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Thread: Work

  1. #421
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    it's weird, I worked all but one day between the 13th and 24th and had 2 of the next 4 days off or something, what the fuck

  2. #422
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    started working at starbucks. trained last week, started at the store i'll actually be at this week. today was my first opening shift. i've been awake since 3:45am (it is currently 5:45pm) and it feels so fucking weird. but i'm settling into the job pretty quickly (for having basically zero food service experience). don't want to do it forever, though. all my coworkers are in college or younger, except one 60-year-old woman (who's my favorite). no one believed me when i told them i'm 33.

  3. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    started working at starbucks. trained last week, started at the store i'll actually be at this week. today was my first opening shift. i've been awake since 3:45am (it is currently 5:45pm) and it feels so fucking weird. but i'm settling into the job pretty quickly (for having basically zero food service experience). don't want to do it forever, though. all my coworkers are in college or younger, except one 60-year-old woman (who's my favorite). no one believed me when i told them i'm 33.
    It seems to me that this will be a good experience anyway. I also started as a secretary to have experience working with documents. 7 years have passed and I have my own small business, though not in New York but in Singapore)) All financial reports are now done by professionals - https://osome.com/sg/accounting-services-singapore/ And I'm learning to lead a small team (11 people). A little scary but very interesting)

  4. #424
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    My restaurant closed today. Fucking shit...

  5. #425
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    i worked my ass off yesterday (all 7 hours of my shift on bar (starbucks)), at least 4 of them solo, and while we were slower than normal, we weren't slow. i was also very clear with my store manager (who i adore) and our district manager (who was visiting the store) how i feel about the current situation, so they gave me the rest of the week off. i really appreciate it and i'm glad that sarah and i get to huddle up together at home, but she's working from home and i'm already feeling stir crazy, despite only being awake for about an hour and a half today. currently passing the time listening to "welcome oblivion" on vinyl. too on the nose?

  6. #426
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    starbucks has shut down many of their cafe stores in the US. drive-thrus are operating drive-thru only. my store doesn't even have mobile ordering on, so it's literally nothing but drive thru, which i'm sure is pissing off some people.

    they also gave all their partners the option to come in to work for scheduled shifts (and potentially get paid more per hour), or take a 30 day sabbatical but still get paid for whatever your normal scheduled shifts would be. i chose the latter. so i haven't been at work since last tuesday, and i won't be back until at least the middle of april. the idea is relieving but also a bit daunting.

  7. #427
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    I have my post-op appt tomorrow to give me the clearance to finally go back to work (been off since the 11th due to surgery). Being in local tv broadcasting, I have the "privilege" of having a moral and social obligation to provide news to people, so I expect my job to be going despite anything that happens. However, as an asthmatic it is a little concerning to put myself in direct contact with others. I'm going to see what kind of plan they have as far as getting some responsibilities able to be done from home (realistically, there's not a lot) and if I can be one of the first people on that list to try out. I work in Master Control so I'm pretty secluded from everyone, but there's all kinds of equipment that gets touched by several different people every day.

    I'm happy for the jobs people have that are setting things up from home and/or paying people to stay home. I really feel for those that don't have that luxury.

  8. #428
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    ...I work in Master Control...

    sorry, i had to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    yeah, i kind of feel like an asshole for being like "i'm gonna stay home and i'll still get paid" (i mean...not a lot, but i'm still getting paid a little) and it sucks that our capitalist bullshit society is set up in a way that so many people can't do that even though it's what everyone​ should be doing: staying home so no one else gets sick(er)

  9. #429
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    I wish I could stay home.

    But at least Governor Lardass seems to have calmed people down with his stay at home order, last night at work was like a really dead weekday

  10. #430
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    Trying to remotely set up people with work at home solutions that can barely log into a Windows account with less than 24 hours notice is less than ideal.

  11. #431
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    I work as a car mechanic but now the only car I work on is my own I also used to be a carpenter, all shelves, bedside tables and a kitchen table in my house are made by me with a tile saw as suggested on electrogardentools. I guess this quarantine is a great time to remember my old profession. I don't know how I handle this lockdown...
    Last edited by outofthisworld; 04-13-2020 at 01:35 AM.

  12. #432
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    I work as a Resident Manager at a Condominium Complex. I have a crew of 5 and we mask up whenever we have to work in close quarters or enter a unit.....which is on an emergency basis only now, and I no longer allow residents into my office. Other than that it is business as usual. I live on property so technically I am working from home. Very grateful in these times to still have a job and my heart goes out to all of those who have lost theirs because of this.

  13. #433
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    Welp, I'm off work through at least the end of next pay period... I just reached a point where I couldn't do it anymore.
    I'm pretty sure my department's down somewhere around 15 people now.

  14. #434
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    I'm struggling.

