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Thread: The Marvel Thread - Multiverses and other Shenanigans

  1. #2491
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I will say a few of the plot beats were a bit too random/coincidence driven.

    Spoiler: Captain marvel finding Tony Stark in space, the rat freeing ant man.

    I will also say that the protracted nature of the fight between Hawkeye and black widow completely undermined it's seriousness

    Also three of those stones are in space how does Captain America put them back? How do you put back the soul stone? Does he just go and hand it to the red skull of all people?

    Agreed. I was hoping some of the plot points would not be so predictable, but the positives outweighed the negatives for me here.

    From just getting back, emotions were flying all over the place and still are. Everything was wrapped up in good fashion, and having no mid to end credit scenes just goes to show how much of a culmination this really is.

    Spoiler: I was really hoping for a few new characters to pop in somewhere that would tease future phases or something, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with Spidey. Also, Rocket and Groot not having a proper reunion made me frown a little. The Thor Lebowski was spectacular!

  2. #2492
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    My distinct impression that anyone who had a lot of big scenes in part 1 didn't get many here and vice versa

  3. #2493
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    You guys, I need a nutrients IV. That hurt so bad but it was beautiful and kinda perfect.

    Spoiler: I love you 3000, Tony Stark. Iron Man is my favorite and has been my entire life. I read all the comics when I was younger. When Strange gave him the sign I think I said “Oh fuck” and started to full on shake and weep. But my god, he did it. They’ve been setting that moment up for years and I’m so grateful that Feige, Whedon, The Russo brothers and RDJ guided my favorite character so masterfully.

  4. #2494
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Agreed. I was hoping some of the plot points would not be so predictable, but the positives outweighed the negatives for me here.

    From just getting back, emotions were flying all over the place and still are. Everything was wrapped up in good fashion, and having no mid to end credit scenes just goes to show how much of a culmination this really is.

    Spoiler: I was really hoping for a few new characters to pop in somewhere that would tease future phases or something, but I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with Spidey. Also, Rocket and Groot not having a proper reunion made me frown a little. The Thor Lebowski was spectacular!
    Spoiler: After Thor got knocked out and Moljinor was moving I though for a split second that Beta Ray Bill would have shown up, not complaining it would have been awesome but many people would have been like "who the hell is that".
    Instead we got one of the most epic fight scenes in the history of the MCU. Here's hoping that BRB shows up in AotG, they did have a nod to him in Ragnarok as a giant bust over the coliseum.

    I guess their reasoning not to introduce new characters is that they would have felt out of place, the movies is already dense with characters. Imo it would have detracted from the emotional response they were going for.

    Also on a side not, the kid that was grown up at the funereal, and was shown at the end of Iron Man 3 to be smart and technically adept could take over Stark industries and become the next Iron Man, I doubt it but it's a possibility.

  5. #2495
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    Quote Originally Posted by ziltoid View Post
    Spoiler: After Thor got knocked out and Moljinor was moving I though for a split second that Beta Ray Bill would have shown up, not complaining it would have been awesome but many people would have been like "who the hell is that".
    Instead we got one of the most epic fight scenes in the history of the MCU. Here's hoping that BRB shows up in AotG, they did have a nod to him in Ragnarok as a giant bust over the coliseum.

    I guess their reasoning not to introduce new characters is that they would have felt out of place, the movies is already dense with characters. Imo it would have detracted from the emotional response they were going for.

    Also on a side not, the kid that was grown up at the funereal, and was shown at the end of Iron Man 3 to be smart and technically adept could take over Stark industries and become the next Iron Man, I doubt it but it's a possibility.
    Spoiler: Yeaa, I hear you on that one lol. A BRB appearance would have been epic, or even a quick cameo from some other cosmic heroes; I really was expecting a reveal or some sort when they didn't know who the ship was shooting at. I really did like how they displayed how powerful Captain Marvel really is here, with Thanos' headbutt I think? Doing absolutely nothing.

    I did love the line Wong had when he said along the lines of if he brought enough heroes. I can see the kid becoming Iron Man, but it would be much more fitting if his daughter wore the suit instead.

  6. #2496
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  7. #2497
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    In regards to Carol just showing up and rescuing Tony and Nebula: It would have been nice to have the scene that was in-between the one in Captain Marvel and this movie because I feel like one that said "hey, Tony's out there somewhere around this planet can you go look for him?" would have been welcome and less confusing. Especially since she was very clearly there (noticed this on my second viewing) on purpose, not as a "well let's go see who's over in this ship since I'm in the area!" One of the few bits of "they can fill this piece in themselves, we're already over three hours"

    Saw it a second time today with a full crowd and it was so much better than on Friday with the nerds who don't react to anything. There was full-on weeping coming from behind from multiple people when Tony died. (and, to be honest, from me as well)

    One thing about what the Ancient One said about removing Infinity Stones and how it was a Bad Thing: uh, at the beginning of the movie Thanos did just that so...what?

