Mark Weygandt did record 8/6/94 Barrie. This is more probably the source 2

    2) According to this message :!topic/
    Bradley Kaplan is the taper of 12/03/94 Boston

    if someone here has faith, i can also give contact to an enormous french taper that for sure recorded Paris 1994 on DAT. He's also a enormous Cure taper and as I had a very bad moment with him i'm burned.

    Great find!

    Also, I may know of whom you speak of..... VD?

  20. #860
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    Since some people are kind of obsessive with NIN recordings, heres a bit of info. Seems like the September 17, 1994 Kansas audio is the exact same audio source for the February 7, 1995 Sioux Falls show. Both with the same taper D Merz....Identical setlist, and identical stage banter.....The 95 show sounds a bit better but they are def the same recordings....So the question is what fucking show is this recording. Kansas 94 or Sioux Falls 95....Trent says something during the show at how they have been on the tour for a month and its the best crowd of the tour....which could be either date since both dates were 1 month into the tour

  21. #861
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    Since im from Sioux Falls, I hope T ROZ is giving my home town the love it deserves.

    Seriously though, I know 2 people that went to that show (I was 11 at the time,) ill ask and see if they remember that bit.

  22. #862
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAMEO172 View Post
    2) According to this message :!topic/
    Bradley Kaplan is the taper of 12/03/94 Boston
    There are actually at least 3 sources for Boston, and this source by Bradley is not in active circulation. After he posted that message, I contacted him and went over to Boston University and sat in his dorm room as he dubbed a copy of the tape for me. He even printed out some nice custom cassette artwork for me, which I still have (see attached). The audio quality was OK, but not great. I listened to it a lot though, reliving that night (my first concert). Later that year, in May or June, someone posted that they had tape of the show. IIRC, they lived in Worcester or near there. I sent them a tape by mail, and they mailed it back to me. It was qualitatively better than Bradley's source, so I discarded his tape and kept the new one. That source is the one that was circulating widely and ended up as Source 1 on (though that particular digitization is rather poor). I have not seen nor heard Bradley's source since I got rid of my copy. The Manson's Revenge bootleg CD is yet another source, different from the other two.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  23. #863
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    Quote Originally Posted by Helpmeiaminhell View Post
    Since some people are kind of obsessive with NIN recordings, heres a bit of info. Seems like the September 17, 1994 Kansas audio is the exact same audio source for the February 7, 1995 Sioux Falls show. Both with the same taper D Merz....Identical setlist, and identical stage banter.....The 95 show sounds a bit better but they are def the same recordings....So the question is what fucking show is this recording. Kansas 94 or Sioux Falls 95....Trent says something during the show at how they have been on the tour for a month and its the best crowd of the tour....which could be either date since both dates were 1 month into the tour
    Wow, nice catch. Both of those sources were refreshed on NIN Drive 2.0, but I went back to NIN Drive 1.0 also, and compared all 4 recordings for the 2 shows, and they are all the same source and they all cut off at Dead Souls. Actually, it sounds like Dead Souls was the end of the show, because you can hear the house music come up over the PA.

    Based on gladcarrot's info, I'd say that the recording is actually of Kansas City. He lists the Sioux City recording as complete normal set, not ending at Dead Souls. So, there may be a real source for Sioux City out there somewhere. I don't have it in my collection though. etree has some people listed, but some of them might also be the fake source. For example, Stuart Ferguson's notes are the same ones as for the fake source on NIN Drive 2.0. Mike Marteny, OTOH, might have the real recording of Sioux City, because his total runtime is about 100 minutes, which would be the full show, instead of the truncated Kansas City set, which is about 90 minutes. Check your collections!

  24. #864
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    Thanks for this great story ! I will update my database !

  25. #865
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    According to this message :!searchin/$20DAT|sort:date/

    Jason Schmidlapp did the master of Louisville Nov 12 1994

  26. #866
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    I have Robert Wood (sony wm-d6) for Cleveland August 30 1994. Possible ? He is in an (old) list as Audio 1

  27. #867
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAMEO172 View Post
    I have Robert Wood (sony wm-d6) for Cleveland August 30 1994. Possible ? He is in an (old) list as Audio 1
    Probably is his. I don't have it. But he was taping in Cleveland around that time with that rig. Along with the other sources you have found. But sometimes these sources haven't circulated and these tapers just announced them on the boards.

    Do you have an upgrade? Great finds!

    Thanks for all the edits everyone. Sorry about the Sioux Fall show. I had someone email me a few months ago and it's been on the to-do list. I just haven't gotten there. Will fix it this week. Anyone have the actual source? It's definitely the KC show.
    @TheBang Damn man! Can you send me some tapes to transfer?

  28. #868
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    Ok, I've added all of this information to the archive. I'll work on that Cleveland source. It runs a bit slow and it's too damn good of a recording to be running at a slow speed.

  29. #869
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    Here are some of the updates made that includes a proper Sioux Falls 1995 source. If anyone has a clean copy of the Santiago 2008 FM broadcast, or knows the radio station. Please let me know.

    - Added a pro shot video recording to the 06/21/2009 Hurricane Festival show.

    - Added an FM broadcast to the 10/04/2008 Santiago, Chile show.

    - Added Chris Nicholas' audience video recording to the 03/18/2006 Miami show.

    - Added D. Merz's audience recording to the 02/07/1995 Sioux Falls show. I had a mislabeled recording from this date and this is the fixed and true recording from this show.

  30. #870
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    I had to get this posted today. Some people here collect more concert recordings than NIN, so you may be familiar with JEMS. It's a group of tapers from across the country and they have taped pretty much everything since the late 70's. A group of collectors are going through their archives and digitizing the collection. One of them reached out to me and told me that they had a NIN/Bowie recording from the 10/28/1995 show. Although there is a DAT master from that show already, it's amazing to see old recordings be dusted off and played for the first time in 20+ years. I was able to add it to the archive and it is now available for download on the archive.

    KeithM also taped them on 3 other occasions. Lollapalooza San Diego, Irvine and San Diego State 1994. I suspect that the SDSU 1994 may be the tape that circulates now... But maybe not.

    Anyways, you can download it now. This may be the last update for the next few weeks for me, as I am getting ready for another round of exams. So if I don't respond right away, don't think I forgot about you.

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