    It's been a month at the new job, working remotely, which I'm very thankful for. It was agreed I'd on-board for the job I was originally hired for (1.) AND also help with some software implementation for the whole company (2.). As time has gone on, my responsibilities for 1. have increased, and the bandwidth requirements for 2. have also increased. I'm logging into the server remotely, and transferring gigs of data to the software drive to populate the projects. Meanwhile, I'm also receiving calls via internet for job 1. You can see the bandwidth problem here. I got an in-coming call and had to shut down a huge transfer because my home connection couldn't cope; I'm using ethernet of course.

    So I worked all of the previous week, and about 14-15 hrs over the weekend, and then again all this past week. I really like job 1., but job 2. is burning me out. My goal was to have 30 projects by the end of April, and I'll have 37 I think.... After that I have to go back to my boss and tell him the bandwidth problem prevents me from doing further work, and it's time to roll this out to the team.

    I'm just tired. Fried. It keeps me busy, so I'm not contemplating coronavirus or screaming my head off about Drump new cycles, but every day I'm just damn tired, and it's leading to a different direction of depression. I'm going to push through this weekend, and then that's it.

    The sad thing is that I'm crushing it with job 1. That supervisor is seriously impressed that I've learned/ handled everything remotely, on top of everything else for job 2. I guess I just need some rest. Not today though....guess I'll plug in and get going on this shit.

  15. #435
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    Monday: woo if you have an employee who was awesome and volunteered for an emergency position for the COVID thing here's the guidance on how to get them a bonus!

    Tuesday: This guidance has been rescinded.


  16. #436
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    So I mentioned in another thread about getting a locator job, paint and flags/utilities. Well I got it. Did two weeks training 3 online 2 in field first week, second in field. Used to be half days but Corona... i tested out Tuesday. On my own that afternoon and the last 3 days. Holy shit is it intense. Cable drops, fiber drops, gas and electric are pretty straight forward. I worked 2 10 hour, a 13 and a 12 days since being certified. It's like giving someone with a permit a job driving a semi. In theory it's straight forward but like anything people with experience make it look easy. I've spent 20 years in kitchens. Been the new guy many times. Only now I'm not only the "new guy" but a total fish. Every one I have met seems cool. They get it's a challenging thing being solo. That said, I like it if it is totally foriegn. Slopping mud caked boots is getting my legs a solid work out. I be crushing the 6k steps counter on my watch before noon most days.

  17. #437
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    I'm on the committee for my University's five year strategic plan as it relates to diversity and equity. Our Dean set up a meeting between our committee and someone he used to work with when she was part of our University's leadership. At one point in the Obama administration, she was the Assistant Secretary of Education where she was in charge of policy. I'M TRYING TO APPLY FOR EDUCATION POLICY PHD PROGRAMS.

    The committee is too fucking big with like 15 people and we only had an hour with her. We were given next to no prep for this meeting and were just told that she could potentially help us to identify and apply for grants to support strategic goals. I was anticipating her just talking and then we would meet with her again at a later date. But as it turned out she talked and then we each had like 90 seconds to pitch shit to her on the spot! The group is largely upper-level administrators who I think maybe have kind of lost the focus of the committee and/or policy. A lot of talk about increasing applications as a whole with no mention of increasing the *diversity* of applicants, or better career services again with no mention of equity or diversity. These are all definitely critical components of the school, but as happens in the professional environment, everyone focused on their area instead of the students.

    She did a lot of smiling and nodding and was just rapid-fire going through everyone to give all who wanted it the chance to speak. I was at the end, but she legit seemed interested in my idea, and EVEN ASKED ME SOME FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS AND REACHED OUT PERSONALLY AFTER.

    I'm so tempted to ask about resources for grant-writing or something along those lines just to make a connection. But I don't know how to network or act like a person (especially via Zoom) and I don't know if this would be considered unprofessional, etc. But even if I am unable to do this, it was such a huge moment! Policy is a tedious area that often gets brushed aside because many people, even those with elite educations, do not get and/or care about it. So to have something even as small as that validated by someone at that level was fucking awesome.

  18. #438
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    If you've been working from home since the coronavirus closure, what has your job done about your unused vacation/personal days?

    My job runs on the fiscal year July 1st - June 30th, and it's just now dawning on me that I still have all this time left over. My job won't compensate them for us (we're a non-profit) - but given this unique situation where we're expected be on "on call" online, it just felt weird to take any time off since we're all on our phones and computers anyways now. None of my other coworkers have taken time off either since the closure. Normally, before coronavirus, my job would be like "if you don't use it, you lose it."

    My job also doesn't have an HR, so I'm thinking of asking my boss what's up but don't want to come off too desparate either. Is it inappropriate to ask?

  19. #439
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    I saw this weeks ago and printed it out for everyone here who are working at home.

    You need to be taking time for yourself in all this. I took last Friday off because I needed to help my wife out with something. I took Spring Break off even though all campsites were closed and I cleaned the garage. (ok bad example there...lol) and I'm taking next week off for the Fourth even though all the campsites are still closed (until September?!? the fuck) and I don't feel bad about it.

  20. #440
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    Thanks @allegate This time is so weird!

  21. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by ickyvicky View Post
    If you've been working from home since the coronavirus closure, what has your job done about your unused vacation/personal days?