    There was so much in this film and the films that led up to it that I almost feel like they should do a new Phase 1 for whatever the next big story is. Don't call it Phase 4, you know?


    I like the idea of Falcon becoming Cap, but there's just not going to be a solo Cap movie with him in it. And I get that there's a Falcon/WS tv show coming but I don't get how that's a thing but he's also Cap.
    Last edited by allegate; 04-28-2019 at 07:42 PM.

  8. #2498
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    Infinity war feels a lot better, the 1st act in Endgame is amazing but the second one it has no sense at all and the final act it is good, but the second act killed the movie for me.
    I enjoy the movie but it has a lot of stupid things.

  9. #2499
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    - They almost leaned into the fat Thor bit for too long. I would have preferred they got out of that goofiness a little earlier, but it still worked. Really funny. Hemsworth's comedic chops grow with every movie.

    - really liked the scenes with him & Renee Russo, who it is easy to forget is even in this!

    - In terms of other great acting bits, I loved Tony & Cap's argument right before Tony passes out back on Earth. RDJ was fantastic there. Also thought Paul Rudd's silent acting when he first sees his now five years older daughter was excellent. You could see his mixed feelings about the situation (yay she's alive and i'm seeing I'm realizing I missed the last 5 years of my daughter growing up) on his face. Thought that was subtle but really well done. I also cannot believe/hate that Rudd is 50 years old.

    - Didn't feel like 3 hours at all. Just flew by. I think the movie being roughly broken up into 3 distinct acts helped there.

    - We couldn't at least have Agent Coulson at the funeral? I understand not including the other TV characters in this, but Coulson has been integral and shit he was just in Captain Marvel.

    - Disagree about Danvers use in this. Yes she was purposeuflly kept off screen for a long time through a convenient plot device. But that was fine for me b/c this movie was about the core, older Avengers. I actually like that they swerved us into thinking she would be more essential to taking Thanos down, but she still showed her mettle by almost beating him if not for Thanos' dirty pool, plius the destruction of the ship. Keep in mind that if she doesn't destroy the ship, the movie had just set up that the heavy fire coming down from the ship a few seconds prior was about to make the good guys lose.

    - as others said, this was the best example yet of a big comic book fight coming to life. A splash page on the big screen. The sheer joy when the Dr. Strange portals open up and when Cap grabs I was just so giddy as was everyone else in the Alamo Drafthouse with me. The rule about keeping quiet during the movie was broken briefly in both instances and a few others too haha.

    - I cried several times (both joy and sadness). Really surprised by how serious a tone the movie takes when dealing with death and grief. The Russo brothers really leaned into that. That first act is so down in the dumps with all that, but it's perfect b/c it hammers home the severity of the situation. As such, everything we get later feels that much more earned. Parents should def. be aware of the tone before taking their kids, and be prepared to discuss this stuff with their kids too. Maybe don't let your kid see it yet depending on age. YMMV etc. Lots of minor cursing in this one too!

    - nice cameos by the Russo Bros. during the support group scene with Cap. The one Russo brother talking about going on a date with another dude was a cool touch.

    - Fun easter egg (look towards the bottom right of this image:

    - anyone care to speculate on what the banging on the metal we hear during the end credits might mean? Are they just shouting out the humble beginnings of the franchise from Iron Man 1? Or are we to believe this is the start of a new Iron Man perhaps?

    11/10 would avenge again.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 04-29-2019 at 03:07 AM.

  10. #2500
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    I have been mulling this all weekend and i have some good idea's where the movies might go going forwards. Spoilers abound people...

    Spoiler: So i think the new team will consist of 2 teams, an earth force and a space force if you like, with some cross over.
    Earth force will be Dr Strange, Spidey, War Machine, Ant-man, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther and Falcon (new cap) + Bucky with support from Professor Hulk, Valkyrie + Nick Fury and extra help if needed from Coral Captain Marvel (mainly as i expect she'll be gallivanting around the galaxy helping those who, in her own words "don't have you guys". I also think Hawkeye will retire full time now, and Hulk won't be in the main fights as, he isn't as strong as rage Hulk and is effectively missing an arm (though they could find a way to fix that if they wanted) And i don't think we'll get another Iron Man, at least not for a good while. The obvious choice would be his daughter, but she is a good decade and a half from being able to do that, and the kid from IM3 might be another choice...but i dunno, seem's a bit out there. Shiri 'could' take the mental, she is smart enough to build the suits herself, but can't see her leaving wakanda and her family to do so and would probably rather be her own hero. That and Tony's last words were "I AM IRON MAN" makes it feel like they have no intention of letting anyone else BE iron man.

