Quote Originally Posted by Halo Infinity View Post
This is what I've been absolutely experiencing, thinking and feeling so far as well, but for me I think it's more because I just absolutely hate some parts of my job so much. Although the more chill parts of it kind of make up for it. And as much as I also love my comfort zone, in this case in particular, I can certainly see why it's not doing me any favors. It's come to the point where I even turn to food as an escape or a reward, and looking back at that, I know that can't be good since it threw a tremendous wrench into whatever plans I had for losing weight. I just need to not forget that among other things.

You also seemed to have put it better than me, and I completely agree with everything you just said. It's also why I've been feeling a bit out of it over the past few years, and have sometimes even resorted to isolate myself just to gain some clarity. It's like feeling out of it from doing nothing, since I realize that I have to accept what I can't change either way, but completely in reverse for different reasons.

And while I've also listened to Every Day Is Exactly The Same a lot, I think this job has me listening to it almost every single morning I start my day.
Well, it's a tricky situation because in a way you have confort, but also you are being held back; that's why i described it as a "confortable prison", you can't say it's "all bad", but you know on the long run it's not good.

That's the thing about "vicious cycles", it's like smoking: of course it gives you pleasure, but in the near or long run it could be terrible for you.
I relate what you say the food, i don't smoke and rarely drink, but i love junk food and it's common to me to use it as a "reward" for my crappy day, just like you.
I think the first step is knowing, but as you know that's only "half the battle", if you don't take action you can do years "running in circles".