    My job runs on the fiscal year July 1st - June 30th, and it's just now dawning on me that I still have all this time left over. My job won't compensate them for us (we're a non-profit) - but given this unique situation where we're expected be on "on call" online, it just felt weird to take any time off since we're all on our phones and computers anyways now. None of my other coworkers have taken time off either since the closure. Normally, before coronavirus, my job would be like "if you don't use it, you lose it."

    My job also doesn't have an HR, so I'm thinking of asking my boss what's up but don't want to come off too desparate either. Is it inappropriate to ask?
    I'm not anywhere close to my carryover limit, but I've still been taking the vacation days that I would normally take. Particularly around finals when I needed time off to focus on papers.

    It's your time that you've earned. I would not feel weird about asking about it at all. Though I also know the culture in small nonprofits can be difficult to navigate.

  22. #442
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    Our morning anchor was in Arizona over the weekend (which required a flight, obviously), and was back to work this morning. No self-quarantine, no test, no mask. And I was originally salty and a bit pissed with this person, but they said they reached out to HR/direct supervisor and was told that wasn't necessary and to come in and resume work. Despite the fact that we have to "check-in" every day with a form with our temperature and a bunch of "yes/no" questions, which specifically ask if you've been on a flight anywhere, and if so, that you would need to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to work.

    I run teleprompter/floor direct which is right in close proximity to this person (but probably still 6 feet away). I have asthma. I'm fucking way not cool with this. So I email our HR person and instantly get a rather blasé response back that the "travel ban" has been lifted as of this weekend and quarantine is no longer necessary. And that a face mask is only required when not on air or within 6 feet of others. So our forms are basically crap. They clearly don't care about anyone's health. I'm completely flabbergasted right now.

  23. #443
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Our morning anchor was in Arizona over the weekend (which required a flight, obviously), and was back to work this morning. No self-quarantine, no test, no mask. And I was originally salty and a bit pissed with this person, but they said they reached out to HR/direct supervisor and was told that wasn't necessary and to come in and resume work. Despite the fact that we have to "check-in" every day with a form with our temperature and a bunch of "yes/no" questions, which specifically ask if you've been on a flight anywhere, and if so, that you would need to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to work.

    I run teleprompter/floor direct which is right in close proximity to this person (but probably still 6 feet away). I have asthma. I'm fucking way not cool with this. So I email our HR person and instantly get a rather blasé response back that the "travel ban" has been lifted as of this weekend and quarantine is no longer necessary. And that a face mask is only required when not on air or within 6 feet of others. So our forms are basically crap. They clearly don't care about anyone's health. I'm completely flabbergasted right now.
    I hire nurses and providers that do those temperature checks and yes/no questions haha.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  24. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    I'm not anywhere close to my carryover limit, but I've still been taking the vacation days that I would normally take. Particularly around finals when I needed time off to focus on papers.

    It's your time that you've earned. I would not feel weird about asking about it at all. Though I also know the culture in small nonprofits can be difficult to navigate.
    I wrote to them and they said they're going to think about it since it's a unique situation.

  25. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by ItsChrisRoss View Post
    I hire nurses and providers that do those temperature checks and yes/no questions haha.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Oh, get this. Ours are all self - filled in, I guess with the honor system. There's a thermometer on the table and you're either supposed to use it there or at home and just write it in. The whole thing is a joke. The forms aren't even checked daily.

  26. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Oh, get this. Ours are all self - filled in, I guess with the honor system. There's a thermometer on the table and you're either supposed to use it there or at home and just write it in. The whole thing is a joke. The forms aren't even checked daily.
    remind me to come yell at your station

  27. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by halo eighteen View Post
    Oh, get this. Ours are all self - filled in, I guess with the honor system. There's a thermometer on the table and you're either supposed to use it there or at home and just write it in. The whole thing is a joke. The forms aren't even checked daily.
    Holy cow. They would not not fly here haha.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  28. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    remind me to come yell at your station
    Please do. Wednesday update: We (the other anchor, myself, and the meteorologist) all convinved this anchorperson to get tested this morning after the news. Probably really too fucking late at this point, but we were all adamant that she do this for peace of mind. She was so distraught over the testing procedure, and then the thought of omg having to quarantine if it's positive. I'm glad the other anchor said she's incredibly self-righteous and a danger to everyone she comes into contact with.

    I just fucking cannot with this place right now.

  29. #449
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    I kinda miss when I had more time for here. My employers saw all my potential and promoted me to a new position as they restructured the company. Unfortunately this means I'm now working 7am - 6pm on damage control and operations, with very little time for anything else. Then it's dinner, exercise, sleep.

    I miss posting here more. I'm reading though.

  30. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnetic View Post
    I kinda miss when I had more time for here. My employers saw all my potential and promoted me to a new position as they restructured the company. Unfortunately this means I'm now working 7am - 6pm on damage control and operations, with very little time for anything else. Then it's dinner, exercise, sleep.

    I miss posting here more. I'm reading though.
    i hope you're getting paid a fuckton for working 11 hours a day. jesus christ.

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