    The Space force will be the AotG with support from Captain Marvel (basically her being able to fly through space makes her the perfect lynch pin for both teams)

    Now who the new 'leader' for each team will be...i'm not sure. Coral would be the obvious choice, but unlike cap (who was always on hand when Tony wasn't) she will largely be out on the front lines of space, so i expect maybe someone else will be the earth leader (i'd say Strange but he might have his hands full protecting the earth from threats outside of earth/space, but i do expect he'll have just as big a role as Coral going forward) Thor also said the Valkyrie "i'm not a leader" when he left, so despite him being one of the only original avengers left i can't see him being either teams leader.

    I say Coral will be out in space mainly as that's where they've hinted we're going now, more cosmic, and even she'll have her hands full when we start seeing eternal's showing up. Also i expect something to have happened out there now the Infinity Stones are gone (the ancient one alluded to this) though my knowledge on the cosmic bad guys isn't exactly great, so just who or what we might see i'm not sure...though we do now have access to a very powerful foe in galatus, which brings me too...

    New hero's. We're already getting the eternals with a bunch of sequels for the next phase, but i at least expect a couple more to be brought in. Maybe Nova will finally get a look in, and we already know Mrs Marvel is alive somewhere (though maybe not Mrs Marvel yet) and She-Hulk is coming to Disney + (also now that Disney have there TV hero's in house the chance of them appearing on the big screen is much higher!) we also much further down the road have the Fantastic Four and X-men (i think the fantastic Four would be a much easier fit short term, while the x-men will be a longer, and potentially bigger thing story wise, addition later in phase 5. Maybe, seeing as most of us know who the x-men are, rather than have a few films re-introduce the same characters they'll jump straight into...Avengers vs X-men? That could be AMAZING!
    And Deadpool will likely just drop right in and not bat an eye, would be fun to see him with other Avengers like spidey.

    I think its safe to say i'm excited to see where this goes Post Endgame.
    Last edited by Haysey_Draws; 04-29-2019 at 05:38 AM.

  11. #2501
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    You guys can stop using the spoiler tags now if you want. These last two pages look like the Mueller report.

  12. #2502
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    - Fun easter egg (look towards the bottom right of this image:

    I saw...somewhere...that the Ravegers show up and I was like nope didn't see them so the second time I looked for them. That scene, literally at that moment, is where I saw them. Missed Howard though.

    Maybe I missed it in all of the spoiler tags but no one's mentioned Cap saying "shit" when he's about to fight himself. Language!

  13. #2503
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I saw...somewhere...that the Ravegers show up and I was like nope didn't see them so the second time I looked for them. That scene, literally at that moment, is where I saw them. Missed Howard though.

    Maybe I missed it in all of the spoiler tags but no one's mentioned Cap saying "shit" when he's about to fight himself. Language!
    I said it in my head when he swore

  14. #2504
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    - anyone care to speculate on what the banging on the metal we hear during the end credits might mean? Are they just shouting out the humble beginnings of the franchise from Iron Man 1? Or are we to believe this is the start of a new Iron Man perhaps?

    11/10 would avenge again.
    For me it's definitely nodding to Iron Man 1, wrapping up this entire phase with where it all began (for us) I've explained in other spoiler riddled post why i don't think we'll get another Iron Man, at least not for some time.

    I've avenged several times already!

  15. #2505
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltrandazzo View Post
    You guys can stop using the spoiler tags now if you want. These last two pages look like the Mueller report.
    LOL that was definitely the Post of the Week!

  16. #2506
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    It oddly reminded me of Dragon Ball Z...collect the dragon balls, resurrect your dead friends, and team up to defeat the stronger enemy.

  17. #2507
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    Just got home from seeing it for a third time. Man I love this movie.

  18. #2508
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    cried basically the whole movie. saw it on saturday with my best friend (who moved to NJ today ) because we also saw infinity war together and he didn't want to see endgame without me, which made me cry a little more. can't wait to see it again.

  19. #2509
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post

    - We couldn't at least have Agent Coulson at the funeral? I understand not including the other TV characters in this, but Coulson has been integral and shit he was just in Captain Marvel.
    I certainly felt he was missing but then i remembered, don't they all still think he's dead? (even though he's been alive and kicking in Agents of Shield for five seasons)

    Also i think in Agents of Shield he dies for real....again because of the deal he made with Ghost Rider, of course the upcoming season has him returning.... but is it him? he doesn't seem himself. Could be a Skrull, they've already done LMDs already so hell knows man.

  20. #2510
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    I think you may be right about him being alive still being kept under wraps. That might be their out.

  21. #2511
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    I put in the first Iron Man blu-ray the other day to watch and was surprised when the Paramount logo came up, I had forgotten they were the OG distributors of the movies. Doing some research led me to some articles and - of course - to the comments.

    A Tree in The Forest on October 18, 2010 5:56 pm

    Kevin Feige remains in charge. This guarantees that Disney will lose money on every film.
    Poor tree.

  22. #2512
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    I put in the first Iron Man blu-ray the other day to watch and was surprised when the Paramount logo came up, I had forgotten they were the OG distributors of the movies. Doing some research led me to some articles and - of course - to the comments.

    Poor tree.
    The internet never ceases to amaze me on how 1) optioned people are 2) how stupid some of these people are and 3)...what was that tree TALKING ABOUT? Captain Marvel made a billion, Endgame made a billion in 5 days...WHAT?!

  23. #2513
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    Going in for round two after work today.

  24. #2514
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    Depending what's out this bank holiday weekend i might see my 3rd screening...although nothing is going to live up too opening day in a largely packed screening and hearing everyone just lose their collective shit (me included) when we saw who throw that hammer!

  25. #2515
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    This movie was all kinds of satisfying. Damn enjoyable and a lot better than Infinity War imo.

    Highlights for me were...

    -Emaciated Tony monologue at Avengers HQ: as unreal as this cast is, RDJ proved why he's peerless in the MCU during that scene. He's on Mt Rushmore with Day-Lewis and Streep.
    -Thor / Hemsworth: loved Thor's emotional arc. Unlike Infinity War, we actually saw characters properly grieve in this which made all the difference. Thor's guilt was very affecting and stood out amidst a stacked ensemble. The 'Fat Thor' stuff wore a little thin (no pun intended), but Hemsworth's comic timing was absolutely aces, and has been since his first solo film ("I need a horse!").
    -The Trinity: correct me if I'm wrong but this was the first time we saw *just* Cap, Iron Man, and Thor lay out a motherfucker together, right? So great.
    -Sam gets the shield: probably the most emotional I've been during a Marvel film. I couldn't stop nodding my head in agreement. Felt so good to see that moment. I like Bucky, but I'm very very glad that it was Sam to be the next in line.

    All that said, I was pretty put off by the film's mixed messages on the nature of time and death. "No amount of money ever bought another second" and yet the entire plot revolves around (and delivers on) the resurrection of more than half of the MCU's principle characters. What?? This movie tried to have it both ways and I did not appreciate it.

    Rocket's bit about not being able to save Frigga rang completely hollow to me: what makes everyone else worth saving but not her? Because they were "snapped" but she wasn't? As cool as "The Snap" is, it's an empty gesture (it didn't last – just like we knew it wouldn't), and it dilutes & lessens the impact of the "real" deaths (Black Widow, Loki, Tony Stark, What's Gamora's deal?).

    Speaking of weird messaging regarding time & death, I'm increasingly disturbed by Hollywood's obsession with de-aging actors (Michael Douglas in Endgame and Ant-Man, Sam Jackson in Cap Marvel, RDJ in Civil War, Carrie Fisher in Rogue One, Will Smith in Gemini Man). We're sophisticated enough to know when an actor is playing a younger version of their self – we don't need expensive VFX to erase wrinkles. It's not an explicitly bad practice, but it's an unsettling one. For example, that shot of young Pym in Endgame was totally needless. Furthermore, Sam Jackson has barely aged – giving him hair and taking away his eye-patch tells us everything we need to know.

    tl;dr: all this CG de-aging puts out bad vibes, man.

  26. #2516
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    Maybe you missed something about what they were trying to do and what the rules were? They couldn't save Frigga because she was proper dead and it happened before the snap. All they were trying to do was save the people impacted by the snap. Even when they tried (Hulk and Natasha) it didn't work. She's dead. Tony's dead. Gamora and Loki are still dead. There are 'alternate' versions of them out and about now and maybe they'll go into that in Phase 4 but for now it seems pretty official that the OG characters are dead. Which means that if we see them again, it will be new characters without the growth over their respective films - much like we saw when Gamora kicked Quayle's ass. Or balls, whatever.

    Speaking of growth, I saw somewhere that basically Ragnarok/Infinity War/Endgame was a mini Hulk movie since they can't make a solo series with him. It makes sense, it's kind of cool how they have characters grow and change like that in these movies instead of just being one-note characters that just get a new story instead of a proper sequel.

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  28. #2518
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    It's the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider too. Do we see Gabriel Luna reprise his role from Agents of Shield? I thought he was great.

    edit: He will indeed reprise his role.
    Last edited by ryanmcfly; 05-01-2019 at 09:16 AM.

  29. #2519
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    Wow, they wasted no time in that haha...nice.

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    The Russos break down Captain America's fate in Endgame.

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